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A20 LEE My New Daily..

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Here's a pic of the standard of prep required to chrome stuff. All these parts are steel took bl**dy ages. They were paint stripped, sanded with 240/600/800 then buffed with a dremel. Still working on the subframe so pics to follow, hopefully not to long....


Gearbox, can't afford it yet. Maybe next month.


Looks awesome, Lee. I bet you've worn your fingers down to nubbins...:lol:[/quote:bf4df]


true, not had finger prints since i started the gearbox before christmas:lol:


Got everything to the chromers today, they remembered me so got a good deal. They said that the finish on the parts i'd polished wasn't good enough. Gutted, but he said he'd give them the a quick buff on one of their wheels and give them a good coat for me. Love getting bits to the chromer's feels like i'm finally making some progress.


CoxyLaaaaaaaad!, you could be right but lets face it, if your paying £10-£15 to get in to a show you want to see some properly prepared cars. UK cars aren't a patch on the US show cars, ever watch Hot Rod Build Off with Jimmy Shine. Thats just scary detailing for example making sure the text on the tyres is line up with the spoke on each wheel. I'm happy if my local tyre fitters don't mark the rims!!

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Picked up my chroming today. Really chuffed with it, makes all the hardwork and prep seem worth while when you see it all plated up on the counter. Gearbox and subframe are going next friday! :D Can't wait to see the complete enginebay.

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Bling.....bling! I'm looking forward to seeing this box at a show, finished with all the bolts etc.


Lee could you ask your chroming people if they could chrome a g-lader, its made of magnesium alloy I think.

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insanity! wouldnt it be quicker just to dunk the whole car in the chroming tank and be done with it? ;)


does the chrome plating add much weight? just out of curiosity!

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Bling.....bling! I'm looking forward to seeing this box at a show, finished with all the bolts etc.


Lee could you ask your chroming people if they could chrome a g-lader, its made of magnesium alloy I think.


You get me a G60 casing stripped and polished and i'll get it chromed for you.

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I can't believe you have chromed the ball joints on the tie rods, they are inside black rubber boots! or are you getting clear ones made :)





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insanity! wouldnt it be quicker just to dunk the whole car in the chroming tank and be done with it? ;)


does the chrome plating add much weight? just out of curiosity!


Its very thin, guess it would add 10g to the gearbox end plate in the pics. The trackrod's do it for me from some reason. Just thinking about powdercoating all the chroming clear. It will dull it down a little but should save me from having to have it all redone later. Wish i had a garage!!

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I can't believe you have chromed the ball joints on the tie rods, they are inside black rubber boots! or are you getting clear ones made :)






Can't help myself, this is the bit of a project i love. Stripping stuff down and rebuilding it better. Shame alot of these bits won't be seen but i like doing it. The great thing about the forum is you can document this stuff which you could never explain at a show, and people learn what's involved so they can do it themselves.

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certainly not as much weight as dynamat then ;)


looking forwards to seeing the finished article at a show this year (or as finished as it gets this year ;))

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Very nice indeed.


Same reason I put as much stuff as I can in my own members gallery, though it's not quite the size of this one or Jays! It's a permanent reminder of what you've done and a great archive of the cars history, were I to sell it (yeah right!).

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Can't help myself, this is the bit of a project i love. Stripping stuff down and rebuilding it better. Shame alot of these bits won't be seen but i like doing it.

well if you ever finish yours and get the itch to do some more I will start sending bits down :D

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hi lee absolutely beautiful car mate just gets better and better really hope i can see it in the flesh this summer! how often u drive her?


Not sure i'll get to any shows this year. Never know, but this stage of my car's build is the most expensive even though is not going to be a great deal better. Don't drive it that much anymore as the headgasket is leaking slightly so, don't want it to blow before I can get the car over to dubsport for the rebuild. Got to get the new gearbox built up first which is going to cost alot with the chrome and ATB. Basically money is the problem not enthusiasm.

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Can't help myself, this is the bit of a project i love. Stripping stuff down and rebuilding it better. Shame alot of these bits won't be seen but i like doing it.

well if you ever finish yours and get the itch to do some more I will start sending bits down :D


If you polish em' no problem. Interesting you say "if you ever finish"....

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Lee so what's your plan 2nd PVW cover in months ?

Nice work Lee I'm getting a gear box next weekend to polish up for my VR6 not sure if I'm gonna have it chromed though, it needs a rebuild so I'm gonna have someone take it apart for me. I traded my good gear box I was gonna rebuild anyways for some BBS Splitties and a broken gear box :)

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Lee so what's your plan 2nd PVW cover in months ?

Nice work Lee I'm getting a gear box next weekend to polish up for my VR6 not sure if I'm gonna have it chromed though, it needs a rebuild so I'm gonna have someone take it apart for me. I traded my good gear box I was gonna rebuild anyways for some BBS Splitties and a broken gear box :)


Don't know. Now i've done PVW its no big deal anymore, same with shows too. The car won 17 awards last year so there really nothing more to achieve in that respect either. My aim now is to just do it for myself, in my own time rather than rushing stuff.


If your polishing a box, i'd say chrome it, it will save you masses of time cleaning it. Mine just been sat in the spare room and needs buffing already. Never been near a road!! I've heard that chroming is about half the cost in the US compared to the UK. You've gotta gold plate the centres of the BBS, thats the big thing for this year.


TMT McCoy, thanks man. You've been there and done that so you'll know that feeling of collecting a fresh pile of chroming

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