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Raddo suprise at work !

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After 6 mnths of ribbing at work about loving my car more than sex or drink, a wierd thing happened today. I have been working for the same company for 10 yrs this month, not that i'd noticed, but my boss had.


Rather than the team buying me a beer down the local and embarresing me infront of the whole of marketing digging up some dirt, I got a quiet wink and found these on my desk!!!!!...............................


He had grabbed this pick of my car off the forum, tweaked it and got these made up. :) :)


There probably all laughing at me now, and i know my cars not the best, but i'm actually quite chuffed!!

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There was a T-shirt as well ! However, I am undecided on that one.


Its a fine line there between it being funny/bit tungue in cheek wearing it, and people thinking you think your cars great which it is'nt and being an anorak!


If i get drunk ill put it on at 38 for a laugh

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Dinkus - obviously not as they dont have stone chips/scratches and dents!


Furki - having seen yours in the flesh, yours is worth putting on a T-shirt mate.

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No rice mate. You were palked next 2 2 other c's, by the neon signage?

Mine was the furtherest from you, the one between us was on speedlines i think. or am i going mad ??

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ohh ok mate,,,,, ohh yeah that time i washed it specially lol but the exhaust was buggered hopefully be 100% for edition

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Nice touch, definately a lot of thought there. I know when I go back to work after days off no one ever says what have you been up to it's always what have you been doing to the car!

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likewise, and they dont understand at all. But then i cant see the appeal of sitting in the same pub 7 nights a week, or talking about football 11 hrs a day and taking that so seriously---its AAA GAAMMEEE!. Each to there own i spose


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Hey thats really great Nick.

Good bunch of guys you're with there that they'd take trouble to do something meaningful for you. So often you come away with what feels, sadly, like a token gesture.

Got to see the shirt next time you're over this way.

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Nice mate you must be chuffed, have to bring it all to E38.


I had noticed the rubber glove but you beat me to it - but nobodies asked yet so I will


Whats with the rubber glove!?!

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Yeah, Green Gloves?


Otherwise nice touch. Beats going down the pub to chat with people that you'd rather not speak to outside of work.

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... my work however, probably be an AA membership :lol:


AA membership? probably even more apt for a rado owner!


Thats a nice thought though. You can tell your boss I think he's a good lad.


[if you like - not compulsary]

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Beats going down the pub to chat with people that you'd rather not speak to outside of work


Spot on mate!


Cheers guys, was quite suprised! apparantly £13 for the mug and mouse matt! £15 for the T-shirt and they are all suprisingly good quality if anyone wants to send me a pick of theres ill gettem done for you!!

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