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girfriends x paint stripped my car all over

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if you knew who did this to your car what would you do..???

my girlfrinds x did this to my highline vr6 monday ngt. golf was just finished ready to sell so i could get another corrado. :mad:

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That's sooooooooo out of order it's not even on the scale of out-of-order-ness...


Shop him to the cops as a kiddie-fiddler, it'd be justice served...


Just seeing that makes me angry... :(

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Shop him to the cops as a kiddie-fiddler, it'd be justice served...


Better still, get a few banner's made up.

Put one in his garden and scatter the rest around his area.

Make sure you put his name on them.

"X Is a Paedophile!"


Alternatively, go round to his house and face him like a man.

The snivelling coward will probably turn to jelly and pay to fix it.

A real man would never do that to someone's property!

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now that is f**ked up.


I'd find it very very difficult not to completely f**k him up.


My mate has just had similar happen to his TT. Except not girlfriend related, it was his dad. [long story!] I have a lot of respect for him for not doing anything physical.

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he threatened me in town one ngt. saying stay away from her or your car will get it. i said hows about we go somewhere now and sort it properly. he backed off and offered to shake my hand!!!! obviously i said f*** off and walk on. then this happens. hes all gob wen hes in his car. but face on hes bugger all. this happened monday ngt. i drove around by his house next evening and he was fitting a security camera to his house overlooking hhis car. bit of a co- incidence hey???

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depends on how you got your girlfriend off him???



but still def out of order what u need to do is stick a spear through his waist and put 3 slices in his a s s with something like a samurai sword,,,imagine him trying to sit down

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what the hell is this..hate VW month..recently there has been damage to several vws on here..today and old fogey reversed into my c


man id go face up to him and tel him whats what and if he dont like it goto the cops.or tell him you have him on cctv and order him to pay up..if he doesnt tell him you WILL go to the cops

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does anyone know of people who can trash web sites if required. he`s got his own site with 4000 users or something. thats his pride and joy. all he does is play internet geek. hense why girlfriend left him...... if that was messed over that would hurt him more than any punch

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he was fitting a security camera to his house overlooking hhis car.


nothing that would deter someone wearing a balaclava :mad:


and just to add,if he hasnt got a little sticker saying that he has cctv,then it cant be used in a court of law,but its all a bit of a grey area tbh... :(

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F...ed up man, really sorry to see that.


-Post him some dog sh.t

-Tell him you've also sha..ed his mum

-Sand in the petrol tank

-Try and poor milk in his car somehow (full fat is best)

-Put his phone number on a gay lonely heart add in the local paper


Then shop him but be sure to tell the coppers he speeds regularly or they won't be interested!

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the sad part is my girlfriend left him over a year ago!! i`ve known her 5 months. he`s found out we`re thinking of getting a place and he`s kicked off.

i fitted a camera at sharons house. he come around and totalled her company car.. all recorded. he went to court. got ordered to pay costs and walked outt!!!! then this happens 2 weeks later. unfortunately where i live parking is quite a way from my house and no chace of a camera..



guess i`ve got to by`d my time and get him sorted in 6 months time when things have quietened down.

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Also take some picks of the car (or save that one) so when people come to buy it you can show why it had paint, ie not a shunt (rather a c..t!)

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good idea on the sales pointer. will do.. it was totally mint on monday. i spent 6 hours waxing and polishing. he could have done it the day earlier the bastard. would have saved my arms then>> got to joke otherwise i`ll cry

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Well my previous post was half serious half trying to get you laughing, but the sales thing is worth while. I would'nt mind if it had been painted for that reason. But if you dont know you allways suspect its been munched.


Really am angry for you though mate, make your blood boil and feel so helpless.

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lternatively, go round to his house and face him like a man.

The snivelling coward will probably turn to jelly and pay to fix it.

A real man would never do that to someone's property!


im with this guy, stooping to his level is just gonna turn it into a childish battle. face that no good fuck, and demand he pay for the repair, unless the dudes like 300 pounds and looks very angry


...oh and tell the imature moron to move on, whats the deal with him picking on you, just cos your dating his ex, i can see why she broke up with the dude :roll:

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i'm sorry but what is this guys problem, i know it's not very pc but i would have to give this guy a f****** good hideing what kind of moron thinks that this is justified, people like this are why i keep a baseball bat in the boot of my car, i feel for ya buddy and my advice should'nt really be cosidered but hay what a imature, spineless, geeky little p**** :mad:

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no point going tit-for-tat, you'll just end up in trouble yourself and these things have a habbit of getting very out of hand. Personally I'd go round to his, knock on the door and see what he does. My bet is he'll shit a brick. Dont be threatening about it, just explain you know it was him and if its not sorted out you'll press charges with the police. I guess the only tricky part is proving it really was him (although it seems obvious) in order to get him prosecuted.


A mate told me about a simular incident with some people he works with, theres a couple, very happy, living together etc etc and another guy they work with whos pretty obsessed with the lass. the two blokes had a bit of a barny after the obsessed bloke bought the lass some flowers and asked her out, next day the boyfriends car was key'd on every panel, and not in a way that was easy to polish out! it was obvious who'd done it so he went round this guys house and confronted him, and it ended up with the guy paying to fix it.

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That is well bad!

Personally I'd go round and tell him that he's paying for it, and if he doesn't then calmly walk off. What ever you do, don't threaten him, cos he sounds like a chickensh1t and will run to the police and you'll get nicked for abuse.

It's always more menacing when you intimidate someone without shouting or going mad.


No doubt he'll be bricking it now and wondering what you're gonna do, keep him sweet for a week, then next time your behind him, knock the living sh1t out of him! Then shag his mom and kill his dog!

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