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Corrado 'Heap Of Junk' Shocker

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Hi Everyone


I've just bought my first corrado, a lovely 16v model which I am chuffed to bits with. It's in great condition and will hopefully post pics soon.

Anyway, it seems my next door neighbour is not happy about having to look out onto my C - he went on a rant one day (out of the blue) and, amongst other insults, branded my new car a HEAP OF JUNK!?


Now, I was pretty annoyed, but wait till you hear what he drives -

the ultimate status symbol, the BMW 316/318i !!!(can't remember which)

I found this hilarious coming from a 30 ish year old guy slating my choice of vehicle, which I think is pretty good for a 19 year old university student!


Come on everyone, I encourage you to give your views on this story- and I would like to print the responses and personally hand them to him.





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lol - is he that pitiful that he has to diss your choice of car?! Clearly has too much time on his hands. My car enthusiast neighbour used to do nothing but compliment my Corrado's.. and he has a nice spanking new 350Z and a superb Capri 2.8i Turbo!


Point him at any of the endless reviews that did nothing but praise the Corrado, and remind him that styling and design work on the Corrado started in 1981 - i'm pretty sure its aged considerably better than his BMW.

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Welcome to The Forum... 8)


Ignore your neighbour, he obviously has no taste... :roll:


Or, ask him what major motoring journalists have said about his car... nothing 'cos they're no-descript and boring... then smile and mention that at least 4 major UK motoring publications have labelled the Corrado as a Classic car and as the 90's BEST coupe... 8)

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he is just jealous mate, don't bother arguing with him cos he obvioulsy does not know anything worthwhile...being a low caste BMW driver he don't know s**t

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Sell the C and buy an Allegro. See what he says then. :?

LMAO - but beware... We don't know if he wears polyester slacks and a tank-top or maybe cords and a sports jacket (with faux-leather elbow patches) :?

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He might be gay




Its got to be jealously or stupidity. Sounds like the kinda person who buys a car based on what the adverts tell him. People like that know nothing about cars. If he wants to join the ranks of the bland masses let him. He hasnt even got a decent engine in his car!!


Typical bottom of the rung model driver, thinks he drives an M3 or something. You should be proud to have such a presitigious (sp) car that had and still does draw so much respect.


I would point and laugh at him when you see him next.

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I would expect those sort of comments from a BMW driver tbh. They generally think they're a cut above the rest. I think BMWs are fantastic cars (318/320 aside perhaps) but I can't bring myself to own one as it's instant membership to the biggest group of T*ssers on the road.

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Yep, sounds like a typical mornoic BMW driver, he would rather have a clapped out entry level BMW then a top spec of a different car that is far superior in every way, he is obviously seriously deluded if he thinks he has a cool car, and you have a C 16v at 19!!

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hi and welcome to the forum..

you've gotta love peoples opinions when there not even asked for, and coming from a 3 series driver i love it.... as son of a beesting said, just point and laugh when yo see him he obviously going to go through his whole life with no idea, you should feel sorry him really... :lol:

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Welcome to the forum.


He's jealous, I would be if I had a BMW 318 and the 19 year old neighbour had a Corrado!


The Corrado has got more power, more class, and it's more unique.


One thing it hasn't got.....A w*nker like that at the wheel! Tell him to stick his BMW 316/318 up his rectum, back where the peice of $hit came from

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@ musicman PMSL, nearly spat my lunch all over the monitor!!


I had a 318i on a F plate and it was nice car but in comparison my C is a million miles ahead of it in terms of comfort, roadholding and standard equipment.


He sounds like a badge hoar to me.

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i like the allegro comment - i would use something along those lines and say, "You'd obviously feel more comfortable if I bought something like and allegro but that would still be more original than your beemer and still make it look sh1t!!!!


What a moron.

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I'm starting to think maybe this guy has deeper psychological problems, maybe you should ask him how things are at home? is his wife having an affair? or maybe he's not satisfying her? was he abused/bullied as a child?

Im just imaging his face when you ask him? LOL.

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The man (I say man in it's broadest possible term) is quite obviously a complete pr*ck.


Tell him to feck off. BMW owner :lol: pr*ck

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This made me laugh... 316's + 318's

bottom rung of the BMW gene pool :dorky: ,no matter how new it is.


its not worthy of any praise unless its a 328 or a diesel jobby !


Beemers used to be special once,honed and genuine quality

Now they are just mass produced crap,I'd rather a Honda :oops:




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welcome to the forum mate, glad to see a fellow student with a good taste in cars, unlike your neighbour!!

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