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?!*$ing vr wont start!

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ARGH! just popped home for lunch and to drop off some polyfiller for the guy decorating one of my rooms, I was already late back from lunch when I tried to start the VR and...nothing! I'd driven it from work to home about 15mins before and it was fine! its turning over, just not firing up. I've tried the old trick of tapping the starter with a hammer which worked once on my old 16v (worth a shot) but nowt.


I've had intermittent problems for the last few weeks with the car stalling at junctions and every now and again something missing a beat resulting in a kangaroo hop, didnt seem to be dependant on revs, speed or temperature - just as and when it felt like it.


I've used the search and found a few things to check before anyone suggests it, but the other symptoms might help narrow things down a bit.


so far i'm thinking:

Fuel pump

Crank sensor


Dizzy cap or leads (although they were checked recently and were fine)


anyone got any pearls of wisdom?

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You listened to hear whether fuel system is priming when you turn on the ignition?

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yeah, theres the familiar 'wuuuurrrrm' noise as the pump primes, then as i turn the key to start it theres a constant 'click click click' along side the normal noise of the engine turning over, but it doesnt want to fire.


been doing a little more reading via the search, could the clicking be a dead ISV?

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check plus too, mine used to oil up and that would cause it to just refuse to start.

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Is the clicking sound coming from inside the car - ie a relay??


I'd start by re-seating your fuel pump relay and checking the crank sensor wiring...

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alright mate,


this may sound very stupid but have you checked the voltage from your battery?


mine (16v) had similar problems, whilst I was cussing the immob and everything else under the sun the smart ar$e car decided to start after a quick charge from a friendly RAC relay van.


Hope you get it sorted.



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I've not really had chance to check much since i had to get back to the office, I'll check the battery voltage and relays tonight. Fuel pump relay is 109 isnt it? The clicking is coming from the engine bay, although I've noticed alot of clicking coming from inside the car recently, like when I pump the brakes while stationary... wasnt sure if it was normal or not?


how do I check the crank sensor? where is it?

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First of all you need to check if you're getting fuel/spark. Is you're not, it's likely to be the immobiliser, ignition switch or crank sensor. If you have fuel but no spark, it's the coil, if you have spark but no fuel it's the pump (or it's relay!). If you have neither it could well be relay 109 - if you have a grey one, it's known to "rot" with age, so get a new one asap. The later black ones are supposed to be ok.


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ok well i can rule out the immobiliser for a start since it doesnt have a VW one, its got one built into the toad alarm which, when active, doesnt even let the car turn over.


how do I check if i'm getting fuel and/or spark?

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I have had a fuel pump go- AA fella bashed the top of the fuel pump cover and tried again and it fired for about 5 secs before dying again- didn't help me get home but at least it showed what it was(think the vibrations free it a bit for a few secs)


The I had the FP relay come unseated- exact same symptoms as when the pump went- I am sure it wasn't 109 tho- maybe number 53?



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bit more of an update, tried it again when i got home, and on the 3rd try after turning the engine over for 5 or 6 seconds on the first 2 tries it fired up quite happily, no lumpyness, no stuttering and smooth idle. Could this indicate a crank sensor problem? loosing resolution(?) for a bit then suddenly regaining it? i tried it a few times after it started and it seemed ok...

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yup i think vag-com is the next move... so long as it keep going enough to get it to somewhere thats got it! thankfully i'm off for the next few days and theres a decent auto tuners close to me with vag-com.

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Oh yeah, and it occurs that if the ECU has no power the rev counter won't twitch when you're turning the starter over ..

It should move a little when on the starter if the ECU is active and trying to start the car. (The dials are all electronic, iirc.)

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chris i would still check your battery sounds like its dropping its volts, could be on its way out.

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it did it again today, utterly failed to fire on numerous attempts. I'd not had time to investigate fully, just happy it seemed to be working again until now. Anyway, as I was turning the key there was a wurring humming sound coming from where the fuses are, so i quickly wipped off the cover and found at least 4 for the relays werent seated correctly, mostly pushed 'up' a little, so i reseated them (read shoved them in properly) and it fired first time! god knows how they came loose, I'll take them out and reseat them properly later on and hopfully that should solve that!

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it did it again today, utterly failed to fire on numerous attempts. I'd not had time to investigate fully, just happy it seemed to be working again until now. Anyway, as I was turning the key there was a wurring humming sound coming from where the fuses are, so i quickly wipped off the cover and found at least 4 for the relays werent seated correctly, mostly pushed 'up' a little, so i reseated them (read shoved them in properly) and it fired first time! god knows how they came loose, I'll take them out and reseat them properly later on and hopfully that should solve that!


the same happens on mine, i just push them back into place

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