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Just seen this advert on tv for car insurance !

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Just seen a very funny advert ontv for a new car insurance company offering cheaper car insurance for women only, really funny, features two aussie sheep farmers in a bar and then this ad comes on the tv and they start ripping it a bit !


Company is called sheilaswheels, check it out at:





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isn't it weird that an insurer giving preferential treatment to women is acceptable, yet a male-oriented one would be sexist...?




will have to keep an eye out for the ad though...:)

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Im sure all the facts about women drivers were proved wrong a few years ago.


Apparently, most women were on their hubby/partners insurance. So if/when they had an accident, whos policy did it come off?? MMM...


I may be wrong though, anyone.................????????

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it tends to be (statistically) that when a woman has an car accident it tends to be a lesser payout cost than when a man has an accident... Hence them being less expensive to insure... The actual NUMBER of accidents is pretty much the same be it a male or a female driver...


(our news team did a load of research on this not long ago... 8) )

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I was going to put what I had statiscally heard about women drivers but got a cold shiver as I dont want to be accused of being sexist!!


Lets love and respect everyone (apart from BMW drivers..) :D

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I saw the advert the other night and thought it had to be a micky-take, until it finished without a punchline. most bizarre, but its memorable i suppose.


isn't it weird that an insurer giving preferential treatment to women is acceptable, yet a male-oriented one would be sexist...?


I agree with you there, I thought the same thing when they first started these 'women only' insurance companies but in truth they will insure men too, they're required to by law so as not to discriminate. It'd be interesting to see if their policies are actually that much cheaper for women or if they just play on the fact that very few women shop around for insurance.

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"We found that women claim less, are responsible for far fewer driving convictions and have attitudes towards cars, driving and other road users that are often more considered than those of their male counterparts. We wanted to reward these differences and decided that we needed a new brand and a whole new look at car insurance for women to make it happen."


My GF just got snapped doing 110 on the m25 in her little ford ka, she will go for gaps that will make me breath in quickly and pull one shoulder in close to my torso.

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isn't it weird that an insurer giving preferential treatment to women is acceptable, yet a male-oriented one would be sexist...?


Yeah, I find this wierd too. But then it's like companies that will only take older people.

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It's all positive discrimination which I personally feel is wrong, however in alot of areas the government encourage.


However, if I rang sheilas wheels or diamond or any of the other insurers and they refused to deal with me due to me being male, could I sue for discrimination!!??!!

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However, if I rang sheilas wheels or diamond or any of the other insurers and they refused to deal with me due to me being male, could I sue for discrimination!!??!!


You could indeed!! What you should do is phone up put on a girls voice and then phone up and talk normal and see what changes in the outcome!!

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I would have thought they'd be clever enough to have found some clause or loophole in the law to stop themselves being sued. We're talking about an insurance company after all!!

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I would imagine that the 'female only' insurers will still technicall insure males, but they'll just quote you something horrendously expensive as your premium.

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I just got a quote for them using Alex's details, they wouldn't give an online quote for the VR but for the golf it was £395 comprehensive.

£273 comp for me.

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I would imagine that the 'female only' insurers will still technicall insure males, but they'll just quote you something horrendously expensive as your premium.[/quote


not stictly true, for my first 2 years of driving i was insured by Diamond for my 1.6 MK2, they 'only' wanted £1,300 when everyone else wanted £2,500!! never hurts to get a quote IMO!

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I am fairly sure there was a case in the EU that ruled that companies offering insurance for woman with a lower rate was illegal, but hey you can get the stupid EU courts to agree to anything!

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my g/f has her mk2 gti insured through diamond, best price by far, and £30 cheaper when adding me to the policy!

I bet it would've cost more to put it in my name and add her though!

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