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A close shave...

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It was a mountain road he did it on (with me clenching me cheeks in the passenger seat) but it was a clear day in terms of foggage. He's a very good driver though so I felt comfortable with it ;-)

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It was a mountain road he did it on (with me clenching me cheeks in the passenger seat) but it was a clear day in terms of foggage. He's a very good driver though so I felt comfortable with it ;-)


Lol guys :lol:


I may have been doing what was approaching 130 up a bumpy mountain road (pre new tarmac Graeme) but I didn't come on here to post about nearly crashing ;)


And I wasn't driving outside the speed limit ;)

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Who said anything about speed limits having anything to do with it? :lol:


Sounds like you had a close call though mate - I remember being in my dad's car blatting along a windy B-road once and coming round a corner doing 60 to be greeted by a comine harvester blocking the entire road, doing 4mph.


That was a little interesting. Luckily we were ok tho.


But as the guys say, it's an occupational hazard that there could be anything around the bend ahead. By law, if you drive into the back of someone then it's your fault and it's a fair argument. Similarly, there's a difference between your car-control limits and the limits of how far you can see and stop in. You have to balance things and make sure that the risks you do take are reasonable.


Sounds like you were withing your limits as a driver and the car's limits of adhesion, so the fact that some idiot parked a tractor in the road was pretty unlucky and you still had space to swerve and use the other side of the road and/or verge if needed to avoid it.

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.......and if a family of 5 in a Nissan Micra were coming the other way when said swervage occurred?

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.......and if a family of 5 in a Nissan Micra were coming the other way when said swervage occurred?


Why even bother posting that?


What have you added to this post?


That's a ridiculous mindset to have. What if I come out of my house tomorrow morning, and a lump of ice discarded from a passing Aeroplane lands on my head and kills me? Best not step out of the house, eh?


What if I have a blowout on my local A road, and kill a family of 5 in a Nissan Micra? I guess, that would make it my fault for running silly profile tyres and driving recklessly/at excessive speed? Better put some sensible "normal" tyres eh?


What if one day you decide to use your car to its potential in a legal way on a track, but you have a freak accident and end up killing 20 onlookers, including 10 kids? Better not go on a track day, eh?

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The scooby's at fault.


The tractor's at fault.


The mud's at fault.


The 4x4's at fault.


Halogen's are at fault.


Night-time's at fault.






Of course.

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The scooby's at fault.


The tractor's at fault.


The mud's at fault.


The 4x4's at fault.


Halogen's are at fault.


Night-time's at fault.






Of course.




For the record, my girlfriend said today i wasn't even doing 60, didn't think I'd have to mention it, but whatever.


Also, did I say they were at fault? They were contributing factors, be it large contributing factors to an incident that could have been a lot more serious than it was.


Best not go out of the house tomoro anyway, you know, JUST IN CASE. What if, and all that.

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he is telling us about this because:

he was scared

there were others at fault

only way to avoid would have been not sittting his driving test, as every driver has been in a situation like this when the only way to avoid it would be to drive at a ridiculously slow speed! which just aint gonna happen!

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Ah so your girlfriend was actually more observant than you? ;)


Did you say they were at fault? Thread description....


Description: Effing tractors, Effing Scooby drivers .... mud etc .... 4x4's HID etc


Best not go out of the house? Up to you. Depends how you drive.

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Do you slow to 30 every time you have a car go the opposite way then, or have a car behind you?


Apart from being night-time, there was no poor visibility, the only poor visibility was caused by someone deciding to sit on my bumper and someone coming the other way.

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he is telling us about this because:

he was scared


Fair enough


there were others at fault


But not him.


only way to avoid would have been not sittting his driving test, as every driver has been in a situation like this when the only way to avoid it would be to drive at a ridiculously slow speed! which just aint gonna happen!


Not the only way to avoid. Driving at 40 or even 50 perhaps.

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Ah so your girlfriend was actually more observant than you? ;)


Did you say they were at fault? Thread description....


Description: Effing tractors, Effing Scooby drivers .... mud etc .... 4x4's HID etc


Best not go out of the house? Up to you. Depends how you drive.


More observant than me? Hmm, well, I was trying to keep my car and both of us in one piece so I wasn't looking at the speedo. Next time you are in a similat situation, I'd like you to take the time out to look at the speedo for me please, thanks.


Yep, f*cking tractors, and f*cking scooby drivers.


In this thread it has already been said that the guy shouldn't have left his tractor there at that time of night with no lights on. The guy shouldn't have been up my arse. Where in this sentence have I said they're at fault?






See the difference here?


As for the comment about my driving, that's a bit personal, coming from a mod. That shouldn't surprise me though.

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So whilst you're swerving around a tractor at what I must assume would've been 40 or 50mph, she's looking at the speedo? Very vigilant.


At no point have you admitted one ounce of possible guilt so I must assume that everyone else is at fault seeing as though you're swearing about them.


Comment about your driving? Expected from a mod? Which comment please?

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Best not go out of the house? Up to you. Depends how you drive.


That comment.


It may have been taken in the wrong context, now I look at it again, in which case I apologise.

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I think you struggle to get 5 people in a micra :norty:


As for who's fault etc - who cares?


No one got hurt and thats all that really matters, if you learn from it then thats a bonus too.


On a legal front the tractor driver is also at fault for not cleaning the mud from the road.

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On the way to my girlfriends there is another corner that regularly has mud across it and is slippery all winter - are they actually required by law to clean it up?

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Yup, thats the information I have, even if it means booking a roadsweeper.


It is not often enforced though, sadly.

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