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Sitting with the gf at a "pub party" an announcement comes out

"Could the owner of the red (a little pause..thinking it could be having corrado shouted out lol) car, a Scirooco please move because he is blocking somebody else"


:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:


Annoyed me lol, then I went to move out and then a woman said to me "oh is that your scirooco outside" Grr, i kindly explained to her & her hubby that it wasnt a scirroco, but a corrado.


Then when i moved t somewhere else i got a bloke said "ah right so it was your scirrocco in the way then haha" i went "nope, it a C O R R A D O mate!" he went oooh we were close... i nearly burst into tears!!!


Gotta put my badge back on!

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of course they could have been wanting to see if you'll "bite"...........i know it took me a few times to realise thats what the guys i work with were doing to me in the first days of C ownership everytime they asked me about my "Scirocco" :twisted:

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I'd have made them wait untill the figured it out


Yeah the downside of that is when you get clamped by some overzealous git.. :wink:


Even with a badge on they probably would have got it wrong, although you may have enjoyed the many different attempts at pronounciation of the word 'Corrado' :D

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Mine has been accused of being one of them rare Golfs :roll:


At least they recognise that they are rare I suppose ;)

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mine was called a Polo once :?


I assume you replied with a swift "feck off, twat!"


My mate with his RX-8 (which I now call a XK8, just to p*ss him off)

has always called my C a "Karrada", although to be fair this is the same man who calls a stopcock a "cockstop" sometimes a "copstock" and once a "stockcop", but never a stopcock. :lol: Yes he has a way with words ol' Danny whos' best feck up was "who's that bird singing, Larnis Marmoset init?" :)

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this is why i carry my "pocket tyson" always handy at pub brawls and such anoying intervalls - for the biting of the ear when annoyed!! :)

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I still don't get why you guys are sooooo annoyed when someone calls your Rado (in effect a Mk3 Rocco, I have proof for this fact) a Scirocco?


Be grateful they don't call it a Golf or something else that came from Wolfsburg (remember: our babies came from Karmann in Osnabrück, NOT VW!)



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I'm with Tempest on this one, I have no probs with my Rado being refered to as a Rocco as it has been done on a few occasions, without the Rocco there would be no Rado....


however, the idiot that called it an Ibiza, then an Escort one night deserved to be called the horrible names that I called him... twunt....!!! :lol:

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have had the Scirocco cack off people,another twit that thought volkswagen were american as Corrado is an american word apparently.lol


most common i get is 'its a Colorado you drive aint it?' lol poor dumb buggers.

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