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Well, my car sold this morning and unfortunatly this time I have no immediate plans to buy another raddo . :( :( :(


Just posting this thread to say cheers to one and all for all the help and guidence you've given me over the last couple of years with every one of the 4 Corrado's i've owned :D :thumb right:


cheers. :D

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Good luck with whatever car you get next and with every thing else going on in your life... 8)


Hope you still hang around here... you've brought a welcome splash of (admittedly sometimes random) fun and laughter to the forum... 8) :notworthy:

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congrats on the sale mate, bet you're glad its gone in a way after the wait, I'll echo henny, your unique brand of madness has always made me chuckle

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man youll have another one within 6 months the big vr this time, gotta be done before you retire to more humble means of transport

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yeah..I reckon my mission isn't complete untill i've owned a vr6, Ill wait untill ive found a way of scrapeing by in Caaaaarnwool and ill be on the hunt....I reckon in a year or so....probebly just about the time that they've gone back up in price... :roll:


EDIT-- oh, and cheers for the comments guys :wink: .

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Yes, class contributions to the forum here, great meet in person at BVF, hope you're staying with us, with or without a Rado (preferably with a Rado, of course ;-) ).



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I'll stick around if you will!


Sold mine as well, yesterday evening...it's not a good feeling, is it?


I needed to win the lottery so I could keep it, the right bloody balls never came up, dammit :(

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Nice one Blair, I can only assume that the reason I sold both my car and the headunit and changer i had for sale this weekend is that its the end of the month(( payday )) and people have the cash.

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yeah..I reckon my mission isn't complete untill i've owned a vr6




You gotta stay around - i'm still here, still organising days for the forum, going to meets etc and i've actually spent more time owning other cars than I have Corrado's in the time i've been registered here.

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thank god for that i thought wed never be shot of the welsh (expletive deleted) get yer arse in gear and get a nice rado to bring to ed38 next year mate.

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Nice one, Walesey!


As Jim and Blair said, make sure you stick around. We (and some others too) have, and we're not driving C's (at the mo' :wink: ). The CF is a good place to be! :D

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I'll add my name to the list of people sans 'rado but still posting. Stick around man, it'll be good to have you about.


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I actually have a Corrado now and I have been on the forum 2 years or more.


Don't be a stranger.



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yeah, gotta stick around, where would the forum be without your random Google-Image-Searching weirdness...?! :lol:


I've not got a 'rado, nor have ever owned one, so I think you still have more of a reason to be here than I do!

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