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Cannonball Picy's

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Well we successfully completed the Cannonball run from London to Rome and came 78th. Not bad out of 120 I reckon. Especially as most of the other competitors were in super cars.

She went like the Clappers all the way and didn’t let us down once, well unless you call the windscreen wiper giving up the ghost letting us down. Done the Lupo conversion now, it’s a miracle how well that works, only wish I’d have done it before we left.


Anyway got the Beast all stickered up, actually it’s a full body wrap, just one sticker believe it or not. Been back now well over a month and I think I might stick with this look.

What do you guys think? It does brighten the wintery old days up at the moment.


Got a website with pictures and stuff on it but it’s still under construction.


I’ll let you know when it goes live.


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Cool paintjob!


Anyway got the Beast all snickered up, actually it’s a full body wrap, just one sticker believe it or not. :?

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Nice one... my father saw everyone lining up in London and said there was a C! I know what he was talking about now :lol:


Must have been an awesome trip 8)

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Yeah we could keep up with a couple of the Porsches, and a couple of the other cars but not the super cars unsurprisingly


It cost us £3800 to enter, but the whole thing cost around £5000!


But we as you can see got a few people to Sponsor us, and I got 4 new tyres out of Yokahama. And a remap out of AMD. It's only about 11BHP more, but better fuel economy and noticeably more Torque. And best of all free!


It took us two days to get to Rome; it seemed to go much quicker though.


Should have the website up and running by the end of the week. I'll keep you posted.


Ohh another picture, they had set up Police road blocks in Germany for us Cannonballers, just to check us over and make sure we were all above board and legal, they were all pretty friendly as you can see here.


Can someone tell me what a forum sticky is please?

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The mods can sticky threads which means that they 'stick' to the top of the topic lists in whichever category they're listed in regardless of when the last post in them was. We usually sticky threads that hold useful information/lists that people need quite often and/or to get people's attention.

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