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Replace your Aerial - "How to" guide

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I got a new aerial from the $tealers yesterday £71.44 inc vat. Got it for £62.15 with 13% club discount. Part number 871 035 503. Simple job to do, took about 20 mins.........(Sit in one of the back seats to do all this job) just take the thick black/grey trim off at the back of the headlining, 10 clips in rows of 2. I found it best to start at the ends and take the middle ones out last, then pop the headlining out of the two slots. TIP- don't use a screwdriver or such like instrument as it marks very easy- flip it out with a wallpaper scraper !. The lining bows down to get at the 17mm nut easy enough. Pull apart the power amp clip (thin one) and unscrew the aerial wire (thick one) which are both only 4 inches away from the base, then fit new aerial (you will need someone to hold the new one in place on the roof while you tighten the nut) which is a 22mm nut on the new aerial !. clip headlining back in the two slots, pop trim back on and the jobs sorted. WOW Brilliant reception, i can pick up fm stations my 206 and yaris can't !!. Spot on AM/LW too (Spot on Radio Five for the footie at last ! ) Worth the money ........ Hope this helps.

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I've altered the title to your post shawshankkid, to make it a little more obvious what it is...


Nice write up... 8)

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am i missing something? £71 for an aerial? aint these like £10


Its the complete unit, including amplified base. I bought one a little while ago and got it for just over £60 for the stealers. Heard people mention you can get a universal kit from Venom Motorsport for about £20-30.

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shawshankkid, So being serious and writing £70 off, these new ariels work? You mentioned the nut was larger on the new ariel.. how about the stud? i.e. did you have to drill a bigger hole?

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The new aerial (complete unit) is brilliant, worth every single penny. Not once thought "jesus i ant paid that much !". Nothing more annoying than bad radio reception. Every single station is crystal clear even MW, and you don't often get that in the car. Rather listen to them cheeseeaters west life than crap radio reception, and thats pushing it :lol: .......The 17mm nut and 22 mm nut both fit new or old aerial base, so you can put the old 17mm nut back on if you want, the new one is just a wider nut with the same thread size. Topbanana :thumb right:

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Just phoned the stealers and got them to order me one - should be in Thursday. Can't believe I've lasted over a year (since I bought my C in October '04) without listening to the radio in the car!


Interestingly, this is only the correct part number for C's upto '93. Sounds like there is a different aerial for later ones.

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there is - i've swapped a few around in my time and i recall at least one difference and thats the lead connection......


....why did i have to swap one you may ask???????


well, sadly enough, I had the current 'C' parked up in the back garden and left the dog out on a sunny day.


it seems he likes to chase birds and as the 'c' is under an overhanging tree, he thought it would be a good idea jumping on the car to get closer to them. from there, he climbed on the roof and no doubt stayed up there for a while, got bored and chewed the aerial off!!!!!!


Reusult - one chewed, aerial, scratched bonnet, roof and sunroof panel and dog with a permanent bootmark on its AR5E!!!!!

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I did this just before I sold the C

You can just undo the clips at the back/towards the boot and carefully undo the bolt, unplug the aerial and pull the whole amplifier and aerial out the top.


I read a how to guide that said you need two people (which I didn't have at the time) one to hold it steady and the other to screw hehehe.


I just used a bag of sand over the roof to hold the aerial in place and bolted it up - took about 5 minutes!


They do charge a bloody lot for them though!

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Is there a standard %discount that dealers are supposed to give you for being a CCGB member or is it at the discretion of the individual dealer? I collected my aerial last night and looks like they only gave me about 6% off as I still had to pay about £67 for it!


Hopefully I'll get to fit it this weekend, if the weather clears up a bit.

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Also noticed that the antenna part of my new aerial is a bit different from my old one. It's smooth, where my old one sort of had a twisted around effect on it. Do you think the design has changed or was my old antenna non-standard? They are both the same length and the tips look identical.

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70 quid

:shock: :shock: :shock: :shock: :shock:


Mine went a few months back (after 15 years good service) and when I bought a second hand wing for 25 quid the guy threw in an aerial for nowt when I asked about one, works spot on.

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kerrinmay - Get a GTi card, officially 20 % off at $tealers no matter what mood he/she is in.....Just say hav it !...worth the 20 something quid to make yourself a member in the long run easily... :thumb right:

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Yes joebloggsvr69....But the connection is different so you have to channel the new wiring through the roof down the windscreen edge and into the passenger footwell. Can't be doing with that. Not for the sake of one folding sheet. :thumb right:

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And Peter Cooper Portsmouth were presumably not in a good mood to only give me about 6%!


That's why the owner spends most of his life abroad on a fat yacht :!:

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Well finally got my aerial fitted yesterday and was great driving to work this morning being able to listen to the radio!


Took me longer than expected to fit it though, as some muppet had obviously broken a couple of clips on the bit of trim that you have to remove, and they had fixed it back up with some kind of 'grip-fill'!! Not best pleased. Finally managed to get the thing off though.


Fitting the aerial was very easy and I didn't need any assistance as with the actual antenna part removed, and with it being a square hole, the aerial base sat happily in position whilst I tightened up the nut.

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Peter Cooper Portsmouth are never in a good mood in my experience. They are shite in the extreme :-)




Edit: We'd rather you didn't obfusticate the swear filter, but if you really must - at least edit your original post rather than posting again ;)

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