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Stealth RR DVD - Poll Updated (Price of DVD, etc)

Rough price for the DVD would be £10 for DVD in a case, sleeve and posted to your door... interested  

34 members have voted

  1. 1. Rough price for the DVD would be £10 for DVD in a case, sleeve and posted to your door... interested

    • No - bit too pricey for me! Sorry!
    • Yes! I'd buy a copy at that price!

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Quick bump at Nigels request. Guesstimate price now is gonna be about £10 and that should include some sort of box (proper DVD style hopefully), a sleeve and postage to your door.


Can you please reply to the poll so we know whether there is real interest in this! Nigel can then gauge how he needs to go about getting it done - ie mass produced, done at home, etc!


Thanks :)

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My attempt at a DVD cover! This is just a shrunk down version.. the full size one should be the correct measurements!


Bloody hell Jim, that looks great, and I thought 16V was the Photoshop daddy! Great shot of Keith's cockpit.


One question, though. Where's the shot of my expert parking? I thought that would be centre stage! :o

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I er.. um.. dunno ;)


With only room for four pictures, I had to be mega selective! :)

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okay I've got 60gigs of AVI to edit hmmm ouch I've captured it at the highest quality I can, Footage will be about 40Mins plus special features.


I've got some of the RR plots...I've got a Special G60 Jet bit (no sure how yet). I will be sticking some stills on the disc too.. thats if the people want to send them to me. Still waiting on a few reg numbers to match to forum handles.




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Quick bump at Nigels request. Guesstimate price now is gonna be about £10 and that should include some sort of box (proper DVD style hopefully), a sleeve and postage to your door.


Can you please reply to the poll so we know whether there is real interest in this! Nigel can then gauge how he needs to go about getting it done - ie mass produced, done at home, etc!


Thanks :)


Definately put me down for one.

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:lol: I only just noticed Yan fully in position down there! :lol:


Ohhh god what have you started Walsey...

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Ohhh god what have you started Walsey...


LOL...god knows.....



It's a shame you cant get one in the banner....or a silhuette image on a T-shirt... :lol:

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G60Jet, pm me your address and I'll sling a copy of all 1.18Gb of my photos and videos down to you... 8)

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I'm in for one at that price, and I suspect Laura will be too...


Jim, that's top stuff with the inlay! We like... Reckon you could do something similar for the on-body print for the disc? Outer diameter 120mm, inner diameter 15mm.


G60Jet, I may be able to do the duplication and photo-quality on-body print here at work for just the cost of the media, dependant on the quantity (up to about 500)... Drop me a PM if this would help keep cost down!

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Yeah.. would like to do a print for the disk itself but wasn't sure if we were gonna have the facility to do that! If we do then bonus.. i'll get cracking on a design! :)

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Stick me down for one too, especially with Jim's cover it's awesome.


Dinkus first of all PMSL everytime I look at 'Aye Carumba!'


Next it was cold and wet under your car but it soon warmed up :norty:

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I can print on the disc in small numbers myself got one of them printers you see, but its costly to run.


I think we are looking at a run of 100 at most at the moment.


I'd like to Number the case and the DVDs if we could.


If i burn them myself I will put a frame in the DVD with the disc number!! how cool.

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The printer I'd be using is a £7500 dye-sublimation thermal re-transfer printer - not inkjet, so no smudging at all, and photo finish. Jim, if you leave a small white rectangle in the on-body design, I can write an automated script to individually serial number each disc on one of our automated printer units... ;)


[/geek mode] :lol:

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The printer I'd be using is a £7500 dye-sublimation thermal re-transfer printer - not inkjet, so no smudging at all, and photo finish. Jim, if you leave a small white rectangle in the on-body design, I can write an automated script to individually serial number each disc on one of our automated printer units... ;)


[/geek mode] :lol:

Fantastic, whats the min number per run ?

[schild=standard fontcolor=000000 shadowcolor=C0C0C0 shieldshadow=1]DVDs COMING SOON[/schild]

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I'm in at that price, I'd guess they won't be too expensive to duplicate, so if there's some dosh left, mebbe a couple of quid per disc to Andi for forum costs?


Jim - Ace cover mate, I'll drop you an email with the CF font so you can use that for the logo. Can I suggest mebbe a wee gap between the pictures might look a bit cleaner? (might be talking crap, but it's an idea :lol: )


Nige - Can I also suggest putting some similar blurb on the DVD itself, so if it gets copied people will find out about us? In fairness, the CF web addy should suffice.

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