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RE: Corrado Spotting

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Its not very often i see a Corrado, but when i do, i always wave and/or flash my lights.


Now ive owned my C for about 6 months and i havent had 1 person wave back. I wonder if they think im mental...? As a couple recently have given me really strange looks!


Is it just me, or do others get the same "who the f*ck are you and what are doing" look?

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For some people I suppose it's *just* a car........can't understand that though!

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Yeah - sadly plenty of people out there do just consider them to be 'just a car' - though why those people can't just buy a Daewoo Matiz and leave the decent cars to the enthusiasts is beyond me :(

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Yeah - sadly plenty of people out there do just consider them to be 'just a car' - though why those people can't just buy a Daewoo Matiz and leave the decent cars to the enthusiasts is beyond me :(

Perhaps they are not worthy of Corrado ownership :!: and should have their vehicles confiscated. Potential owners should be vetted prior to purchasing such a great car.

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I tend to always get a wave off other Corrado owners.... Not so much when I flash my lights at them when I'm in my van though!!

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I actually flashed to a G60 the other day, caught up to him and the guy in the rear seat looked back, said somethng to the driver, I seen him shift down and just floor it... that actually pissed me off.


I thought, f*ck it, I wanted a chat or at least a friendly wave or whatever, if all you want is a race or something, then go yourself, I'm out. Stopped, turned around and carried on with my way.

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Shouldn't the topic be "Corrado Ignorant Driver Spotting". Mind you I must admit not returning the very occasional wave due to my attention be elsewhere and not having the time to return the wave :oops:

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When I had my C's, usually got a positive response from other C drivers. Doesn't seem to be the same in the vRS though :(

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The last few encounters have all been successful with waves or flashes of headlights - it makes my day when it happens. Simple things please me.


If non-c's flash me I never know if its cos i'm driving a C or if they're warning me of speed cameras ahead, or checking if my headlights are on etc!.....so other C drivers are probably the same.

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I always get a flash and/or wave back. Sometimes I instinctively wave when in my girlfriends car (which she hates me doing) and I get a wave back!

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iv been spotted before, i was on mutly plain in plymouth about a month os so back in my valver, had my fogs on looking like a chav ha ha


hey, if anybody in plymouth gets a wave from someone in a big blue mercedes its me!


waved at a couple recently, still get a wave back too and im not in a rado'!!

usually a cool bunch these corrado owners!


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I never know when to wave because you never know what your going to get back. Always thought we should have some sort of Corrado Forum wave so that it will not matter what your driving/passenger in. Dafter the better.

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i usually get a wave... there are 2 rados i see almost daily around where i stay, a black valver and a red one and both drivers flash and wave everytime i pass them, sadly tho neither appear to be on here....

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How bout doing "Big fish little fish, cardboard box" ! :D


LOL, quickly before you have a head on.

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Your avin' a laff, You would get funny looks wavin a pink flag about.


If you're worried about that, it's a good job you didn't see Yandards' lovely flag at E38 :lol:

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could always try hitlers army clan wave, hand to tash etc :hitler: :hitler: :hitler: :hitler: :iamwithstupid:


any other suggestions? it could make life easier 4 some of us!


anyway, its best to wave and not feel a fool or worry what reaction you will get cos' how often have you actually seen the dude or dudess thats driving in the flesh?

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How bout doing "Big fish little fish, cardboard box" ! :D


maybe if i was driving a nova with half a tonne of carbon fibre bits stuck on, silly exhaust, bangin' tunes blaring and a burberry cap...... but were not, so no.... :lol:

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