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what a shit start to the week

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cant believe it ive had my first crash in 18 years, and it had to be in my favourite car, driving to work this morning i heard a siren going, i looked in my rear view mirror then my drivers mirror, looked back at the road and the car in front had slammed there brakes on because they also heard the sirens. i had no time to stop with the roads being do wet, and smash, im ok its just my car is f****d, do ya think it will be a write off?? :censored: :cry:

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ooo ya f**ker! thats unlucky mate! I wouldnt like to guess if it was a write-off or not, I didnt think mine would be with the minor damage that was on it but it was...


I'd say new bonnet, wings, lights, front bumper, slam panel, grille plus paint plus labour... could be close. :(


gutted but glad you're ok

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Bad sh!t man, can't beleive the way way people just freeze when they here a siren, they're no help to anyone. Hope its repairable.

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:( Bummer :(


If insurers want to source all new body panels and parts from VAG then there's potential that it could be written off I guess. The slam panel, bumper, wings, lights, fogs, indicators, bonnet, rad, spraying etc will add up! :(


I would've thought that as long as the chassis is still straight, then it can be repaired...


Who are you insured with?

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Mate that sucks... :(


Yeah, I hate the way people just turn into rabbit/headlight syndrome as soon as they hear a siren... tch...


Hope you get it sorted ok...

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if they do want to write it off, ask about a cash-in-lew arrangement, the car doesnt get written off and they give you cash to get it fixed yourself meaning you can buy 2nd hand parts and save a fortune, you might even come out with a bit of cash left over!

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cheers guys, im fine but i would have rather broken an arm than have my car smashed up, im with brentacre's they put me straight in touch with NIG, they will be picking it up later and dropping a courtesy car of, god im pissed off, :cry:

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acutally mate u say they emergancy stoped because they heard the siren


u might be able to put the blame on there due to driving with care and attention

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as i understand it, if you rear-end someone its ALWAYS your fault in the eyes of the law and the insurance companies, reguardless of curcumstance and logic!

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Yeah I think you'd struggle to ever prove that hitting someone from behind was their fault.

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yeh i dont think i can do anything about that, at least the woman was ok. i do have full cover with everything protected. so i will see what happens :cry:

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see thats what i thought but a mate of mine got off with it due to old person paniced broke suddenlly infront for no reason


I cant remember how he did it but he did it (p.s he is a lawyer)

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theres going to be lots less corrados at shows next year with all these accidents......


i'd be very surprised if it wasn't wrote off. the only option would be as chilly says if you want to rescue it.


chillys car would be a good donour for yours as its damaged at the back and sides and all the front end parts are fine. expensive source of parts though as the insurance co. wanted £700 for it.

no idea of new parts prices but full front end? Expensive - best guesstimate


Item Qty Price Total

Headlight 2 135 270

fogs 2 95 190

indicators 2 15 30

bumper 1 200 200

front panel 1 120 120

wing 2 120 240

grill 1 40 40

bonnet 1 350 350

Labour 50 20 1000

Sundries 1 150 150

Paint 1 80 80

Optimistic repair costs 2670

Car Value 3500

Repair/Value % 76

Cat D @60% Value??????????

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cat-d % cutoff depends on the insurer, but yeah, 60% is about average.


my car 'would' have made a good donor, but they took it away on the back of a wagon this morning. I'm glad i was at work, i think i might have cried had i had to watch!

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a friend of mine did something similar when he missed a turning and stamped on the brakes only to have a car up his exhaust and into the back seat. it was deemed 100% his fault dispite the car following to closely. Hope you have similar luck, and hope it stays on the road.

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if the driver in front did not have cause to stop, i'm sure it could be debated but I always thought you had to leave enough distance from the car in front to stop regardless.

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if the driver in front did not have cause to stop, i'm sure it could be debated but I always thought you had to leave enough distance from the car in front to stop regardless.


ur right im not going to dispute that but im going to try and get hold of my mate and find out what line he used as its a good one lol

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just realised what ive done on the car in the last month, new bulbs in headlights/fogs/indicators, new plugs/leads, new gearbox mount, new bonnet release cable, and had new windscreen fitted last tuesday. just waiting for the car to be picked up soon, looks like the intrested party may be getting my bbs rc's early.. :cry:

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Karl, that's bad to see, but as mentioned earlier glad you're ok. Do have a look down the used parts route - hope you can work something out as I can appreciate the feeling of having spent so much time and affort on the car only to have the insurers write it off. All the best, mate.

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