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what a shit start to the week

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KADVR6, gutted for you..... especially as you were only talking about new boots for it only last week :-( I hope you get a good payout or a good repair. Brentacre have always been good with claims in the past with me, they should see you right.


as i understand it, if you rear-end someone its ALWAYS your fault in the eyes of the law and the insurance companies, reguardless of curcumstance and logic!


That law is being relaxed. I'm sure there was a case that went to court a few years ago regarding a driver getting p1ssed off with a tailgater and slamming his brakes on, causing a prang. The bloke that slammed his brakes on got prosecuted, not the tailgater. I agree with this change of law. Some people do just brake for no damn reason at all. It's not possible to maintain the 'safe' distance these days in urban areas anyway, far too crowded.

Anyway, if there were witnesses that saw said plum lock up, it'll go in your favour I reckon. And people that lock up are more of a hinderance than a help to the emergency services. I'm not wrecking my alloys driving up kerbs for no one, so if there's no where to move over to, I speed up!

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totally agree kev, that law is one of the daftest things I've heard, I didnt know they were changing it.


if there's no where to move over to, I speed up!


I didnt realise it was an offence to keep up with an emergency vehicle, obviously if its parting the traffic like Moses and the red sea, you cant dive into the gap after him, but on an empty road, if you keep up with one you can be prosecuted! Found that out when nosky had his funny turn and I 'kept up' with the ambulance in his skyline ;)

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the worst offence for slamming on must be when people do it to rubber kneck an accident on the other side of the road grrrrrrrrr :mad:

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thanks for all the replys guys, got a bloody sore back and shoulders. my car is being picked up in the morning for the assesment, but i will most def be staying on here?? but i will show you all why on friday/saturday :wink:

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totally agree kev, that law is one of the daftest things I've heard, I didnt know they were changing it.


if there's no where to move over to, I speed up!


I didnt realise it was an offence to keep up with an emergency vehicle, obviously if its parting the traffic like Moses and the red sea, you cant dive into the gap after him, but on an empty road, if you keep up with one you can be prosecuted! Found that out when nosky had his funny turn and I 'kept up' with the ambulance in his skyline ;)


I've over-taken an ambulance on the motorway, with his full-blues on.

Does that count? ;)

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I've followed a police car that was scithing it's way through traffic at 80 one day. Which was quite good fun :)

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Hey dude,


I see you car parked next to mine every day . . . . . and now mine feels lonely. Hope you get it sorted either way, but no doubt you'll be getting another one soon!


See ya Monday!

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well the s**t hasnt stopped. had the NIG insurance on the phone today, the car is a right off, :( and all they want to offer is £1700, due to it not having FSH, and because there is a small parking dent in the rear panel. as you can guess i told him where to shove that offer, got on to the phone to john at brentacres, gonna send him some pics and he told me to leave it with him. he said i should get about £3000 for it?? so heres the moment when i find out how good brentacres are. :(

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oh well its taken me a long 18 days, but i have just bought another corrado. its not exactly what i was looking for?? but it was to much of a bargain to resist?? oh yeh i missed driving a corrado so much :D

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KADVR6, How much did you actually get from the insurance company in the end? Or do you not know yet. I'm with brentacre, would like to know if they've done a good job for you or not. :)

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well i had the first offer from NIG that was £1700 :( told the bloke at NIG in not so many words to f**k off, than i phoned john at brentacres, and he just laughed at the offer, ive sent him some pics of the car before the crash, and he is in the process of getting me more money, but will let ya all no the outcome, but at least i have another corrado now :D

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I hope you took everything of value of it before it went, stereo, headlight loom etc


Insurance is a right rip off as everyone knows. I hope Brentacre pull one out of the bag for you.



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well ive got the new car sorted, just gotta put the bbs's on and get it lowered, and try to get a descent insurance pay out from the accident. heres the new car. :D

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well the original insurance offer has gone up from £1700 to £2200. but im still not gonna take that offer, i have a new car so i can afford to hold out for a better offer.. :wink:

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well john at brentacres insurance has done good, i accepted an offer today of £3300. just gotta take the £300 excess off. so i have some money to splash out on the new car. :D

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