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Anyone got any readers-digest style tips on removing condensation from inside my car? its bad enough to leave pretty big drips on the inside of the windscreen! I've got a half remembered memory of something to do with a plastic bottle?

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I have always used silica gel, can get it from b&q halfords etc, just leave it in the car for a few days. and its reusuable


could try a dehumidifier also but would mean buying one. or drive round with heaters on full with windows down seems to do the trick, but its the wrong time of year

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I find that if it gets a little steamy :norty: ..... whack the heat on full ..... open windows to let out warm air ...... close window and let car get really warm inside again and .... open windows again.


As the heat evaporates the water the warm damp air then gets flushed out of the car.


Seems to work....


Guess you could always use some of those crystals that absorb moisture.

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I think (and this is only from my own observations) if you get out of the car at night after having the heater on and its still hot in the car then you will get major condensation in the morning (because windows are cold overnight, vapour condenses). I always try and cool down the inside of the car before parking, wind the window right down for the last minute or two or something.


Prevention is the best cure. :)

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Here's one for you following on from VR6. I have used crystals for the last 8 years, both for storage & daily use.


My Corrado & Roccos have a very large moisture trap in the rear foot well in a 4 ltr ice cream tub (Spillage). In the tub, the 5 inch round / dome unit is trapped by 4 aerosol (deo) plastic caps. B&Q sell the traps and tubs of absorbing crystals near the central heating shelves.


Stands lateral turns very well. Not 100% but does suck in a lot of moisture. Refresh the unit about every 3 months, know it needs doing as the liquid can be heard.


It finds it hard when the car is parked overnight near fields as there is much more dampness around.

It's always a problem with Coupes cos of the glass being more sloped. All my coupes have suffered from it. But..... extreme condensation means a leak typically from the door flash sheilds or the windscreen.



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very good tip RW1, I'll have to pop up to b&q for one of their moisture traps. I think the condensation in the car is simply down to the fact that its been standing unused for a while and the moisture inside hasnt had much chance to escape rather than anything untoward.

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Can't guarentee the trap is there at B&Q, but you know the size you are looking for. You may find that in a local hardware store nearer to properties that suffer from damp - 100 year old terraces etc. The tub of crystals should be at B7Q and there cheaper there.



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I tend to find that having the heater blasting down at your feet and having either the sunroof open slightly oir a window open a tiny bit (this is AFTER you've demisted the front screen on course) does an excellent job of drying the car out.

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thats the plan for the drive to work in the morning then! I just wondered if there was anything I could do while the cars parked up to help draw the moisture out, i swear my dad used to have a plastic pop bottle in the car which I'm almost positive he said was for something like condensation.... suppose it could have been his emergency toilet and he was too embarased to tell me!

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I've just bought a mini dehumidifer for my brothers punto, cost about £20 inc postage. My bro's car was terrible for misting up but the dehumidifier has been in there for about 3-4 days nad has done the trick. Just leave it in there as its very incospicuos as its about the size of an A5 piece of paper. Just type in mini dehumidifier.

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The only time I've had condensation issues in my car was when the matrix was leaking....but I use it everyday so I suppose it never gets a chance to sit and sweat!

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the unit next door to where I work has loads of cars dumped outside. he just leaves the front windows open about 5mm. they never seen to mist up!

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Have to agree with earlier post. I always moaned about the poor ventilation in my C over the last year or so, my heater matrix has just gone! Now ive replaced it and dried out the carpets and ducts, my windows are fine.


Could be wrong but a very tiny steam leak will soon fog up your glass and probably doesn't use enough water to show up as a 'proper leak'.


And yes its a nightmare to fix

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Hmm so am I right in saying symptoms of steamy windows and coolant water vanishing over time means Im in for the worst job a C can throw at me?

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