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how fast are the rado's?

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so how fast are raddo's then?


i had a 2.0 16v and thought that it was reasonably rapid for a 2.0.


whats the 0 - 60 sprint on a G60 and a VR6? well whats the sprint times on all the models?


ta very much folks

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A well running VR6 is quite simply awsome. Took mine out for a rag today with my brother (who has a 2.0 8v Ibiza Cupra). He was just blown away by how quick it went (and also with the grip but you'll know about that already).


We really gave it some proper stick- two cars tried to 'race' one was a slightly sporty focus and the other a Toyota Celica 140bhp vvti. Neither are 'fast' but they were being driven hard- both were just despatched out of sight within 200 yards. Am still smiling now! :D

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For all you stato freaks-Volkswagen Audi car mag. feature from 1994 gave the following 0-60 mph times for manual gearchange standard raddos-


1.8 16v 8.2 secs

2.0 16v 8.3 "

1.8 G60 7.5 "

2.9 VR6 6.4 "


I'll step back now & let the handbags start swinging :agrue:

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just what i was after.


ice white:


like the story, iv had races like that in my corrado, although it wasnt a vr6 and that was awsome through the corners! left many a car standing ha ha these corrados do seem rather grippy, a bit more grippy than i had ever imagined, put it this way, iv not lost a corner in the dry and iv took the pi*s frankly!!!!

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think it's literaly around the 14 sec mark....not very quick.


Drive one and you will think differently! :wink:


It's 10.6 secs.



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I had one for 13 months, an ADY...did 24k miles in the thing including a trip through France and the Pyranese to southern Spain and back...loved it ...but it was slooooooooooooooooooooooow :)


P.S ...you caught me before I edited the post... :wink:

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I've read many predicted 0-60 times(VR6)ranging from 6.4 to 7.2secs.So the average from this- 6.8,is still pretty quick.It would be good to have it tested on an unfettled 'sprinter'.

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In perfect conditions (cold, empty fuel tank, correct gear changes etc.) it probably will get near to 6 secs. Manufacturers always underquote 0-60 & BHP figures anyway don't they? The new R32 is quoted at 6.4 but I bet it can do better than that. I thnk part of the reason that the VR6 is faster than the G60 to 60 is because 60 is obtainable in 2nd gear in the VR, so the gearing comes into it as well.


Besides, when do you ever accelerate from 0-60 as fast as you can?? A better figure would be 50-80 or something.. :)

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Evo magazine managed a 6.2 when they tested a VR, so a 6 might be possible with an empty tank, a following wind and a 6 stone driver :-)


Agreed on the 50-80 et al incremental times, that really does give a better picture of how accelerative and fast a car is.


I doubt mine is any quicker than a normal VR to 60, well, maybe half a sec quicker at the most, but in gear acceleration times due to the charger are phenomenal :-)


Mr Porsche Boxter S on Xmas day for example..... he thought he'd jerk me about by constantly slowing down and speeding up all the time (100 to 80 then back to 100 again)....after 5 or so mins I got bored and just floored it past him from 100mph. In what felt like a handful of seconds, I looked in the rear view and he was trailing way back, looked at the speedo and it was climbing past 145mph at a serious rate so I slowed down in case in Xmas bobbies were out with speed traps.....


It easily would have pulled round to the stop on the speedo, which with my gearing is precisely 157.3mph @ 7000rpm, LOL!


The Boxster S only has about 270 brake I think, but it was a laugh nipping his little game in the bud with an 11 year old VW :-)

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The VR is a quick car, no doubt, but Im used to the speed of mine and it no longer feels fast to be honest, there is one by pass which I often floor it in 3rd and 4th which is good fun. Basically, it's just a good all round car, no one really buys a VR for out and out speed even tho it can keep pace with a lot of todays machinery.

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LOL, Well Kevs can because he has a blower fitted to it....I think most people will agree, up to 130 in a standard VR ain't too much bother, but slows right down after about that speed. But yes, I think the official top speed of a VR is 145

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oh yes!! christmas has slowed me down a little bit but im sure by spring ill have a vr6 in my driveway!


id better had anyway, my auto boxed merc im running is cool as fu*K to look at, fast, reliable and scarily big which is cool, but i want a manual i can really throw about in the bends and feel safe that its not just going to spin out (as it does now) and bite my head off it it feels that way!


still going to be keeping my merc for them times a bit of muscle is needed, and them 500 mile trips i do frequently.

VR6 for some fun

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Haywire-as the song (ebeneezer good) goes "naughty, naughty, very naughty". :nono:


Another Porker gets seen off, I'd have paid some serious money to see the look on his face :gag:


Well done.

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LOL, I don't do that often as it's a daft thing to do.....but he was just being a prick and I wanted to get on with my journey without his silly games :-)


I was trying to sit at a steady 90 but he'd over take me at 100ish and then slow down to 75-80 again, so I over took him, then he me again and so the cycle continued until I'd had enough of it!


Standard exhaust and 15" wheels on mine aswell, so stock externally. He must have thought his car was well down on power :-)


I've always thought standard VRs were good past 130 personally. When I first got mine it sailed round to an indicated 145 quite easily and then ran out of puff. Ever since then and with the schrick and cams and now the charger, I don't know what the top speed is as the needle just sits on the stop past 160.....but don't tell anyone ;-)

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