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Fixing car mats into position

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The mats in my C have always moved around, does everyone else just live with this, or is there an easy way of solving it.


I'm going to have a look and see what I can come up with at the weekend, but thought I would see how others have solved it first.

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Justmatz come with a built in screwy plasticy fixing method, not that it's a lot of use to you, sorry :oops:

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Although it might be worth contacting them and asking if they could sell you a fixing kit which you could then fit to your existing mats...

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Justmatz come with a built in screwy plasticy fixing method, not that it's a lot of use to you, sorry


Although it might be worth contacting them and asking if they could sell you a fixing kit which you could then fit to your existing mats...


True, might be an idea, i'll have a look for their website.


i think halfords sell mat fixing stuff,or you could try using velcro,i used to use it to hold my amp in place


Halfords could be a good one actually, although I've never noticed them there. I tried velcro and it didn't work to well.

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You could try a strong needle and thread and sewing a piece of velcro (hook side) to the underside of the mats. No mat under clutch problems again.

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Hm, wierd, mine never moves around whatsoever. I think they're original ones too, but with no fixing except the rough back of the mat.

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yeah, ive being living with the annoying matts that have minds of their own. Gets under the accelerator prob. Velco sounds like a good idea, done properly like. That SHOULD hold em with a plus side of being able to remove them when cleaning.

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my mats have a fixing,theres a plug that screws into the carpet and the mat has a hole that goes over it , twist the lug and its fixed

have you tried the velcro they sell at halfrauds for holding subs ?

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When I bought my car it still had the original rubber mats fitted, the drivers side one had an L section metal bracket the fixed onto the front of the drivers seat subframe area and then there are two fixings that go under the mat.


You should be able to find some carpet screw type widgets from somewhere, it would be worth trying just mats - say you need a new fitting kit as the old one broke..

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LOL - the Haywire fixed his earlier with a large self-tapping screw!
i'm sure he's dynamatted the bottom of the mats aswell

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Mine have got a single fixing screw and a base with a pin which you push through the carpet. The problem I've had before is the base would get pulled out as the mat moves around. I've postioned the matt hard against the front seat runner mount, this will stop the mat and mount sliding backwards and working free. Hope this works, but only time will tell.


I tried velcro, using the hook part to stick to the carpet, but it would not stick at all, the only way of doing it would be to use both part of the velcro either sewn or glued to the carpet and underside of the mat.

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