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Speed Cameras cause accidents...?

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speed cameras in built up areas etc are ok in my book as a deterent


on the motorway they should just up the speed limit to 80-100 then if your caught over that then its fair enough


btw, anyone know whats going on with the tax camera`s in north wales?


for the past week they`ve been out in force looking for people with no tax (good) when they spot one they pull `em, clamp `em then tow `em, there was 2 trucks both 6 cars up getting taken from carnarfon yesterday



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H8rra have you read the enitre thread? the points I make are in relation to points raised in other posts by people within this thread.


The simple answer imo is NO cameras do not cause accidents, the decisions made by drivers prior to and upon seeing the cameras could do.

Is this the fault of the camera or the drivers of the vehicle!


you would have appeared to have misunderstood my point about speeding. We all know almost everybody speeds to some degree even if its just nicking a few miles an hour over the limit.

I point out speeding is a choice you decide to make. This can be either through deliberate action (putting your foot down) or through inaction (allowing your speed to increase while running downhill instead of using the brakes or changing down a gear to limit your speed).

I make the point that most of us know where the cameras are in our local area, even the ones other people in this thread have claimed (possibly accurately) are deliberately hidden.

I point out that if you speed in an area you are unfamiliar with you cannot mank about the fact you were caught because you chose to break the speed limit in an area that is unfamiliar to you.

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In the paper today, a mobile speed camera clocked 400 people in 4 hours,on a temporary speed limit. Thats over £22,000. There was no history of accidents, just a measure to slow people up for roadworks. Not a bad earner.

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H8rra have you read the enitre thread? the points I make are in relation to points raised in other posts by people within this thread.


Yes I have and your points are selective. Your statements are pious and condescending.....


...large flourescent yellow things ? - yes they are, thanks for your contribution

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H8rra, pious and condescending? well thats your opinion I guess


my opinion is they are big, they are flourescent yellow and very easy to see. if you apply the basic fundamentals of the highway code, i.e. looking further ahead than the car in front off you and leaving sufficient distance between you and the vehicle in front that you can brake to a halt in the distance you can see to be clear ahead of you then you should'nt get caught out. Still I guess adhering to the highway code is condescending?


if you dont speed you should'nt get caught out. is asking you to adhere to the law condescending?


I have no issue with cameras being funded by those that break the law. is having my own opinion condescending??


How many accidents can you actually document as being caused by a camera??


As previously stated I have responded to thoughts/opinions put on here by other people within this thread, I have replied with thoughts of my own. If you dont like people disagreeing with your point of view and then discussing it on a forum designed for the purpose you may have somewhat missed the point of why we are here.

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andy said

just a measure to slow people up for roadworks


Sorry, but that is just paranoid IMO. Possibly today, many motorists are becoming prone to that.


A considerable number of people have been mown down and killed at roadworks - they are a known blackspot for accidents. As well as from news stories, I know this from personal contact with guys who work on roads. You would not believe (or perhaps you would) how stupid drivers can be where there are roadworks. I know of a person who ploughed into the back of a small family car killing the four innocent occupants at road works near here.


I cannot grasp how anyone can fail to see that roadworks might be a hazard to drivers and people working there or how anyone can sincerely hold the belief that speed control measures are purely just for making revenue.

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I would have less of a problem with safety cameras if they stopped hiding behind the issue that they are there to promote safety.


They are to a degree but as has been mentioned on here how many of these so called 'safety' cameras are located on dual carrageways and other such roads?


If we were treated like adults and told that they are simply there to catch people who exceed the speed limit then this whole thing would be less of an issue for me.


Regardless of how well or badly we think we drive on this forum, the fact of the matter is that the majority of the population don't pay any attention to what they are doing when driving and can't see past the bumper 2 feet in front of them. This is bad driving and no amount of 'safety' cameras will correct this trend - what is required is more human policing.



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There's a stretch of the M5 that has chevrons painted on the road with big signs saying " Keep 2 chevrons apart " ... a good way of makeing people think about the way they're driveing I think.

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andy said

just a measure to slow people up for roadworks


Sorry, but that is just paranoid IMO. Possibly today, many motorists are becoming prone to that.


A considerable number of people have been mown down and killed at roadworks - they are a known blackspot for accidents. As well as from news stories, I know this from personal contact with guys who work on roads. You would not believe (or perhaps you would) how stupid drivers can be where there are roadworks. I know of a person who ploughed into the back of a small family car killing the four innocent occupants at road works near here.


I cannot grasp how anyone can fail to see that roadworks might be a hazard to drivers and people working there or how anyone can sincerely hold the belief that speed control measures are purely just for making revenue.


I wasn't saying road works aren't worth slowing down for, not for a minute. I'm just saying not a bad earner £22k for 4 hours work. The 400 fines didn't actually stop those 400 people from actually speeding did it.

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andy said

The 400 fines didn't actually stop those 400 people from actually speeding did it.


No, but the fines may make them be a bit more speed conscious from now on.

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It may not have stopped the 400 from speeding BUT it has slowed down the majority of traffic travelling through that set of roadworks that otherwise may have ignored the speed limit set to protect the people working on that stretch of road. How many people travelled through that stretch of M5 in an hour? must have been thousands.

You sort of have to think those 400 that were caught deserve worse than they got, afterall its not like roadworks with speed limits on motorways are inadequately signed up prior to the camera and the signs these days also tend to say the speed has been reduced to protect the workforce!

Can those 400 people's journey really have been more important than the safety of those people working on the road?

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Can those 400 people's journey really have been more important than the safety of those people working on the road?

I wouldn't have thought so. I for one take the safety of all road users including road workers very seriously. I am not a sheep and I don't make the link between speed and accidents. I do make a direct link between carelessness/bad driving and accidents. I use a lot of country lanes on my 70+ mile a day commute, there are plenty of drivers that aren't speeding that can't keep to their side of the road risking a head-on at every bend. Doing a few miles an hour over the speed limit in a modern car with an alert driver is no where near as dangerous as someone travelling under the speed limit whilst buggering with their stereo/kids/phone. Its easy pickings for the Police and that is undeniable. I see people jumping red lights every day, people with defective lights/tyres etc etc. Thats what is dangerous, not exceeding the speed limit by a few mph.

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There's a stretch of the M5 that has chevrons painted on the road with big signs saying " Keep 2 chevrons apart " ... a good way of makeing people think about the way they're driveing I think.


and no around where i live they are putting up solar panels with a display telling you to slow down and ones warning you of s bends etc..much better deterant than speed cameras,as far as the government are concerned,as soon as some one gets in a car they are a criminal :mad:

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Can those 400 people's journey really have been more important than the safety of those people working on the road?

Doing a few miles an hour over the speed limit in a modern car with an alert driver is no where near as dangerous as someone travelling under the speed limit whilst buggering with their stereo/kids/phone. Its easy pickings for the Police and that is undeniable. I see people jumping red lights every day, people with defective lights/tyres etc etc. Thats what is dangerous, not exceeding the speed limit by a few mph.


I don't disagree with you in principle.

I have never attended an accident as a result of, or at the location of, a speed camera BUT almost every single accident I do attend (which is nearly daily) is a direct consequence of driver error. This is usually as a result of excess speed for the circumstances (not always in excess of the speed limit for the road but definately in excess of the speed appropriate for the conditions)

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This is usually as a result of excess speed for the circumstances (not always in excess of the speed limit for the road but definately in excess of the speed appropriate for the conditions)

Indeedy :)

Thats what gets my goat anyway, speed camera's are unable to catch careless and what I would describe as "dangerous" drivers but are extremely efective at generating huge amounts of money from people who may be driving appropriately for the conditions but perhaps not always to the letter of the law in terms of speed limits. I know if you get caught there are no excuses, do the crime..pay the fine etc etc I'm just not convinced they are as effective as other measures like a greater Police presence on the road. I can't believe how many cars I see with defective lights, more than ever this winter it would seem. The worst that will happen to those people is a ticking off and a "producer". If I drive along 5mph over the speed limit but with perfect visibility ie both headlights working I'll get a fine and three points. Is that right? I don't think so. The police could catch hundreds of people with headlights / taillights out but they don't. I think we all know why...

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