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Replacement Windscreen

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Hi all - I need to get a new windscreen sorted. My insurance company use Autoglass or Autowindscreens. Any-one had any dealings with either of these companies (in the Norwich area). Alternatively - does any-one know of a good independant company that I could use instead. My excess is £60, and the ins co will pay the two above companies in full. If I get it done elsewhere, they'll stump up £125.


Any ideas?





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if you mean RAC auto windscreens i would read this first. http://the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewtopic. ... 64&start=0 i think autoglass would be the better option. if you can, be there while they fit it as there have been a few reports of bodged screens on corrado's, they really arent that difficult if done the correct way, you need to make sure they put the lower plastic trim on before the adhesive sets as this stops the screen dropping down and leaving a gap around the top.

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I think that as noted by everyone, it's really down to the skills of the individual fitter. One chain is no better than any of the others. Also I note that in the above thread, they cocked up big style, but the manager of the franchise pulled out all the stops to make absolutely sure that the car was properly fixed up, and most importantly - at no cost to the guy who owned it.

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I think that as noted by everyone, it's really down to the skills of the individual fitter. One chain is no better than any of the others. Also I note that in the above thread, they cocked up big style, but the manager of the franchise pulled out all the stops to make absolutely sure that the car was properly fixed up, and most importantly - at no cost to the guy who owned it.


the guy who owned it is me, and the only stops the manager pulled out was getting a cheque signed by the head office which took a 10 minute phone call, it also cost the prat who screwed it up his job as it wasnt the first time he had damaged a customers car, i organised everything else, i just didnt trust them to sort it out.



like i said the biggest mistake they usually make is not fitting the lower trim before the sealant sets so the whole screen drops.

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A mate of mine used to work for auto windscreens and there wasnt a car that he couldnt fit a new screen too...


As Dr_mat says it's not down to the company but the individual.


I'd use autowindscreens purely because I prefer their vans.


I have had no good or bad experiences with either company.

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Don't get a pilkington aswell, I had one and I had loads of problems getting wipers to work on it, even lupo wipers. Aparently i'm not the only one who's had this problem with them aswell.

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Mine has a pilkington fitted. No idea who fitted it as it was on the car when i bought it, but it is fine. Wipers work a treat on it! Apparently though if you specify that you want vw glass when you take the car to RAC AutoW's than they have to get it for you...

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I got VW glass fitted to mine, no idea if they had to order it in or not, but I asked for it, so ...


coolrado, yeah, didn't look up the thread, just remembered reading about it. Can totally understand you getting everything done yourself, but at least the manager was ok about paying for it, eh?

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I got VW glass fitted to mine, no idea if they had to order it in or not, but I asked for it, so ...


coolrado, yeah, didn't look up the thread, just remembered reading about it. Can totally understand you getting everything done yourself, but at least the manager was ok about paying for it, eh?

i dont think he had too much choice really, i would have made them pay one way or the other :lol:

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vodkawodka got auto glass to fit a new windsceen in his car on 17th dec.the put the rubber in with black sikoflex,what a mess.they then scratched the wing trying to get the screen back out.car then had to be painted this was done and the car given back to them on tuesday last week.they have since fitted another 3 windsceens still cant get the rubber right and still have the car.hope to get it back tomorow, they have also now taken the paint of the a piller. 4 weeks no car so make sure who ever does your windscreen knows the corrado .

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Yeah, Pilkington are sh1te...


The OE make is Sekurit and they are about £80 to the trade I think... VW charge £240 for the same screen but with the VAG logo's...

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How can you tell if its a pilkington ? Had mine replaced by some chap called Motorglass and i im very unhappy with it ! First of all I wanted the original style seal/gutter around the screen.After leaving my house when finished it had this universal rubber type s**t ! A couple of days later I noticed the seal wasnt really stuck well around the frame and very poor finish ! I called the bloke to come and sort it but what i really wanted him to do is take it out and fit a proper one! This wasnt going to happen so off he went after squigging a bit more sealent around the egde. Everything was fine for a few weeks intill the first bit of heavy rain and you guest it ,water coming in from the drivers top corner! :mad:

You would probably say did you call him back ? well the answers no because it only happens in heavy rain and id rather he didnt come back and get load of sealent everywhere ! He got enough squigged into the cabin as it is !

So what I have dicided to do is wait intill I insure fully comp in May and break the screen and pay the excess! The only problem is if he has fitted this tacky aftermarket screen has he got rid of any reusable trims/seals etc ?

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It should say so somewhere on the screen.


I really don't understand why some people suffer with shoddy screen replacements. The fitter of mine said it's just a bog standard bonding job, same as most other cars and couldn't understand the 'corrado screen myth' either when I mentioned it to him. Mind you he has done several rados in the past but said anyone that fecked it up wasn't doing their job properly and would likely mess up any other screen too.


The gutters and mirror mount come prebonded to the new glass, so you get new ones by default, so god knows what they did with yours. They don't always replace the captive rubber seal though as generally they can be reused and often are as they're over £50 new from VW.


If you're not happy, keep pressing them to sort it as it should not leak.

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Cheers thats not so bad then !


I know what your saying but what exactly will he do to fix the leak? I dont want him recking anything else ! I think I got my phone numbers mixed up and called the wrong company as i swear the man on the phone said it was going to have the seal fixed around the screen! I had so many numbers around the place getting quotes. The cheapest I found was 200 squid but i did ask questions about what screen was to be fitted. I bit of a mix up on my behalf !

Do you really think its worth giving him a call it was done in August last year?

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Get a brick, throw it at the screen and then take it in for another one :-)


Only kidding, I would never condone such dodgy behaviour :-)


If your last fitter are willing to have another go, get them to replace the captive seal as the original one will have hardened by now and might not seal properly anymore. It could do with taking out and done again properly tbh but try and get it on the £50 screen excess.....if you know what I mean, wink wink ;-)

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Sure Ill have to wait intill May now though ! It hasnt leaked much as I say only in really heavy rain, and if parked in a certain way makes it worse.

I think Ill probably get that captive seal before hand if you advise it!


Lets hope there isnt to much rain !

Cheers :)

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