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Walsey quality vid.


£680 for parts sounds steep for just parts when changing a head gasket though.


After a quick look I think it should be closer to £300 for parts and thats with new exhaust & inlet manifold gaskets. Should be even cheaper if you went down the GSF route.


I may be wrong of course!


He said labour and parts. So if parts do cost around £300 another £360 sounds reasonable for all the labour. £300 for the parts does sound loads though. I remember when my gasket went on my renault 5 in cost me about £240 in total to sort out.

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Yep, I had my head gasket done for £200 including parts, although the head didn't need skimming


I've never had a bill that came to anywhere near £680..

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Dude, are you sure you aren't being overcharged?...I wasn't trying to 'rub it in' by saying i've never had a bill like that, I can't see why it would cost you so much? :(

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Surly you're gonna have to sell a bollock to pay it off though? :(



I'm totaly gutted for you man.

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Trouble is though mate, youve still got ball joints and bushes todo before the next MOT haven't you (and probably a couple other bits and bobs knowning corrado's)?


Sure its worth it? :E

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Sure its worth it? :E


I'd say if he's in it for the long run then it is...if he's gonna want to sell the car anytime soon then no, it's not.

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Trouble is though mate, youve still got ball joints and bushes todo before the next MOT haven't you (and probably a couple other bits and bobs knowning corrado's)?


Sure its worth it? :E


True, but I'm not selling the car till around May time now so I've got plenty of time.


And I can't not fix it can I ?

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the corrado bug has you firmly in its grip mate! £680 sounds like alot, but when I had my valver and thought the head was on its way out I was quoted about £400 so long as the head didnt need a skim.

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Good luck with it mate. I feel for ya. I remember what it was like when I had a renault 5 and had to pay out for it all the time.

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16v, Might I recommend this if you can scrape together a tenner or so?


I knew the sum total of b*gger & all about engines and I had a similar problem to you. My lass found this book in a charity shop for a couple of quid, and it's been a most useful resource.

I'm not saying that it turns you into an overnight mechanic, however, it does mean that you can understand what someone's talking about when they mention specific parts. It helped me out no end.

Good luck with it all,


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16v, Might I recommend this if you can scrape together a tenner or so?


I knew the sum total of b*gger & all about engines and I had a similar problem to you. My lass found this book in a charity shop for a couple of quid, and it's been a most useful resource.

I'm not saying that it turns you into an overnight mechanic, however, it does mean that you can understand what someone's talking about when they mention specific parts. It helped me out no end.

Good luck with it all,


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I suggest you ask the garage to tell you EXACTLY what's wrong with the engine before you let them go ahead.

"Blown head" isn't exactly much of an explanation if you ask me.

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ask to have all the used parts back, just say you wanna put them up on the forum for a laugh. Also have them give you an itemised bill and guarantee! I also agree with above, find out what is wron - have him write it down and let us know.

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16v, about an hour of work or so? plus waiting, sh*t break, food break, a union strike, smoke break, cleaning and doing the laundry of course. You should get it back before the summer, hopefully.

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The head will be taken away to another local company to be skimmed....garages don't skim the heads themselves......so i assume your garage would be waiting for it's return.


Don't fret too much ..... you are not alone ......my engine is in bits as well

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