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Ice White Socks

Whats the best way to blag stealer discounts?

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I see quite a few guys here get discounts from the stealers- I am looking to get a whole load of stuff soon and a 10% discount would be well worth having- trouble is the two I have asked so far have point-blanked refused?


Anyone got any advice on the best way to blag the discount?





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There is never any sure fire way.


I always used to just say "I'm a member of the Corrado Owners Club and was advised that some dealers offer a discount to club members..." - I used it a few times and it just got to the point when they gave me a price for a part i'd just say "Er.. club discount?" and they'd knock a few quid off.


Other than that, don't know what to suggest! :(

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I've bought that much from the dealers over the last few years that I'm on first name terms with all of the parts dept and get a permanent discount of the maximum amount they can give on each part!!!!


And they keep joking about me not having a Corrado and that I'm building one from scratch using spares from there!!!!!!!!!!

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I remember that a fairly recent issue of "The Sprinter" (Corrado Club mag- for those who don't know :shock: ) had an article saying that they had negotiated a discount with VW but you had to quote a code or summat & not all dealers would participate in the scheme.

Maybe someone from the forum could get heavy/friendly with VW UK & cut forum members a deal, surely the forum is the same as a club or maybe not.

Happy hunting :brickwall:

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I remember that a fairly recent issue of "The Sprinter" (Corrado Club mag- for those who don't know :shock: ) had an article saying that they had negotiated a discount with VW but you had to quote a code or summat & not all dealers would participate in the scheme.

Maybe someone from the forum could get heavy/friendly with VW UK & cut forum members a deal, surely the forum is the same as a club or maybe not.

Happy hunting :brickwall:


Another good reason for this to happen

http://www.the-corrado.net/.archive/forum/viewto ... highlight=

4000 members could be a good bartering point! :lol:

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The club discount refered to is part of a parts buying scheme and my local dealers refused to be any part of it.

Best to get the Local vw specialist to buy the parts for you

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I tell them I work at a local dealer!


Well, I used to work at the Renault dealer across the road, I'm sure noone's told them I've left! :D


10% off every time!

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every time I go the receipt comes up as TRADE SALEs and I seem to get a good slice knocked off.


Probably due to the frequency I buy stuff from there!

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remember that a fairly recent issue of "The Sprinter" (Corrado Club mag- for those who don't know ) had an article saying that they had negotiated a discount with VW but you had to quote a code or summat & not all dealers would participate in the scheme.



The club discount refered to is part of a parts buying scheme and my local dealers refused to be any part of it.


Dropped by VW some 2 years ago. Wasn't valid for a a Club apparently.



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Cheers for all the advice guys- a few years ago I wouldn't have given a shite about getting 10%- It must be cos I'm getting older and more sensible :(


I'll let you know how I get on :?

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Sadly, the best way of getting a discount seems to be finding a dealer/member of staff that actually cares about the enthusiast and is willing to help.


Once you find one though - you know you're going to be well looked after.

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Hee Hee- Finally got my 10% discount!!


I told him how much we spent on parts in our house (three VW's) and that one was the C VR6 which costs porsche money and he doled out the 10%


As you say Dinkus- you just have to find the enthusiastic staff member- this guys mate had just bought a VR as well so he understand how much I would be spending.


For any of you Manchester/Cheshire guys its premier VW at Leek if you fancy chancing your luck :-)

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Yup, tried and tested. Staff discount on everything I buy now!![/quote:89b8d]


musta been the same bloke coz he only gave me 5% discount

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yep i used the same dealer since i started dubbing and as they are tottoing the bill up i say dont forget the 15% discount they usually just look at me and go ok mate!

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