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Other VAG / Car related sites / forums

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Thought it would be a good idea to collate a list of other good VW / VAG group forums and other car related sites and use this to create the links page for this site...


Suggestions below please - url with short description would be handy


Mods - can we copy these urls into this post as they come in then post 'updated' so we can see where we are down to...




Below is a sample list of categorys we could have - any suggestions??








All Vag



















Other VAG





Car Audio





Car Maintenence











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cool cool.gif


may i introduce volksdevil.gifVolksdevil - Vw/V.a.g enthusiasts forumvolksgirl.gif


It was basically set up by me,as i just fancied a crack at it.

some idiots think its a spin off from cgti,which it isnt,its just another place for like minded people to chat and wotnot which is a good thing right?


And me/the mods(who do a great job) will not allow any hierarchys to form(everyone is equal,no matter what car you own),if anyone has any suggestions,then throw them my way,ive just given everybody what they want in a forum and it seems to have worked well.


Wether you own a bog standard 1.0 polo,or a full on show car,you are very welcome on there,even if you dont own a motor! cool.gif


its also a real relaxed atmosphere,mainly due to the members who have made it what it now is.


theres a good few features on there too:


    live radio
    chat room
    music video's
    background colour choice
    quick pic hosing via imageshack in replies
    default signature
    flashy pm box
    projects section
    alphabetically sorted 'how to' section
    members/group map
    help a volksdevil member section
    specific classifieds!
    whats it worth section
    over 18's chat section
    mental smileys




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http://www.corradoclub.de/ corrado club of germany


Some more German sites (and yes, you did quote the correct C-forum, not the CCG, which, of course is ... no comment ... I am biased after all :lol:):



Zoran's Forum, part of the Corrado Szene Süd



Best Roccoforum IMHO, where I spend most of my time (moderating I suppose ...)



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All VAG related website/forum - responsible for organising "VW Summer Nights" and "VW Festival"


This is where all the Section 5 people are too (we even have our forum area :D )...although i'm currently building a dedicated Section 5 website which should be up and running soon :)

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This is where all the Section 5 people are too (we even have our forum area :D )...although i'm currently building a dedicated Section 5 website which should be up and running soon :)


Section 5? Is that like being sectioned? :lol:

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Its a random VW club started in the North East, Teesside area - basically the same idea as "Unit 21", "Edition 38" and "Junction 29", hence where the name came from too :wink: We've had a couple of club stands at various shows, organised monthly meets etc. but obviously still only early days, so not very well known, but hopefully will be :)

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Ahh ok, I thought it might be some strange model of camper van or something I'd not heard of. Cool stuff tho :)

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apart from this corrado forum, i tend to be hovering aroung Volkszone or VZi (Same thing) alot of the time.


Really its more for aircooled, although it does have a H20 section, but i hardly ever go in there.

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