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dub envy

My council garage got broken into... again.

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Last time it was just before Christmas. The bastards got away with over £1000 worth of scrap copper.


So I put some great big Master Locks on it. The pikeys left it alone for 4 months and then done it over again last week. Stilsons will break pretty much anything they can get their jaws round. This time I had no scrap.


I didnt think they'd nicked anything until I went up there again today. Last week I thought there was an empty space where something used to be, but I just thought I was being paranoid.




4 VR6 speedlines, and 1 VW teardrop stolen.



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Fk sake!!! I fkin hate pikeys! Complain to the council - what use is renting a garage off them if it's an open market to anyone with a pair of bolt cutters :roll:

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I'll be giving the garage back next week once I've brought all the shit in it back to the house. Thats why I was up there today. Quite glad that they never took the G40 BBS that I have in there.


Need to start ebaying stuff.

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Dont say that! 2 of my cars are in lockups! Tis unlucky mate, little tw@s need stringin up.

Friend of mine had a MINT Ford Pop in a council garage. This car was never welded and had no rust what so ever. Council had to clear out number 6, cleared number 9 instead! Car was crushed along with all the spare parts.


He got compo but whats money when you had a car like that?

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A guy i knew had a mint condition capri, limited edition blah blah its a ford,lol.


Worth several thousands, but not been on the road for ages, so wasnt insured...


Pikey bastards felt like burning something, so light the end one lock-up on a windy night. By the morning, all the lock-ups were dust, as was his car.


Sorry to hear that dub envy

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hmmmm, I was going to move my G40 to the garage while it's broken.....


It will just have to stay on the drive now.


Coulda been worse. They could've smashed up everything that they didnt want to steal.


4stud, I dont think it's 'little tw@ts'... The first time they got in I had 18 hot water cylinders, and a pile of copper up to my chest stolen. Would need a good couple of blokes to shift all of it, and a pretty big van!!

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im on ythe llok out for a more secure garage for my c as i dont trust my coucil garage for anything but storage of lesser value items,, luckily i think the local morgan dealer are letting me have one of theirs!

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What a crock :( Can you not set some sort of cunning traps if you don't use it regularly so that something heavy falls down if they just throw open the doors or something? You could just deny all knowledge surely and say that stuff must of fallen over after it has been put away?


F'ing thievery is the one thing I just can't STAND. Let a guy work hard and earn some posessions then just go along and help yourself to em.. it makes me furious :(


Might be worth checking on eBay in your area from now on just to see if they turn up on there!

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Something heavy? I was thinking about a cross bow at the back of the garage facing the door!!! Just make sure you duck when you open it!!!


Very doubtful on the ebay thing... wheels can be run in as scrap. Easy money. Dont need to find a buyer. I'm sure that they'll get 20 quid for 5 alloys.

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Deffinitely Pikies that mate - what with the copper being taken. They got busted breaking into my factory at the weekend because we have Nickel - even more expensive!! Ive a degree in metallurgy but my knowlege of superalloys is nothing compared to some of the stuff you can learn in the average caravan :lol:

Time for a new garage, once they know theres stuff to be had they will keep coming back, and its not even worth considering trying to catch em....not unless you fancy a beating for your troubles :shock:

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Fk sake!!! I fkin hate pikeys! Complain to the council - what use is renting a garage off them if it's an open market to anyone with a pair of bolt cutters :roll:


complain to the council?




they will do fek all as they have no liability.


sorry to hear the fekers got your stuff mate :(

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The more locks you put on the outside the more valuble the thing is inside.


That's what they are thinking. If i ever caught anyone trying to break into mine i'd be looking for something very heavy on the floor. Even though i'd come off worse and maybe get some kind of fine off the law.

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I'm sure that they'll get 20 quid for 5 alloys.


yup, thats what i was gonna say.. its a fiver a wheel round this way. The pikeys are nicking wheels like crazy.

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mate, sorry to hear that - and just as i was considering putting the 'rat in a garage for a month or so whilst i sort stuff out... maybe not then...


i think that you should legally be allowed to beat the living crap out of someone stealing your stuff, or electrocute them, or pretty much anything you like really. pikeys like that need burying alive, killing them first is more than they deserve... grrrrr....

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Small consolation but I've got a set of four VW teardrops (no tyres unfortunately) you can have if you want. I was gonna stick 'em on eBay for a quid but they're yours if you want them.

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Sorry to hear about that mate. This won't compensate you, but it might make you feel better:

We have a hell of a time on the Railway trying to stopy pikey gits half-inching our S&T cabling. One dumb scumbag decided to go one step further though, and try and pinch an 11Kv cable from Tinsley Yard.

It was only worked out by the severed hand still clutching a hacksaw that was found near the cable along with the massive scorch marks...

I know I shouldn't find it amusing...but I did. :-)

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