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i hate wildlife!!!

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poor poor raddo, dont u worry old chap, im on hand if u need me to get her back on the road? my little baby will get lonely being the only raddo left in the crew!!!


See ya soon m8

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That's bad but nothing compared to what I experienced yesterday...


My train from Bristol to Exeter was 5 minutes from Exeter @ 90mph when the brakes slammed on and there was a crunching and banging under the train like we had driven over a small tree. Then we stopped and 5 minutes later the driver announces there's been a 'line side incident' then 20 minutes after that he announces it may be a 'human fatality'!


Time goes by and we're told the police are coming and that human fatalities normally take 1.5 to 2.5 hours to investigate before the train can move. :shock: . Another 30 minutes go by (just over an hour alltogether + a free cup of tea) and we're told it was infact a deer! And believe me, judging by the noises I heard when we ran over this god forsaken animal it would have been quite a display outside the train! :pukeleft:


Poor deer. :(

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sorry trig, but how can sitting on a train for just over an hour (with free cup of tea) be as bad as smashing up your car due to a suicidal dear?? yeh you wasted an hour, but how much is it gonna cost rob to get hes car back looking/running properly???

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one saving grace, it looks like a young deer, had it been older and bigger it might have come through the windscreen! looks nasty still, much damage inside the engine bay?

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I think thats what happens to John Malik's car if he parks near any wildlife / people! When that T28 turbo spools up....


No but seriously though, thats a real shocker :( Feel sorry for the poor old dear and sorry for you as thats going to be a gory and expensive repair job! :(

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sorry trig, but how can sitting on a train for just over an hour (with free cup of tea) be as bad as smashing up your car due to a suicidal dear?? yeh you wasted an hour, but how much is it gonna cost rob to get hes car back looking/running properly???


answers on a postcard to.... :lol:


could have been worse, 10 secs earlier i was testing the top end of my new engine, so i hit it at a fair rate!!

need a new intercooler now though, bit annoyed cos ill never get another rallye intercooler for £60!!!

got another rado coming for engine to go in all being well.

could have been worse, its only a bit of metal!!

just dont think the car liked me!!!

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broke every bone in its body!! good job aswell, i would have been annoyed if it was still alive!!!

found its intestines on the gearbox, wasnt all that good!!

its done a lot of damage, bonnet, bumper, wing, intercooler, rad, battery etc

what a chore, only had it on the road for about a month aswell after the engine gave up!!

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what a nightmare! sorry to see that mate. trying to see a brigthside, lucky it wasn't you injured. cant salvage the dear and flog that for parts can you? sick sense of humour i know!

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Sorry KADVR6 (and Rob_B), I was commenting more on the state of the deer than the car, didn't actually realise it was Rob_B's C - major bummer :( . Also I wasn't really moaning about the train ride just describing the death of the deer.

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nah the deer was mullered!!!

i couldnt even pull it out it was that bad!! lol

its put me right off venison though!!

i know i was very lucky. im glad no one was in the car with me, couldnt have lived with hurting anyone. thats why im not all that devastated cos at the end of the day, its only metal

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Ouch!! What a f'ing bummer!!


A mate of mine hit a full grown deer in her MX5 and its legs went through the windscreen and it damn nearly kicked her to death, luckly she got out! Glad you got out of it un-damaged even if the car didn't!

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Keep it mate! Thats gotta be the new look for 2006 8)


ouch, bet that was a shocker.. if it had got in a bit further you couldve had it cooked by the time you got home :yum:

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