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calling 16valvers

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regarding my last post, what are the rest of you getting on average on a full tank, ijust want to know if my car needs work (1992 16v 2.0)



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Depends how you're driving it and what sort of journeys you're talking about. Mine does 30ish mpg pottering around and 35-36 on a run. Driving hard on a run takes it down to 30-32mpg. Short journeys are around 25mpg on the mfa. It has recently got cooler so the warmup cycle is taking longer and my fuel consumption has dropped by ~3mpg on short journeys.


I never really fill the tank, only put £30 in when needed but a 15 gallon tankful would give you a range of around 400 miles at 30mpg without running it down to the fumes.


What mpg do you get on a longish run?



94 Flash Red 16v

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thanks mike and neil,

as i work in the city i rarely get a longish run, but ever since the gasket was fixed it is noticeably harder on the juice, maybe it is because it is going better and i am giving it more poke,then someone said it should be better now that the gasket is fixed- so i give up!

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Mostly get 300 miles in town, and about 400 miles on the Motorway. Giving the car some stick never seems to make much difference to my MPG :)




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mines pretty p*** really about 21.2 potterin around town and then say 26 27 on a long blast. its deffinatley gone down since i put the bigger inlet manifold on.



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My G60 used to be running around 27-31 mpg until a few days ago.


Dont know ehether its the MFA or not but its all of a sudden gone down to 21-22 mpg and wont go higher.


So I was running around 350-400 miles ish per tank, but if the MFA isnt being weird then id hate to think what milage im getting.



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Jeez, I used to get 500 miles out of a 12-gallon tank in my 2.0 cavalier. It's scary how much petrol even the 2.0 Corrados chew..!

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Jeez, I used to get 500 miles out of a 12-gallon tank in my 2.0 cavalier. It's scary how much petrol even the 2.0 Corrados chew..!


The vauxhall probably weighed half as much!

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Jeez, I used to get 500 miles out of a 12-gallon tank in my 2.0 cavalier. It's scary how much petrol even the 2.0 Corrados chew..!


I used to have a 2.0 Cavalier too and it never returned anywhere near that much!


To get 41mpg out of a 2.0 petrol engine you need to drive it like Miss Daisy!



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Or have an 8v engine and tall, tall gearing. 95mph in top was 2800 rpm... Cruise at a more law-abiding 75 (ok, the traffic demanded that) and you can easily see 40mpg+ out of these engines.

Trust me, I did it. A lot.

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if i fill the tank till the pump cuts out i get about 300-320miles in my Lreg, 2.0 16v.i used to think that was good untill i read this lot. have had to change dizzy because the supressor was breaking down causing the revs to drop off. still got no power when cold at low revs, any ideas? :shock:

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With a full tank in my 2.0l 16v I can get 300-400 miles/full 15 gallon tank, although the MFA says that I'm only averaging 20-25mpg max, and even on a long gentle(ish) run up the motorway, I only got it as high as 27mpg. The power delivery is fine :D and she's making beautiful noises. Running on G60 alloys, could that affect the MFA reading?

Any ideas on how to try and get better mpg? I need to spend most of my money on getting the &@£! sunroof fixed (I'm no mechanic on any car past 1936).

Idle seems ok, but a slight rise and fall at just under 1000rpm.

Any tips on fuel btw? I object to paying 86p/litre having just come from a Passat running bio-diesel (65p/litre woohoo!).

Sorry for all the questions, and advice greatly appreciated.

Cheers all,


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hey guys, it's worth remembering that the corrado has 2 different sizes of petrol tank! :roll: :lol:


I've got the larger tank in mine and tended to get around 340 miles outta a tank on the daily commute into and out of Manchester...


On a nice long cruise to Cornwall I got just over 450miles though :crazyeyes: I was well happy with that... 8)


At the moment I'm getting just under 300 outta a tank 'cos the engine's not been set up properly yet and I've set it to run rich all the time to prevent me from melting it! ;) :lol:

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Just cristened my 1.8 C with it's first full tank. I'm getting an average of 20-25mpg driving in London during the day (when traffic is pretty heavy) and around 32-38mpg driving at night when roads are empty (around 40mph). Will let you guys know what I get from the full tank when it's empty.

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whats wrong with mine, i only get 45/50miles for £10.... it just drinks so much, probably nearly as bad as a 2L turbo.........any suggestions......and i don't drive it hard.........its just local town driving.............only mods i have are full s/s and lowering and 17" and drilled airbox, i think its the airbox........ and its a 2L 16v

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Hey Baz, I've noticed myns abit thirsty around town too.. not as bad a yours though mate..

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My 1.8 16v has the larger tank and a full tank on the longer runs returns about 450/475 miles, on the other hand, the daily commute to work, about 279miles a week, in heavy traffic, mixture of motorway (carpark!) and town , I'll use a full tank :(

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i think its probably the airbox mods....i probably get airbox blocked up, its getting a bit annoying in town driving.....everyone knows me because of my car.......they hear me, but don't see me...lol

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gotta be airbox mate....i've noticed i get 27mpg with box plugged and around 17-19mpg on MFA with box opened up...thats corner cut completely and snorkel removed.

Also has same mods as you mate...17's and a powerflow SS exhaust.

I love the sound though, kinda like a scooby but a bit more gruff.

On short journeys the mfa takes longer to work out the overall mpg (as jims16v told me once)...on longer journeys mine hits 38mpg mostly.

£10 lasts about 2-3days driving about 10-15miles a day.


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i've got a 1.8 and normally get 34ish mpg :) . the worst was driving oxford-maidstone ( 90 miles) and taking 3 3/4 hours in traffic on the M25, 22mpg :( , and the best was with a poxy spacesaver on :cry: , on the same trip, desparately trying to stick to the 50mph limit, 48mpg :wink: , all figs indicated on MFA so open to conjector!! I have since done the trip in 4 3/4 hours but i've got the classic 99.99mpg at the mo! must look behind the cluster, i'm sure messing with stereo wires has disloged something!

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Over the weekend i got a bout 175 miles from half a tank of fuel in my 1.8 16v, about 29 mpg, I was taking it easy on the way down to the coast but on the way back I wasnt driving with fuel in mind going from 80-100mph for most of the trip back down the A3, so i probably could of done better!


My town mpg is always only about 18 mpg, which means that living in london and only putting optimax in equals very high fuel bills!! The only 'mod' im running though is 17"'s.

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I did a 140mile round trip up the A5 into Cov/Birm.


averaged 38mpg which is the best run I've had for a while.. plus its due for a service soon..

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Right, I've put it off for a while, but has anyone got any suggestions as to what might be causing the massively high consumption in my 'rado? It's a '95 2.0l 16v. It's been dropped about 1 1/2" inches at the front, and about 3/4" at the back (rough guess as it wasn't me who carried out the work but a previous owner), and does have a non-standard size exhaust (sounds lovely) and is running on 15" wheels as standard.

I can get 400miles out of a 15 gallon tank (average of 26.6mpg), but can never get it above that. Even resetting the MFA whilst moving at a constant 70, it soon drops back down to 26/27mpg.

I have cleaned out the airflow control unit (?) with brake cleaner (which solved the idle problem but not the consumption).

From reading the forums, I'm guessing that it might be the timing. However, before I take it to the garage, can anyone suggest anything that might be wrong?

If that's standard, then I'm happy to pay that price for owning it :) but if I can get better mpg then my bank would be happier....

Any advice greatly appreciated...



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