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New Series of Top Gear - Sunday May 7th

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Genius.. though I must say they seem to get more and more wreckless with each passing series! Just so many laugh out loud moments this week.. best show on TV bar none!


Looks like they have another great challenge coming up though this series.. looks like they have to 'make' their own aquatic cars.. should be bloody excellent!

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I liked it when that Swedish Kegosomething was bent by the Stig! (Who is he BTW?)


no-one knows! previous one was Perry McCarthy - ex F1 driver. Dunno who the new one is - obviously has F1 experience judging by how quick he went round the track in the Renault F1 - I used to think Johhny Herbert - but I dunno now he's involved in F1 again.

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ahhhh, who cares if it's scripted, it's still funny as hell... :lol:

I care. Frankly.


Don't get me wrong, I'll still be watching it every week but it's just heading the wrong way as far as I'm concerned. I have a bit of a problem with Hammond these days too on account of his moronic column in the Motorcycle News.

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ahhhh, who cares if it's scripted, it's still funny as hell... :lol:

I care. Frankly.


Don't get me wrong, I'll still be watching it every week but it's just heading the wrong way as far as I'm concerned. I have a bit of a problem with Hammond these days too on account of his moronic column in the Motorcycle News.


I must admit - I love it but I lost respect for Hammond after that crappy show he did on ITV!

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HAHAHA, That has to be one of the funniest top gears I've ever seen, usually the tests they do are a bit boring, but the espace project was funny. Clarksons comments about raising petrol prices so they can let foreigners out of jail so they can stab you was hilarious. The Konnisegg looks crazy too. Really looking forward to seeing how quick the bugatti and 997 911 Turbo go round the track...... 8)

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Bloody fantastic.


I even started a thread to remind people and then sodding forgot it was on!


When is it repeated on a different BBC channel?



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Bloody fantastic.


I even started a thread to remind people and then sodding forgot it was on!


When is it repeated on a different BBC channel?




NTL have it on pick of the week so you can watch it whenever, dunno if sky do something similar? (I'm guessing you don't get cable over there)

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Yup tommorow night at 7pm on BBC2.

Just as well cause being the muppet I am i managed to erase the disc I recorded it on before watching it.

GF said it was fantastic though!!!!!!

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Yeah i'm thinking Bit Torrent's probably the easiest way.


Out tomorrow night and Sky plus has decided it hates me at the moment and won't pigging record anything.

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Blimey. They don't hang about...http://www.mininova.org/tor/303374


Feel free to delete this post if a link to the torrent file is considered inappropriate :)

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Great show, the convertable espace stuff was great. And the Stig crashing the Koenigegiegeg! I do partly agree with the scripting stuff, it is overly theatrical at times but still damn funny.

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That Koenigsegg was a monster.. I bet driving one of those is just sheer terror!


And I wonder if Bugatti do ever let them take a Veyron round their test track.. considering they've had virtually every other supercar do that track i'd be surprised if they don't eventually let them!

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wiked! loved the carwash :shock: - and that litle silver thing that the stig crashed loooked awsome!

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Jeez, you really believed that was genuine?! As if the camera man would be hanging around inside a burning car wash.

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