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If i find them im gonna break their F***ing legs - updated

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just got home from a couple of days in London to be told my alarm has been going off all afternoon, well there can really only be 2 reasons for it, either someone had broken in or it had been hit pretty hard!


Went to look at car and saw 1 footprint on the offside side of the spoiler (bloody good job it goes down) 2 on the roof (1 on the sunroof) and 2 on the bonnet.


Al i can say is im bloody lucky there isnt any damage that i can see!!


took some pics but they didnt come out very well coz of the sun and shiny paintwork!!


Think that comes across slighlty less pissed off than i am!

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It's the warm weather that brings out all the crazies.


That sucks :(

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The worst thing is that obviosuly some little shite had decided it would be fun to do it, ok there was no damage but it could be one hell of a repair bill!


does seem to be 'the time of year' for it! jealous the lot of them.

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Right that's it, where's my Desert Eagle ?


F**K that, a bren LMG is the way forward. :twisted:

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BA****DS... may need to add a 'How to electrify the body of your car' in the wiki at this rate....

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now im really pissed!!!!


someone from down the road came round a few mins ago to tell me my car had been damaged.


Went to look and some fecking bastid had not only lifted up all my wipers but decided to bend the f*ck out of my wiper blades!


Seriously considering selling the girl and getting something shit that i dont care about.

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I know its not exactly anything major this time but its the principle! i didnt get the C for people to piss about with.


Thought about a cam, but car is parked a little way from the house so not entirely practicle!

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and now the dust caps!!! not anything major in the scheme of things, but still irritating none the less.


should i be considering selling the C and getting something crap just so i dont get so annoyed when things happen to it??

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Schitter ain't it mate, the same happened to me. I had 3 sets of footprints over the roof, one of which put a slight dent in it. :mad:


I park mine right outside my window now, but by doing that they went for the gf's poogeot instead, smashing the rear quarter window. The poogeot lives in the neighbours drive opposite now.....and I keep the baseball bat by the front door. :evilbat:


Where are you having to park it then, can't you get it nearer yours?

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Get a wireless IP camera. You can get them and they dump images to an IP address (via a wireless network) so even if the scum spot it and wreck it, it will have captured their face LOL.



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closet i can get it is about 300 yards away, and thats onl if another car hasnt parked there. alot of the time i have to park where the car cant be seen from the house too well.


Cant park it outside the house as its double yellow lines, cant use the garage as that where my dads car lives, and the driveway is shared so i cant leave the car there.


when the bastid walked across the top of the car the first thing the neighbours did was moan about my alarm going off!!! and i had to go apologise for it doing its job!! really helpful!!


Jay - that does sound like a very good plan, any idea how much and where from?

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Let the neighbours moan, tell them some little scrots are damaging your car, chances are it's happening to others people too - all rally together and get out the pitch forks then catch the basturds and burn them in a giant wicker man. :twisted:


But seriously ask if anyone else has had any trouble, then your not on your own, they'll be paranoid about they're cars and twitching the curtains too. Report things to the police too, its no good catching someone and involving police if they have no record of the 101 things the basturds have previously done to the car.

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hmmmz, makes the two kids I threatened last night for playing football next to mine look trivial.


I have to confess to indulging in a little 'car hopping' when I was younger, but not on anything nice, and not trying to damage anything.


it really starts to feel like you are being victimised after the second time :(


good luck with the camera/pitch forks mate :)

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pisses me off! My Mrs' had her dust caps nicked off her alloys within the 1st week of getting them. would love to cut the fingers off the little shites that do this sort of stuff!

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problem im gonna have with the IP cam is the distance between car and house!!


it does start to take the piss a bit after so much, ive always had problems round the area with the 'bully' type kids when i was at school etc..and im sure its the same or a related group. think its coz they now know whos car it is.


So damn annoying to of had my car walked over, my lupo wipers bent to buggery and have and probabaly half a dozen sets of dust caps nicked of which at least 2 were the more expensive 'locking' type. kinda saw the funny side the first ans second times but with the mileage i rack up and the state my wheels get into they are kinda needed where they should be not in some chavs pocket!


do they not teach kids to respect other peoples property anymore?? or maybe im just like it after spending my life in scouts and learning a bit of respect for other people.


how possible is it to run a live straight from the battery to the body work so when the bastids touch it they ground it and get a shock???

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Try hiding near the car one day, and be prepared to stay for a few hrs. Then when the little feckers turn up, you'll know who they are. Then get someone to give them a right good kicking for you, so it doesnt look like you who's done it.


Or just do it yourself and savour the moment!!


Little fecking w*nkers!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

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