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Kevin Bacon

Passing thought of the day - 12 and 24V inlets

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Does anyone know if a 24V intake manifold will fit onto a 12V head?


Just wondering if the bore size and bolt spacings match? Not worried about the other issues at this stage.



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the inlet runners are different on a 24 to a 12. i believe 3 runners are longer on the vr to make up for head design and to avoid too much harmonic loss. im told the 24v has cylinder compensation to address this. the main reason for the lack of short runner vr6 manifolds

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if you want short runner and with the charger you do then try racecraft or make your own. port shape is the issue or thats what i would have thought. gotta be worth 20hp for nothing really. on a standard 16v 15hp has been gained through short runner proven so a vr you have to expect similar.

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C2's "Quickflow" short runner has yielded 15hp on a N/A VR6 and I think Schimmel's log gives a little more as it's tapered to make sure gas speed is the same across all 6, unlike C2's.


I wasn't after an SRI, I just wanted to use the whole 24V intake to A) get the throttle on the nearside for easier IC plumbing, B) utilise the variable geometry and C), it's plastic so significantly less heat soak related losses.


I need to look at one more closely and see how possible or impossible it is!

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I reckon it's doable with a bit of custom jiggery pokery..... I'll hunt down a manny from the scrappers and have a play.

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Yeah there is always that option, I wonder if anyone will give me a free R32 engine if I buy the manifold? :-)


I quite fancy monster capacity actually. Shame the R36 won't be coming over here as I reckon that could bore/stroke out to 4 litres :-)

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Kev, pretty sure it won't work mate looking at my manifold now. Your talking some major jiggery pokery :)


Didn't mkIV golfs in the US come with the 12v engine with the TB on the right hand side just like their 24v big brothers?



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C2's "Quickflow" short runner has yielded 15hp on a N/A VR6 and I think Schimmel's log gives a little more as it's tapered to make sure gas speed is the same across all 6, unlike C2's.


Have you got any links to those two log manifolds above?





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Yeah there is always that option, I wonder if anyone will give me a free R32 engine if I buy the manifold? :-)


I quite fancy monster capacity actually. Shame the R36 won't be coming over here as I reckon that could bore/stroke out to 4 litres :-)


How come we're not getting the R36? Do you mean the golf R36? or just the engine?



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idea (in a baldrick fashion):


Why dont you make a plastic short runner manifold. You can use a length of soil pipe for the body, and some sink drainage for the runners.


It would be so easy too as you could use speed fittings lol

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