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Supercharged Junkie

Need some help with a peugeot 206

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Need some help from anyone with peugeot/ french car related knowledge

My mate went to start her 206 monday and it won`t start, she called the AA who had a look at it and didn`t know whats wrong with it; so they towed it down to her local garage who fought it could be the crankshaft sensor.

They replaced the sensor, the car started, went for a test run and it cut out again....they took it to a peugeot dealer to plug in to there diag computer and it came back NO FAULTS !???


Thing is it will start, but just cut out when driving?

Any ideas what it be, because the garage she went to don`t seem to know what it is.... or do peugeot :-(


Am thinking it got to be something silly, like a sensor gone somewhere but the garage is charging her £130 so far for not really fixing the problem and she hasn`t got alot of money at the mo.


So any ideas or suggestions on what it could be please post them

Sorry for being a bit vague about the problem but thats all i know




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yeah, sounds like it could be something electrical playing up that wouldnt register on the fault collection part of the ecu ??? i`d take a look at the fuel filter perhaps ............. or how about try removing the fuel cap and taking it for a spin, i`ve had the breather in the fuel cap on a car block and the result can be just like you describe, i`ve also had the gauze filter on the pick up pipe in the fuel tank crack and slide up the pipe and partially block off the pipe, worth giving a go before spending any more dollar

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Assuming that when the car "stops" the ECU warning lights come on on the dash, here's what you need to look at:


- The coil pack (assuming it's a PETROL CAR - would have been useful to mention that!) and spark plugs. These are common failures on 206s once they reach 4-6 years old. Can take out the ECU too, if you don't catch the faulty coil pack soon enough. Basically what happens is the engine misfires even slightly and the paranoid ECU cuts the fuel immediately to avoid polluting the CATs.


- the "no start" is most likely the immobiliser reader coil in the ignition column (another common failure ..)


The former costs about £80 plus fitting, the latter about £15 plus ..


Had exactly the same problem with the missus' car and Peugeot diagnosed the ECU at £800, without realising that due to the immobiliser the ECU remains LOCKED (i.e. you can't talk to it using the OBD interface) until the key authorises start. Local Pug specialist got it right though, and saved us seven hundred notes...


Funny thing about these common failures is my local Pug specialist knows about them, watchdog knows about them, my GRANNY knows about them, yet the dealer networks don't!

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tricky little beggars then dr_mat, ?


Not really. Just that the misfire response is a big one. You don't expect a minor misfire to stall the engine and light up the dash like a christmas tree.


But the dealers should really know better .... At the end of the day it's just a car, it needs fuel, spark .. One of 'em must be failing if it's not running right!


Anyway, replaced the CP and the immobiliser reader coil on the missus' car and it's been clockwork reliable (again) since then (two years now).

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On the subject of Peugeot dealers, they make the VW Network look like saints. When helping a mate out with his 306, I could only describe them collectively as the most unhelpful bunch of onanists that I've ever had the misfortune of dealing with.

Good luck with it,


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TBH it's a bit harsh to slag Pug off about it excessively, I mean it's a pretty rare problem compared to the number of people who drive cars with that engine in it (that means Pugs, Citroens, vans, cars, the whole shebang).

And they're still more reliable than bloody VWs.

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mmm bloody french cars! I have one as a second car & the cooling fan/air-con stopped working. The front relays are mounted in a panel facing directly out into the bumper opening. Opened the panel (Just last night) and the wiring was beyond belief for a 4/5 year old car- big 40A wires just piles of green mush- five pin relays with only three intact pins left- ggggrrrrrrrr


Dr M and S Junkie- I would check this out on yours before its too late. If you cleaned em all back up, popped the relays in bags and sealed up the front panel you would be avoiding a big headache!

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Hmm, worthy of a check out. But no electrical weirdos on the missus' car so far (at 6 years old), so maybe yours was a one off?

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fair play to dr-mat good call , coil packs and ignition areals do pack up for a past time with pugs also the com 2000 unit is famous for packing up , hope you sort it soon :)

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I've got a 3 year old Clio as a 2nd car and it has different warning lights on everytime you drive it. Airbags and engine sensors. Getting there though, so far reliable and very cheap to run.

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Right ok then, She took it back to the garage, they couldn`t really find anything wrong with it so they changed the coil pack but now it sometimes won`t start at all, then if you leave it it a while it will start but it doesnt cut out going along just the orange light comes on but the ecu doesnt record any faults?

Any ideas?




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When it's failing to start, does the ECU unlock? If they can't communicate with the ECU, then it's cos the immobiliser never unlocked - change the reader coil in the steering column.

"It doesn't cut out going along but the orange light comes on" - probably a slight misfire still then. I assume they swapped the plugs and the "HT connectors" (not leads) at the same time?

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