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People Running Front Solid Engine Mounts Please read....

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My car is in with Darren @ G-werks at the moment to have a few bits done and i asked him about a crack in my engine mount bracket and that it was cracking along the mating face between mount and bracket and not along the weld, which we thought was quite strange??


Anyway after getting off the phone to daz today he had discovered that my solid engine mount was 20mm!! :shock: shorter in height than it should be compared to OEM and the BBM solid mount, this would explain the strange position of the crack as the engine wasnt sittng properly at all, which could be quite dangerous as it meant the engine was sitting lower than it should @ an angle and not evenly spreading out the load distributuon when the engine was under load. which may even have an effect on the oil in the sump as the engine is sitting at an angle.


Now i am not going to name names in terms of the company that sold the mount to me, as i dont think its my place to say, but i may make them aware of this.


But what i will say is if you have a front solid engine mount on your car get it checked with either an OEM mount or maybe BBM solid mount, as a similar thing may happen to you.



Darren has comparison pics and i will post them up when he emails them to me so you can see the difference.


***Just been on the phone to the company selling these, being Very understanding and willing to answer any queries i had. must admit i do feel a bit harsh on posting the topic up before talking to them first and i didnt intend to cause any disbelief towards the company.


Anyway the general answer is that the solid mount itself will not cause any damage to the car istself, and there are varying designs out there but the offending items are the brackets and mounts that the solid mount sits on itself, most of these are 15+ years old, and are pretty shagged out.


I think the only answer for people that have these mounts and intend to buy them is to uprate the bracket that the solid mount bolts too, or buy a new one, at the end of the day these brackets where only designed for a car with 160bhp and not 200+ bhp.


With tuning there are advantages and disadvantages, the solid mount i had fitted onto my car did an excellent job, but the disadvantage is that it puts a hell of alot more stress on other parts of the car which may fail over a period of time, this is mainly due to the fact that most components on our cars are over 12 years old and most of our cars are not exactly standard.


So please not to cause any heartache Either get a new bracket or uprate your existing one.


The company reassures me that they have sold many of these mounts with any major problems caused and they even run them on their own heavily modified cars with out any problems.***

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Its quite a well known company on here, without a bad rep, so i will get in touch with them first maybe

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That would explain why I have already ripped one mounting completely in half - and part way through a second


And yes I think I know who you are talking about!!!!

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Yeah it is a bit of pain in the arse but i have got in contact so will wait for a reply.


But atleast it may answer a few questions as to why there are a few unsuspected failures.


But in the mean time anyone with a solid mount get it checked out.

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But atleast it may answer a few questions as to why there are a few unsuspected failures.


Yep, i've read of a few people having this problem , at least now we know why. I think Ronans did the same

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I always thought it kinda odd that you'd deliberately engineer solid engine mounts. The mount is supposed to soak up some of the engine vibration precisely to prevent the block and the chassis from having to do so (which they were not designed for).

Of course, making one that's not quite the right size certainly doesn't help :) but I always thought this was a fundamentally flawed idea, personally..

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ive broke 2 engine mount brackets on my G60. 1 on the standard mount when i first modded it. it ripped the mount in 2 also and the second on my volkspeed mount. the brackets are arse

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this is not looking good for my visit to darrens tom :( supposed to be haveing a 4 branch fitted.. and he does'nt have any bbm mounts in :(


every piece of work that has been done by !! has had to be re-done by darren, should of seen the angle of the end seal and the way the apex strips went back in when i got darren to up open my charger to see why my end seal was leaking...


just glad the previous owner had the work done... still not impressed tho..

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if something is being sold and dangerous for our cars health for godsake tell us!!


Indeed, if it is dangerous and gonna cause damage then peeps should be made aware.


I don't see the point in not saying, at least give peeps a heads up :roll:


Otherwise you are gonna be getting more threads with "my engine mount ripped the bracket off...." and "I know who it is, his star sign is Libra"

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Please read page 1,


I am not going to mention any names, its not my place to say so, they have a reputation to maintain.


i dont want to shit stir , iam just trying to help out / gauge an opinion, so that similar failures do not occur.

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I am not going to mention any names, its not my place to say so, they have a reputation to maintain.


Then they should build bit's that don't break :lol:

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So whats the problem? i don't know what i'm running on what do i look for ? whats standard? whats the best ? what are the benifits? :cowboy:

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its a load of rubbish, might as well remove the 'bad salesman' thread then, and send the crew of Watch Dog down the benefit office.


If I had an accident/damage caused by something, and found out that people were aware of the problem but hadn't said anything I would go balistic.


its a load of cr*p about it not being your place, if anything it is your responsability to tell peeps.


anyways, I will reframe from swearing :)


gl all, and merry christmas

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I am not going to mention any names, its not my place to say so, they have a reputation to maintain.


Surely you can say that you suspect the ?? mount could have been the cause of the problem but you will correct that if you find otherwise?

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['H3R4POR]its a load of rubbish, might as well remove the 'bad salesman' thread then, and send the crew of Watch Dog down the benefit office.


If I had an accident/damage caused by something, and found out that people were aware of the problem but hadn't said anything I would go balistic.


its a load of cr*p about it not being your place, if anything it is your responsability to tell peeps.


anyways, I will reframe from swearing :)


gl all, and merry christmas


tell me this, would you rather i kept all this to myself and not tell anyone???


Atleast you know to get the car checked out? rather than finding one day the whole lot has failed.

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Im with Mike on this one, starting a witchhunt does no good to anyone, But as the Dr said. solid mounts cant be good as they transfer any stress to a place that wasn't designed to take it.

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