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ADR M Sport Alloys.. Nice or Rank? You decide...

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I fancy these.. but i've made some bad wheel decisions on the past.. anyone like or dislike em, or better still anyone got any pics of em on a corrado?





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are they fake split rims? i never like things dressed up to be something they arent whether its split rims or ladyboys its never good :lol:

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Yeah they've nice wheels, although as they're 'a bit fiddley to clean' and I'm a lazy b@stard in a drought stricken area I'd probably not clean them enough, which would screw them so I'd not actually buy them myself!! :lol: I like smooth and easy too clean!

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there ok, like the dish.

but why dont you ask someone on here with good photoshop skills to put them on your C?

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re they fake split rims? i never like things dressed up to be something they arent whether its split rims or ladyboys its never good


I kind of agree on this - its a bit like wearing a pair of two stripe abibas trainers and a shirt with a small dolphin logo made to look like a crocadile.


Save up a bit more and get some BBS.

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ah buy them if you like them! who cares if they are fake split rims or not - its your money.

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I think they maybe proper splits but im not 100%. I thought they may have had the look of the 'venoms' about them so just wanted to check.. Cheers!

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