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I know this will get locked immediately.... perhaps not....

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Well it sounds like it'll be very cool should it work, but I'd be inclined to talk to a coulpe of open-minded quantum physicists and chemistry majors too - I'm sure they'll be able to help you siphon the bullshit from the possible theory.

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This thread rocks :)


Most threads in the technical section go over my head as i'm a know - nothing , but this one takes the biscuit :thumbleft:


I think Mr bcstudent hit the nail on the head :


It amazes me that someone who claims such engineering greatness can have so many problems with his own car, with even simple things like thermostats.

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Well if you really believe that stuff then your engineering major must have been a major laod of cack!!! First off, how does this mysterious "gas" disperse through metal int othe engine but not escape through the tubes?? I only read the first part of the Wiki, thats all I could stand....


If this really worked, dont you think someone would have made a ful lworking system of it now? All te big energy majors would have it running if it was true, as htey are all spending billions to find alternativeenergy systems for when the oil runs out.... And all that stuff about NSA/government/ spy threats, yeah right..... and htere goes a flying elephant and i collected a bag full of rocking horse shit on my way to work this morning!!




BP Process Engineer

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I've just had to check my calender to make double sure that it's not the 1st of April today! Surely this thread was started two months and 5 days too late :lol:

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To be sang to the tune of the American National Anthem:


"Oh, say can you see, by the dawn's early light,

Potatonet’s Corrado travelling at the speed of light?

Whose broad stripes and bright stars, through the perilous fight,

with Corrado forum members – words like ‘bullshit’ they were screaming?

And the rockets' red glare, the Joe cell bombs bursting in air,

Gave proof through the night that the brainwashing was still there.

O say, does that star-spangled corrado yet move

O'er the land of the free and the home of the insane?" :cuckoo: :salute:


Lyrics penned by Oxide and Neutrino. :lol:

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This thread is ridiculous, I have to agree with everyting bcstudent has said.

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comon, its great!

I am laughing now, but on the off chance he gets it going, and I will be having crack at a 3.2 litre r32JC :lol:


Then I will be be making an engine to power my entire house with electric, then possibly the street/village and eventually the world.


Thing is, even if the implosion in the cylinders made a total vacuum, that would be nowhere near the force of a petrol explosion. See with petrol you can simply stuff as much as you can get in the cylinders (wthin reason) and get a big explosion. with an implosion all you could possibly hope to attain is a vacuum, which at best would be piss poor for performance, and I dont fancy getting outrun by scooters and 2CVs lol :lol:


Unless you get even less than a vacuum in the cylinders! woah just think maan, anti matter! I'll have some of that on toast!

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Rumour has it that Wales is working on his own design....


The Dave Cell...


When it's ready i'll let you all know. In the meantime keep it quiet , I don't want to have to deal with any more hitmen employed by BP

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Yeh i've seen the CIA snooping around Newquay Dave, caliming you to be (I quote) 'dangerously intelligent and a risk to humanity because you're so good at inventing stuff...'



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haha, pink shirt and hot pants too eh trigger??


Like Earl says it's all Karma, you work in a spot on area, but look like a bummer in the process! :lol:

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Top marks for the pink recycle bubble :lol:


I'm making a Dom Cell, but it's aimed at a somewhat different clientelle :lol:

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I would like to offer my most humble apologies, however I must stress that I wouldn't mean it


Is that what they teach you for customer service at BMW :lol:

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Also, i've just noticed you wearing a pink shirt in that pic of you stood behind fat tounge Trig, are you going all Dinkus on us?

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