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Storm Warning

Corrado Vandalised!

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I live in an area that attracts wild fowl, one of which fowled my Storm (and my wifes mini; driveway, path.. oh and a wall too). I don't normally take pictures of poo, in fact I never have before. I assume this poo came from a swan, or maybe even a terradactal.


The wild fowl bowel movement started on the Mini, crossed a meter of drive, up my RCs wing bonnet over the grass the other side and over the path and just up the wall. Do you think thats a world record?


It must have been from a good height as the whole front end of the Storm was freckeled with white poo from the splatter!

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God I looked at that and thought it was brake fluid or something awful then actually read the post.. bloody hell, was it an albatross or something??! :)

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Blimey thats quite a big poo :lol:


We had a similar attack last year but whatever it was had been eating berries and decided to drop it's load over our cream patio furniture cushions :roll:

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I thought it was a terradactal that shat on mine the other day, but it was nothing like that :-/

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I was amazed at just how much coverage there was, the bonnet and windscreen was covered in a haze of 'matter'. want a high res image? didn't think so ;-)


big_chris1981, Thats the best suggestion so far but I cleaned off before it ate my paint, so can't taste test it for traces of yogurt.

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I live in the centre of Cardiff, which is basically sea gull and pigeon central of the world! My car looks like that most days. :(


Worst one yet was this week, horrible fluorescent yellow jobbie on my drivers door window....dread to think what it most have ate to get it that colour, most unpleasant. :pukeright:

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I don't normally take pictures of poo, in fact I never have before. I assume this poo came from a swan, or maybe even a terradactal.


PMSL!!! :lol: :lol:

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At my old work the seaguls would fly diagonally across the car park EVERYDAY pooping on everything in sight... the amount of times I'd come out and my golf would be covered from headlight to taillight!!


I never took any pics, but imagine your rado but 5x worse!! they must have flown 10 abreast cos it was just like someone had poured a can of paint out of an airoplane!


Nevertheless, that is still a very impressive amount of poop.


Did it stain? Damn seaguls in newquay stained my roof (my fault for leaving it there for 2 days) and my newly painted boneet is stained even though I washed it off when I found the poop.

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Where i used to work, every nite on going home most cars including mine would have been shat on.. which was on a daily basis..... except this one women which her car never got touched....


This used to piss me off!! One day we were sat in the tea room and she was bragging about how wonderfull her Hyandi coupe was... and it must be a good car as the seaguls leave it alone out of respect...


I replied promptly with when they fly over her car they fly upside down.... she asked why!!! I replied cos it aint worth sh*ting on..


That soon took the smile off her face :)

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