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What a night - crunch :(...then blue lights *phew*

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could he have given out a producer? I dont think they need a reason for that, probably right in that the car being registered miles away would have created more paperwork than he was prepared to do. I've got off with a couple of daft things (driving in a bus lane) in geordie land due to my southern accent and being able to blag that I'm not local :D

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had a similar run in with the plod recently, not one I would want to repeat in a hurry.


Hope the car is sorted ASAP mate



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Sorry to hear about the car, but pleasing news about the licence :-) I'm glad you caught up with the guy that hit you, was he extremely apologetic for trying to do a runner?

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how did the guy think he could do a runner in that piece of sh!t.......

i got stopped by a copper in a dog van doing 105mph in my old mk3 1.4 golf, he bollocked me then said oh i can't book you coz i'm on my own and have no video equipment,,,,,,,, But you must have had the same feelin of 'why bother stopping me, if you cant do anythin?'

But the licence is safe to fight another day!!!!!! 0X

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shame about the ding and all that,


I'm seeing a new user name for Dom here......Dingkus :lol:


Bad luck Dom mate, you really don't have much luck with your C's do you? :?

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unlucky mate, doesn't look too bad though :)


I thought, when you said about seeing the car at the roundabout the second time you were gonna hit something else :lol:


hope you get it sorted buddy

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Well I'm not 100% sure if he was trying to do a runner or just moving out of the way, but either way it got the adrenaline running and he wasn't gonna go anywhere.



Oh and it was a Mazda 323 GLXI (phwoarr) for those interested/that care :lol:

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Bad news indeed. Lucky that neither the damage nor the cops was more severe.


Hope you get the wing sorted.


Oh and it was a Mazda 323 GLXI (phwoarr) for those interested/that care


Don't know what it is with Japcar drivers, as my Mk1 Rocco got rear-ended nearly 3.5 years ago by a Japcar. In my case it was a Nissan 100 or something, another boooooring family car. Unfortunately that time the damage to my Karmann was far more severe than to his crap Japcar. Fortunately thanks to plenty of witnesses and the fact that a police car drove by a few minutes later and took note of the whole thing, I didn't have to kill that driver, which i nearly did, particulalry after he even tried to waffle his way out by suggesting I had cut him off !!! Yeah, right, we were all going in a line, crawling, noweher to go, let alone be cut off ...



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A real spot of bad luck there mate! Thank god the copper didn't do you!! Damage looks worse on the other car for sure... unlucky chap!



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Well I took it to a very good local bodyshop to get a quote and they said it's a new wing, respray the bumper and a new headlight too cos the plastic clips have snapped.


They also put me in touch with a company that are going to sort the whole claim out for me and provide a courtesy car etc, so that's making things a bit easier.


The wheels are in motion as it were, so now it's hopefully just a case of time...

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['H3R4POR]but its his insurance company right?


Yes yes, but instead of having to waste hours on the phone to muppet insurance companies I get these people to do it all for me (and for free too).


I also had a discussion with him about bunging him a few hundred extra quid to get the rest of the bodywork tidied up too, so that might work out nicely, money permitting.

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yeah yeah, I understand that, you just didn't seem to mention (or I didn't see) who had claimed responsability, so wasn't sure if you were going in for kidney surgery or anything.


all good then :)

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Ahh ok - definitely his fault, so should be ok there.


The kidney surgery is a different matter though...

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these people to do it all for me (and for free too).


I always like that, as they, of course, claim it straight of the opponents insurance (or do they first claim it off yours, who in turn claim it off the opponent's?). I'd double-check with your own insurance, especially if you're close to the end your insurance year, as they'll use any excuse to increase the premium for the new year.



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I think they claim it all from the other person's insurer, so doesn't go near mine.


My insurance isn't up for renewal til Feb or something, so should be fine...

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I think they claim it all from the other person's insurer, so doesn't go near mine.


That's not how it works, I was told by my insurer (based on my accident 3.5 years ago): Britain has the client-unfriendly (but very insurer-friendly) so-called "direct insurance system", where you claim everything from your own insurance, who on proof of your innocence (police reports help them come to that decision in a "fight" between your insurance and the opponent's, as the police report is not allowed to give any verdict :shock:) then claim off the opponent's insurance, but until such time you get all the bad points etc., as you're still claiming off your own insurance. As both insurers try to keep the cost down, the client usually gets screwed, has to put up with w*nkers of insurance-appointed so-called evaluation engineers (yeah, what's a Rieger rear skirt got to do with a Mondeo bumper? Seriously, that's what my insurance appointed engineer said, whereupon I called him an incompetent w*nker, and told the insurance that, too, as I reminded them that I am still their customer, and they should be able to tell their shopping trollies from highly modded show&shine cars).


On the continent they still have the predecessor to our system, where you simply send in a lawyer to the opponent's insurer and sue the crap out of them, and hence don't have to touch your own insurance. You're usually also covered against the legal expense of sending your lawyer in to the opponent's insurer. The down-side is the immense amount of abuse this system allows by the clients/insured, as you can almost get away with anything in terms of getting your car fixed (things that weren't caused by the accident). You also get to appoint the damage assessor yourself, and hence you choose a good 'un ;-)


Not meaning to frighten you, just be well-prepared, it pays off to ask a few questions with your insurance company (like I did back then, and learnt a heck of a a lot in the process, you get to realise what a scam this whole insurance business is ;-) ). Good luck :-)


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