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24v RADO

very happy new owner of jay's 24v corrado

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hi, I’m assuming you have seen my post on E38 so I won't go on about it.

I read some responses on the rado forum and generally they were all very positive, although when I said the car was the best in the world it was mealy an opinion and hope it didn't rile anyone too much.

but as complete car it is truly amazing and does look and drive like a new car, I’m sure when jay was building the car he could have gone down other avenues e.g. power and performance but it was more of a ‘factory finish’ route that was taken and as a complete package it must be up there with the best.

But that’s just my opinion..


Thanks for reading, Martin

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Welcome over mate!


You must be very proud of having that at 21, such an awesome car :)


Supercharging it? :-P

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i'm considering supercharging it but need to save some pennies first.

fitted an autobra today mainly for protection but it does look good.

i love the wheels and trying to make it my own will be difficult.any suggestions.

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Bra will look good, I think the wheels do look good, but they'll always remind people that it's Jays, personal plate maybe?

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Hmm, are you going for a more personalised plate or one that hides the age? :)

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Congrats on a fine purchase dude... just a word of warning as far as bra's go. They're good but you don't want to leave it on there for every day use or let any moisture get under it as it will effect the paint! Prolonged use can damage the laquer too with all the small movements that will ocur from driving and general airflow...


anyhoo... sorry if I'm teaching you to suck eggs as I'm sure you know what you're doing having read the E38 thread!


So all in all nice motor mate and welcome to the forum 8)

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Nice car you have there mate, welcome to the fold ;)


PS We're the only two with the 2.8 24v engine (in a Corrado) in the country 8)

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thanks for the comments guys, i also heard about damage from autobra's i'll give mine a good airing each night.

and it's nice to be in the rado 24v club current UK members 2 ??

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Welcome Martin. As I said on the ED38 forum. Drive it hard, enjoy it and look after it :)

Look forward to seeing what you do to it. I promise I will change my Sig pic when I get my new car :)



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thanks for the comments guys, i also heard about damage from autobra's i'll give mine a good airing each night.

and it's nice to be in the rado 24v club current UK members 2 ??


2.8 = Me and You - Actually running


3.2 = Phat & Coxy - Not quite there yet



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Welcome over and into the fold of rado ownership.... hope you have many pennies you will need them!!


Not with that one he won't :)



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me and phat are actually in the '3.2 24v on axle stands in your garage' club

its even more exclusive ;) :lol:

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Edited :lol:



Oh and theres Dutch =2.8 Not quite there, but not sure if he counts as he's in Holland :lol:

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think you should strip it out and put the G60 back in, was too much power for jay anyways :lol:


congrats on a super buy

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thanks for the comments guys, i also heard about damage from autobra's i'll give mine a good airing each night.

and it's nice to be in the rado 24v club current UK members 2 ??


2.8 = Me and You - Actually running


3.2 = Phat & Coxy - Not quite there yet




not quite.. I know of another 3.2 24v in a rado.. ;) Should be finished soon ... :D

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well done getting yr mitts on an awesome motor..


yes my thoughts exactly... look after it, as I'm sure you will.. I helped build that car! (well actually I stood in the garage and looked at it while Jay tighten'd his nuts.... oohhh urrrr ) :lol:

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Glad you found your way here and well done on buying one of the best Corrado's in the country. I don't think there are many people amongst us who wouldn't have gladly handed over the money for that car if we actually had it, so well done.


Enjoy it! :)

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good luck mate welcome to the forum if it was me id change the wheels but theyre gonna have to be pretty exclusive ones to beat the vette's then save for a charger! the colour and the interior i dont think you can beat imo!


WElcome to the forum Andy

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how about fitting a ferarri f40 bonnet vent, focus indicators and neons? everyone would know it was yours then! :lol: just kidding mate, i wouldnt know where to start making that my own becuase its so complete as it is. New wheels would be a good start, but as has been said they're going to have to be special!


you could get a sunstrip in the front windsceen saying 'Jay bob' (swap bob for your name ;))

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