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24V Renshaw

May be coming back to the fold already......

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After a lot of sorting and looking into my finances and my life in general I think I am not going to be keeping the Porker. :(

Basically its just not the right time for me to have one. I am planning on selling the Porsche (having only just bought it) and think I will use the capital to sort my life out and buy a very very very tidy VR with the remaining cash.

So give me a few weeks, but I will be on the look out for a minty mint VR soon :)



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:shock: :shock:


Sorry to hear about that mate, but the corrado community will be very happy to have you back :)


Best of luck

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Jay......I told ya man, once you are in the corrado club, you cannot leave!


Seriously though its freakish how many people on here have sold up tried to move on, then ended up with another corrado!


You after your old one back then ;-)

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Seriously though its freakish how many people on here have sold up tried to move on, then ended up with another corrado!



Which is why I'm hanging onto mine when I get my next car! I know I'd regret selling it.....

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I see a whole new Corrado project on the horizon :lol:


If you need any help with anything, just give us a shout mate ;)









Now let me see, how can I spend Jays money for him.......... :twisted: :norty: :norty:

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....... lol, nice one jay, i sold my corrado ( not as unique as yours ) some years back but couldnt find anything i liked more so ended up buying another instead, seems to be a common thing with owning these cars .. just cant leave alone, welcome back mate :thumbleft:

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Renshaw you tart... :lol:


How are you going to own a standard VR after what you had... those old VR6 engines make a noise you know!!

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jay if you use the "search" function theres a handy buyers guide on the forum :-)


take someone with you who is familiar with the rado to view your future corrado :-)


welcome back !! ;-)




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quote of the week Mr Wire...................


" I've put too much time and money into it to get rid, and far too much driver enjoyment to turn my back on aswell Besides, most people either regret not buying a C when they had the chance, or getting rid of a C when they had one.....so by keeping it, I spare myself that!"

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Glad to hear you might be coming back Jay but obviously its a shame that its under those circumstances. Can't be too nice having to sell your dream car so soon after buying it! :(

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Ok, who had 23 minutes in the sweep?!


Bloody hell Jay - glad you're coming back though!

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