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Grrr... got smacked into today... in the VR....

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evening all... thought I would share yet more of the bad luck i seem to be having...


The Audi is off the road cos its broke - the exhaust and CAT are corroded and I cant get a replacement unless I go brand new which is just tooooooo expensive as I am officially unempolyed at the mo.... anyway...


Been driving Daves VR as its better on fuel that Audi which, with dodgy exhaust, is giving me 10mpg average. Loving being in a Corrado again, especially a VR! Was out and about today and heading to a place just round the corner to drop some stuff off - so I slowed down before the road I had to turn into, was clearly indicating, had to slow right down as the road was narrow with cars either side and I couldnt see if it was clear, started to turn and then I heard screetching brakes, looked in my mirror and a Saab saloon was heading sideways into the back of the VR... it hit, threw me forward a few feet. The Vr stopped, I got out, by this point I was utterly raging, the woman got out the Saab and the first thing she said was, 'what happend? did you stall the car?' I proceeded to tell her that infact I had been turning (indicators on the VR were still flashing) and infact she was a stupid f*****g blind cow... I must have ranted for a good 5 min, by this point she was looking a bit scared..... anyway, I finally got her to give me her details - she wasnt going to as her car wasnt damaged - and we drove off.... On close inspection the VR's bumper has absorbed the impact, its now out of alignment with the rear arch on one side which it wasnt before and there are a few scratches etc on the paint....


so yeah - phoning Dave to tell him what had happened was, ummm.... interesting..... :wink:


could have been worse though - damage is easily fixable - although it will be at the stupid cows expense.... :roll:


ugh... never been hit in a car before...... :(

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Glad your ok Laura!


It will always be the other persons fault if they run into the back of you whatever the circumstance...


New bumper plus fixings = £500, painted and fittet will be another £250 as an insurance job.

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Good to hear you're ok.


Damn that sucks, poor VR :( It's horrid having your first accident aint it!


Bes tof luck getting it sorted :)

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make sure you get the daft cow to pay.

If you wernt female a rant about women driver might ensue.

But your wrath and the GF's aint worth it :lol:

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as Steve said, glad you're okay, although im sure a little whiplash will help get the audi back on the road 8)


cant imagine dave being angry with you though!? suicidal, maybe.. :cry: :lol:


hope it all sorts itself out.. your luck has gotta be in sooon!

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If you wernt female a rant about women driver might ensue.

But your wrath and the GF's aint worth it


I hate women drivers... you'll get no grief off me if you rant about them.... especially fat, middle aged, driving-their-husbands-company-car-that-they-dont-even-know-the-make-of women drivers - they drive me nuts....


I am fine - more angry than anything else - I think she figured that out though by the names I called her... oops....


The Vr will be fine - and Dave was ok about it, thankfully...... :)

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FFS! glad you are ok. Not your fault and nowt you could have done about it.


Get the most expensive claim ever and screw thiw woman over lol.


You still coming to no rice?

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Sorry to hear about that Laura - you certainly aint having the best run of luck at the moment are you!


But as has been said - totally not your fault - if someone goes into the back of you, unless there is a hugely good explanation for WHY it happened, its going to be settled in your favour automatically.


lol.. I wouldn't have wanted to be the woman in the Saab! She must have got a real telling off :D

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I dont know you,, Laura im guessing but im also glad your okay, funny thing i should mention is that my dad loves saabs, we have about 10 of them in the drive way lol and i drive a VR (IRONIC ISNT IT), oh and we also have a audi in the drive way 100 cs But im glad ur okay, i must say though im glad that i wasnt the women that hit you i would have pissed my pants lol

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booo and bum thats crap. Is it just us jocks that re having a shit time of it of late? must be the black pudding. Glad your ok...thats the most important thing. Trust me i know how crap it is phoning your other half and telling them you dmaged their pride and joy...still feel guilty now. Sure Dave wont hold it against you, nowt serious and itll get sorted soon enough


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As always, glad you're OK. Bummer though :( Sounds like it should be relatively easy to sort. There are soooo many bad drivers around!

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Like everyone else has said.......glad you're ok Laura! The first time you're involved in an accident in a car is a bit scary, however minor the damage. But I bet that other woman was more scared after you'd finished with her :lol:


Hope you get it sorted soon....at her expense of course!

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Thanks everyone - I still have the keys for the VR so I am assuming Dave is ok about it all!!!


It must have looked hilarious to anyone passing, she was very, very posh in a very, very nice Saab, well dressed, nice jewelery, getting a ballocking from me, a very angry Glaswegian dressed in filthy riding clothes driving an old dirty car... lol! Bet she didnt understand most of what I said....


Yer right Gav, its the curse of the black pudding... :)

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Good luck with it all Laura, people often change thier story a few days later. A camera in this situation always helps!! Lucky that big old Saab didnt split the C in two, lol; she must've scrubbed a bit of speed off coming in sideways.

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Blimey, sucky news Laura, but if you got her details then you should be fine with getting it fixed. I'm still waiting around for people to sort out my ding too :(

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I believe Dave is planning to contact them today so we shall see what they say - she was adament at the time that there was no damage - bint..... grrrrrrr!


and now one of the horses needs the vet out - someone up there obviously hates me, this year sucks.... :(

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its the curse of the black pudding... :)


Good curse to have though.. black pudding... yummmm :)

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its the curse of the black pudding... :)


Good curse to have though.. black pudding... yummmm :)


Lorne sauasage... Gav & Nikki will back me up on this - its the best stuff ever and you cant get it down here... you can even get it with black pud in the middle - genius...! :)

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Heh heh - just a good job you didn't put "got smacked into today... in the rear" otherwise this thread could have gone wildly off-top...oh...wait... :lol:

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its the curse of the black pudding... :)


Good curse to have though.. black pudding... yummmm :)


Lorne sauasage... Gav & Nikki will back me up on this - its the best stuff ever and you cant get it down here... you can even get it with black pud in the middle - genius...! :)


Indeed! we agree! By the way, if you want anymore, just let me know and ill get some :)

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