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Jim Bowen

Jim Bowen Corrado VR6 - New engine build

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Cheers Rob, i won't be giving up just yet..


Do people think there is anything wrong with taking the valves, springs, etc from that head and putting them into my original head, will get somewhere to skim it and fit the valves guides, but i reckon i can manage the rest. I take it it will just be a case of lapping the valves in? Possibly new lifters?

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Be interested to know, if you go through all of this, whether you manage to cure that infamous VR6 tick between we've both suffered from. I found out that my head was replaced during my rebuild with Stealth, and it's still come back and is worse than ever - making me think that the noise must be caused by something else. God knows what though.

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  culshaw said:
I wonder about the common occurances between both of your problems other than your names tbh.


I think we both have a 1995 Classic green Vr6 as well :lol:

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  Jim said:
Be interested to know, if you go through all of this, whether you manage to cure that infamous VR6 tick between we've both suffered from. I found out that my head was replaced during my rebuild with Stealth, and it's still come back and is worse than ever - making me think that the noise must be caused by something else. God knows what though.


Well the engine i plan to put back in had the tick, so i'll be keeping an ear out for it again.

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  Jim Bowen said:
Sent an email off to vege about it, not expecting anything from them, but wanted to let them know.


I very much doubt a respected engine remanufacturer would spray an alloy head? Was there any paperwork with the head to suggest it was a vege rebuild or just word of mouth?

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Reply from Vege: I'm not looking for compensation or anything like that, i only really contacted them as i'm still not sure why the engine has gone so wrong and why??? Think i'm just going to give up with it now and forgot the whole episode...


"In order to make the product look aesthetically pleasing to the recipient we do paint them as do all of our competitors. It is possible a very small amount overspray could enter coolant galleries but we do not consider it would cause any problems whatsoever. Should there be any overspray in either the inlet or exhaust ports this would eventually burn away, again causing no problems.


The flaking paint on the exterior surfaces in the photographs could be the result of something chafing against them and not necessarily the result of a problem with the composition the paint itself.


With reference to your comment that I think this has gotten into some oil ways/jets and starved the engine of oil.


As you are probably aware the lubrication system of an engine comprises a suction screen and a filtration system, which incidentally Vege did not supply, to prevent any contaminants entering the components you mention. We do not agree that particles of paint can enter oilways or piston cooling jets and has therefore resulted in the problems you are now encountering.


We trust to have addressed all of the points you raise and hope you can establish the root cause of the problem."

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  Jim Bowen said:
Reply from Vege: I'm not looking for compensation or anything like that, i only really contacted them as i'm still not sure why the engine has gone so wrong and why??? Think i'm just going to give up with it now and forgot the whole episode...


"In order to make the product look aesthetically pleasing to the recipient we do paint them as do all of our competitors. It is possible a very small amount overspray could enter coolant galleries but we do not consider it would cause any problems whatsoever. Should there be any overspray in either the inlet or exhaust ports this would eventually burn away, again causing no problems.


The flaking paint on the exterior surfaces in the photographs could be the result of something chafing against them and not necessarily the result of a problem with the composition the paint itself.


With reference to your comment that I think this has gotten into some oil ways/jets and starved the engine of oil.


As you are probably aware the lubrication system of an engine comprises a suction screen and a filtration system, which incidentally Vege did not supply, to prevent any contaminants entering the components you mention. We do not agree that particles of paint can enter oilways or piston cooling jets and has therefore resulted in the problems you are now encountering.


We trust to have addressed all of the points you raise and hope you can establish the root cause of the problem."


I stand corrected, I'd have thought vege etc would have suitable cleaning tanks / machines etc not to need to "bull****" their products with paint.


Every day is a school day etc etc


I hope you can salvage the cams :)

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It does occur to me Jim that I've still got the front SP263 cam still kicking around in my garage. It was only the rear that snapped, and as far as I know it's in good condition. Honestly I've no interest in taking the engine apart any more so if you want it, willing to let it go for a reasonable price?

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I'm hoping mine can be salvaged, but thanks for thinking of me. I'll take them to a machine shop in the new year along with my original head and see what they can do with them.

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  Jim said:
It does occur to me Jim that I've still got the front SP263 cam still kicking around in my garage. It was only the rear that snapped, and as far as I know it's in good condition. Honestly I've no interest in taking the engine apart any more so if you want it, willing to let it go for a reasonable price?


I'd be interested in the cam if you want to sell it

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I'll double check the condition (as it's sat open air in my lock-up for the last 12 months) and let you know. Want to make sure it's not corroded or anything.

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  Jim said:
I'll double check the condition (as it's sat open air in my lock-up for the last 12 months) and let you know. Want to make sure it's not corroded or anything.


OK, a few pics would be good please and if it turns out that Jim Bowen needs it I'll defer to him.

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Pushed corrado out of garage this morning, giving it a bit of a clean and sorting out garage ready for putting engine in it. Noticed from the dates that its been sat in garage for a year now.



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  robrado974 said:
I bet it seems like an age Jim .


Its does seem a long time since i've driven it properly, when i used it last it was running the previous engine in, so didn't really enjoy it much.

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  mic_VR said:
Good work mate. When do you think it'll be running?


a few week from now i reckon, not sure what i need for other engine yet as i kind of disregarded it thinking i'd never need it. Hopefully just a few gaskets to buy and that'll be it.

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Fingers crossed for you that this engine gives you a lot less hassle.

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Finally got the spare engine home today. Went straight to work on it, but quite a bit done today. Fitted new lifters, put standard cams back in it, then just swapping a few bits over from previous engine. Got all the timing gear fitted.


This engine has a plastic rocker cover and i noticed one of the bolts had snapped in half, not sure how that happened. Decided to put studs from the other engine in so i could use the alloy cover instead. Will get pics sorted out.


Hoping to fit it to car next weekend.

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Is there a big difference in plastic over alloy or visa versa? Weight/compression?


Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

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