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Rob's R32 Corrado - FOR SALE :(

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Hi guys,


Thought i would dig my thread back up as it's been so long since i have said anything about my car!


Well last time i spoke on this thread my car was back on the road with the Rotrex all working fine thanks to the legendary help of the usual suspects Kev, Dave, Karl etc i love you all :lol: I then drove the car round Europe beginning of June and things went down hill for me :( the alarm failed, the windscreen wiper mechanism came apart during very heavy rain on an Autobahn :pale: but most of all my supercharger packed up whilst in the middle of bloody nowhere in the Italian mountains! I got it pretty much back to standard in the hotel owners garage with very little tools and after a lot of trips to the nearest VW (2 hours away!). When i got back i put it back to standard engine wise and then got a nail through one of my tyres on the BBS's so even went back to speedies.


Since then i will admit i completely lost interest in the car and sadly it has deteriorated some what and is now quite frankly a piece of sh*t in my eyes, it gets cleaned once a month if it's lucky, the rear axle bushes are just non-existent really, i can't be arsed to spend money on tyres so its stayed on speedies, the exhaust is banging on the rear axle, it's pulling in all sorts of directions, the brakes are warped and so on :lol:


To be honest it's not all bad as i could most likely sort everything out in a weekend with a bit of work and money but just haven't had the interest since moving to my new house (quite a down grade due to parent splitting) as i have a tiny garage which is full of crap so don't get the car in and I don't have a lot of room on the drive to do jobs anyway so nothing gets done to it and i just drive it to work every day!


It's now on 154k miles and even though i am confident the engine is fine as me and Kev pretty much rebuilt it with stronger parts, it's still not going to last forever. The alternator has just gone as well :( sooo as you may have seen in the Parts For Sale section i am having Goldie's R32 engine off of him which i pick up tomorrow :clap: I am going to be using my old mans Audi for work and will be taking the Corrado off the road as i have hopefully secured a pretty big safe lockup with power etc to store it and do all the work in :D


Over the next couple of months i will be trying to renew and generally refresh as much on the car as i can afford to as well as swap the engine to the nice new R32 one (with the usual suspects help in places hopefully :lol:)


So watch this space for updates and lots of pics :clap:

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good for you mate,it sucks when all them things happen one after the other and its sometimes difficult as you said to get motivated once again...im sure the growl of the R32 will bring your enthusiasm for the raddo all over :luvlove:


Like me this happens allot...:lol:

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Yeah i'm sure it will rekindle my love for the corrado again! I bloody well hope so anyway after the all the money i have spent/spending :lol:

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To be honest i am just going to be glad to have something to do again as well! I have been soooo bored that even if i had my supercharger still working i think i would either be going turbo or R32 anyway just for something to do. Mind you it's not all bad being bored as i am pretty good on guitar now :lol:

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At times it all does get a bit much mate, especially as when the bills keep on coming and the fun seems to have gone. Glad you've found the interest again though :D


R32 will be really nice! Plenty of torque low down even in NA form, really quiet and smooth, sure you won't be disappointed.


Your timing is perfect too! I've just finished drawing the design of a throttle body adapter so you can run an OBD1 style on the R32 manifold. Only applicable if you're going standalone though.....


Good luck with it, glad the old gals getting a new lease of life 8)

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Well i can confirm that Rob is now the proud owner of an R32 lump following his visit to the North East yesterday..


Very interested to see how you get on, best of luck...

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happy days :D


looking forward to seeing piccies of it starting to transform asap Rob - from my first drive of my own car, (even in limp mode) i can assure you - it's well worth it :D

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bloody 'ell is there anyone not going R32? I'm starting to feel all inadequate now..... :(


Good luck with it Rob, if you need a spare pair of hands you know I'm only down the road mate. :salute:

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well done mate, give me a shout when you need a hand mate :)


but you have been very quite on here mate, have you been sleeping with the new engine :lol:

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well done mate, give me a shout when you need a hand mate :)


but you have been very quite on here mate, have you been sleeping with the new engine :lol:


Yeah it was a struggle but we lifted the engine out the van, in the house, up the stairs and on the bed :lol:


Cheers for the replies guys, Karl and Mick help will be very welcomed when i get started if even just for the company :cheers: I am really looking forward to getting started on it now! I won't be starting with the engine for a while yet as i will accommodate all the parts i need first so it's ready to go! So in the mean time i will do other jobs like rear axle bushes :pale: renew discs and bearings etc, fit ARB and give it a fcuking good clean inside and out!


I will get some pics of the engine tomorrow to start it all off :D

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Congrats Rob, im sure the best part of the conversion will be the planning and the challenge in getting it fitted.

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Good luck with the conversion mate! :)


I'm honestly always surprised at how eager people are to dump the 12V VR6 though. I've driven modern VW's and to be honest I don't find a well maintained 12V VR6 that agricultural in comparison! It was a great engine design that VW have built on ever since.. given the work involved & cost, I think I'd stick with the 12V? Or am I missing something here?


It's not like the 12V doesn't have tuning potential (see Kev's Corrado!) and it's not like its an unreliable lump.. so why are people so keen to ditch it?


(Not having a go or owt Rob - just genuinely interested to know why so many people yearn to rip out that VR lump and go R32/24V) :)

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Give it a few more months and this will be the Corrado R32 forum :lol:


Congratulations and hope it all goes well :clap:

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Jim did you go in mine? I cant remember if you did. Ask Dink's about it, and anyone else who has one. The power and drive in general is just so much better. Its smoother, more powerful more economical, pulls quicker than a 12v in every gear more refined in general yet it still goes like shit off a shovel and sounds similar to a 12v lump. have a go in a C 24v mate and you'll understand what I mean. You cant compare it to a Golf as its a different beast altogether.

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Alas not mate - never driven a 24V :( I was just going on my experience of driving other modern VW's. Only other 'transplanted' engine I've driven in the Corrado is Supercharged's TDI - that's not exactly smooth compared to a VR6 but it does suit the Corrado bloody well!

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I'm honestly always surprised at how eager people are to dump the 12V VR6 though. I've driven modern VW's and to be honest I don't find a well maintained 12V VR6 that agricultural in comparison! It was a great engine design that VW have built on ever since.. given the work involved & cost, I think I'd stick with the 12V? Or am I missing something here?


It's not like the 12V doesn't have tuning potential (see Kev's Corrado!) and it's not like its an unreliable lump.. so why are people so keen to ditch it?


I agree completely. I really like the 12V VR for all it's so called faults. I think people are too used to knackered 150,000 mile examples with stretched flappy chains and bad idle.


Dom's car is a completely different beast with all new bits shoved in it...

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u guys are corrado purists. :lol:


Most engine transplant are just the result of wanting more omphh no ?

I guess not everyone wants to fit a turbo to get their grunt. :shrug:

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u guys are corrado purists. :lol:


Nah not at all. Can't wait for ABF turbo power....

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Cheers guys, can't wait to be in the 24v club tbh!


Jim i know you weren't having a go mate. I'll tell you why i decided to go R32. My engine is now on 154k and i use it daily and do like 15k miles per year or whatever maybe more! So it's not getting any younger. Even though me and kev have done the chains and gasket etc it's not going to live forever even though it could last a lot longer i know!


My main problem is i am a complete speed nut, i have grown up with speed, i set lap records on go karting tracks when only a young lad but mainly i used to race motorbikes and tuned up R1's aren't slow!! :eek: And when i raced bikes and had bikes in general i was a complete idiot on them, it was win it or bin it (and it was usually the latter :lol:) so because of that i won't have a bike on the road, i WILL kill myself! But i also love my cars now, and unlike on bikes i'm not a twat in a car i drive fairly fast at times but generally i just drive but i do have that need for speed which is why i went for the VR. But the VR on its own isn't fast enough for me, i want to just press and have power ready and that's not the VR and sadly even supercharged it didn't get on with it quick enough! So i was going to go turbo and even started preparing for it, but to go turbo and have big power i would need to upgrade a lot more and it would end up costing a lot and there's still no telling how long it would last using it every day! Kev's is an awesome machine but it's been built up to that spec over time and he has tried everything possible to make sure it's reliable, and the engine is all pretty new anyway so i have no doubt his will last a long time!


So for me the best option was R32, it's not going to completely break the bank, it's still a VR6 engine just a modern day version, mine's only done 6k miles so it's got possibly 200k of life in it! And because it modern and more refined it is exactly as Stan described much much more responsive with power in any gear, smoother, sounds awesome still, still good on fuel etc and that's just the 4motion engine with around 230bhp, so an R32 with 280bhp will be just the ticket imo, fast as fcuk and still reliable for many more years ... and i get to keep the beautiful corrado look 8)


Plus i get very bored and this will give me something to do :lol: i loved doing the supercharger work so this will be so rewarding for me as will be doing 90% of the work myself really, roll on!!


I already have the first part of the R32 in my car ... i nicked the alternator off it :lol: needed a bit of alteration though :wink:

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Good luck, sounds like you will be happy with the results. Basically a brand new engine by the sounds of it. If you havent already Id look at a LSD as well.


I'm honestly always surprised at how eager people are to dump the 12V VR6 though. I've driven modern VW's and to be honest I don't find a well maintained 12V VR6 that agricultural in comparison! It was a great engine design that VW have built on ever since.. given the work involved & cost, I think I'd stick with the 12V? Or am I missing something here?


It's not like the 12V doesn't have tuning potential (see Kev's Corrado!) and it's not like its an unreliable lump.. so why are people so keen to ditch it?


(Not having a go or owt Rob - just genuinely interested to know why so many people yearn to rip out that VR lump and go R32/24V) :)


I have to agree to a certain extent. I only did it to mine when the engine starting going. It was long term plans but only when the engine went. It just happened a lot quicker than I wanted. I have to admit though I do fancy a VR6T for outright power.

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I have to admit though I do fancy a VR6T for outright power.


24v head ought to gobble up more CFM though.

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