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Parking Over 2 Spaces

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Disabled Spaces.....

I must admit... I don't think I've ever seen an actual wheelchair bound person use one..


I didn't realise you had to be in a wheelchair to use a disabled space......The problem is that disabled spaces are only a courtesy thing and too many people know that now. There's no law (I think) against using them but its common courtesy (often forgotten these days).

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^^ I think that applies to suprmarket typa disabled spaces, AFAIK you can get a ticket for parking in spaces marked for disabled badge holders on public roads

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Disabled Spaces.....


I must admit... I don't think I've ever seen an actual wheelchair bound person use one..

I'm sure they do, but its only a handful that are actually genuine....



hmmmm..... always thought you were a bit of a w4nker but that just proves it....


yes there are people out there who may milk it, but for everyone of them there are those who are genuine - I had 2 disabled brothers and being the only driver in the family I had to take them places, 9 times out of 10 we struggled to get a disabled space and they were forced to have to walk - when one of them died last year we gave up the disabled badge cos it was as good as pointless... at supermarkets I drop them at the door and drive over when finished unless its 2am and its completely empty, and even then I would only do it if my brother was with me...


people like you deserve to have your car dinged and smacked about in the carpark, i'll do it myself if I ever see it - ******.....


If you read my post Properly you'd see i said I'm sure disabled people do use them!!!!


I'm not knocking genuine people... My point was there are many out there claiming disability wen they shouldn't be and thats fact..... Do you personaly know how many people are falsely claiming Disability premiums...

I work for the departments and come across this daily!!!!


W4anker!!!..... Whats all that about!!!... You don't know me and how dare you have the ordassity to call me one... You've never spoken to me ever so you clearly don't know me...!!!!


My smpathy and condolenses go out to you and your family..... But lets keep it above the belt yeh.....

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I'd never do it in a paying park. But as Jim's seen, I park as far away as possible in any CPark. But due to the imaculate paint job aquiring some new chips and dents, I've decided to take 2 spaces if the (free) car park is empty at one end. Even when I had found quiet ends of car parks, I often find people park next to you, even when they could've used any other space; excluding Jim, I knew he wasn't about to dent the C. But those who do dent the car, have never left a sorry note with contact details. Never have and never will use Dis' bays and reluctant to use Parent bays simply due to kiddy winkles swinging around thier toys, whilst mummy tries to pick up lil Freddy and scrapes her handbag along your car door. Its so bad that I go to the effort of parking in the DIY store car park and walk over to the shop in Leamington (its a very short and worth while walk).

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I always park in disabled spaces.... I'll find an exuse if challenged ;)



thats well out of order tho



fair enough i park in the parent n child ones when i shouldn't but I NEVER park in a disabled space


Its not nice to park in the parent and child spaces when you dont have child with you either :roll:


Ever try to take a baby out of a car in a standard parking space? not an easy task, and because of someone like you parking in a parent and child space you could end up making someone like me attempt to open my corrado's door, get a baby out of the back and so on all in a standard parking space, well thanks. :roll:


On another note, I got given out to for parking my Corrado in a parent and child space once, it was quite funny when I pointed out the (occupied) child seat in the back :lol:

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thing is parent n child spaces IMO are a load of crap.................they should make all the spaces the same size........i don't see why having offspring means that you can get preference for wider spaces(obviously i know its for door clearance etc)..........disabled spaces are there for those more unfortunate than us so they are halo'd to me.........parent and kid spaces on the other hand are just pandering to the nanny state we have.....i have no qualms whatsoever about parking in them,and any ppl who give me grief parking there get it back

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My Mum's disabled - and rightly so (i.e. not milking).


She'll complain and get your car towed if you park in Disabled bays, so make sure you don't go shopping when she does!


I've already towed one illegally parked car out of a private car park with the Passat (4wd and V6 rules!) and dumped it on the road. Had dodgy tax so I called the council then too. :lol:


If you don't want your C dented or damaged, go in a different car.. Or shop online! Saves on car parking dents then...;)

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lol - quality Andi!


I actually stood and watched agog the other day at Sainsburys as someone pulled into a disabled spot diagonally (almost covering up another spot) and just hopped out of their car and walked into the store - blatantly nothing wrong with them.


Some people I think have no morals what so ever.

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thing is parent n child spaces IMO are a load of crap.................they should make all the spaces the same size........i don't see why having offspring means that you can get preference for wider spaces(obviously i know its for door clearance etc)..........disabled spaces are there for those more unfortunate than us so they are halo'd to me.........parent and kid spaces on the other hand are just pandering to the nanny state we have.....i have no qualms whatsoever about parking in them,and any ppl who give me grief parking there get it back


Hmm that's funny - I thought the same thing (but didn't really use them unless it was quiet) until 4 months ago when my son was born. Now I realise what a great idea they are. I don't use them very often - but I know what a difference it makes when my girlfriend is battling through the crowds to get MY shoppping, having to contend with a screaming baby, a full trolley (Yes I'm FAT) and the best the weather can throw at her. Last thing you need in that situation is no room to manouvre the baby/babyseat into the car (which can be a PITA at the best of times).


Just to add though - YES - I think all spaces should be this size!

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i dont take my corrado shopping its not a shopping car. my audi is however and the doors on that dont seem to dent they have been hit a few times but not a scratch.




My Mum's disabled - and rightly so


i know what you meant mate but didnt get it at first!

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thing is parent n child spaces IMO are a load of crap.................they should make all the spaces the same size........i don't see why having offspring means that you can get preference for wider spaces(obviously i know its for door clearance etc)..........disabled spaces are there for those more unfortunate than us so they are halo'd to me.........parent and kid spaces on the other hand are just pandering to the nanny state we have.....i have no qualms whatsoever about parking in them,and any ppl who give me grief parking there get it back


Parent and child spaces are needed because it is not possable to get a child seat into a car without opening the door fully, you quite obviously can not open the door fully in a standard parking space, hence parents with children REQUIRE a wider space, its not for no reason, I agree that parking spaces in general should be bigger, but thats not a reason to inconvenience others.


I take it you dont have children?

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I'm not knocking genuine people... My point was there are many out there claiming disability wen they shouldn't be and thats fact..... Do you personaly know how many people are falsely claiming Disability premiums...

I work for the departments and come across this daily!!!!


This has zero bearing on the fact that you are breaking the law and generally being a nuisance to the disabled community. It goes without saying that some people take advantage of the system but it doesn't give you the right to openly make an arse of yourself.


You are not above the rules whether they be written or unwritten, so either park in a regular space like the rest of us or get on the bus.

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another part of the reason I'll park in a parent n kid space is also the possibility of getting a door knock is quite unlikely,whereas no matter how hard you try by parking at the end of a car park(when its quiet).....you'll always get some muppet park right next to you..........so far ive spent near on £500 on panel repairs on various cars........the car park/shop will never admit liability and its very few and far between that someone will own up to damaging it so i'm sorry but if it inconveniences an able bodied person with a kid then tough luck........i'm fed up forking out for ppl's mistakes.........but one things for certain............i respect disabled bays

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thing is parent n child spaces IMO are a load of crap.................they should make all the spaces the same size........i don't see why having offspring means that you can get preference for wider spaces(obviously i know its for door clearance etc)..........disabled spaces are there for those more unfortunate than us so they are halo'd to me.........parent and kid spaces on the other hand are just pandering to the nanny state we have.....i have no qualms whatsoever about parking in them,and any ppl who give me grief parking there get it back


Parent and child spaces are needed because it is not possable to get a child seat into a car without opening the door fully, you quite obviously can not open the door fully in a standard parking space, hence parents with children REQUIRE a wider space, its not for no reason, I agree that parking spaces in general should be bigger, but thats not a reason to inconvenience others.


I take it you dont have children?



Getting a babyseat out of a corrado parked in a normal space is a bloody nightmare isnt it :(


The country just seems full of Selfish & Arrogant people... wont even get started on people who chuck litter out of their cars :mad:

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I'm not sure what the answer is but you're right Roddy.. I don't know if its some inbuilt human nature thing that they must stick together but pretty much whenever you park as FAR away from everyone else as possible, you come back to your car to find a bloody family wagon parked about 2 inches away from your door and a fresh ding.


Its happened to me on a fair few occasions! I basically try and find the spots which people just have to go out of their way to get into whenever I want to avoid dings.. at my local Tesco's where I do my weekly shop there are 3 really awkward bays which no one ever uses - so I park in the middle spot - to get into the other two would require a good 30 seconds or so of parking, and its usually surrounded by lots of other spaces so people just don't even bother trying. Result ;)

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so I park in the middle spot - to get into the other two would require a good 30 seconds or so of parking


Almost OT, but remembering our conversations on the Karmann trip this gives me an idea for a new thread


"How long does it take you to park your C"




(sorry, bit bored at work but at least I can be on here)

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Not as long as it takes me to park into the back of Yandards Corrado.. doh!!


Just glad it was a low speed tap and the paint I left behind has mostly come off. My excuse was i'd just made my first Corrado road kill (poor old bunny was still twitching when I looked in the rear view mirror.. ergh) so I was not quite thinking clearly! :(

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So it's ok to need more convenient parking if you're disabled but not if you've got 3 kids with you?








Thats horse sh*t. I'm not saying anything about disabled eligability btw. But why shouldn't a parent with kids, push chair, etc get a bit of favourable treatment too? I think it's a good idea.

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