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Parking Over 2 Spaces

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..............another bug bear of mine..............WTF is the scoop with ppl sorting out their kids in kiddie seats with their door on the roadside???............the amount of times ive come across someone strapping in or taking out their kid at the roadside is unbelievable........yes i know you can't always park at the side the kiddie seat is at.....but whats wrong with gaining access from the side thats at the kerb???.....surely thats a lot safer than the potential of the kid falling while being secured/taken out and facing oncomming traffic

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well we allways take our little chap out and put him in curb side, common sense. and we both allways park at the far end of the car park.


did this the other day and when we came out of the shop there were about 300 free spaces and my car sat where i left it on its own miles from anyone with a feck off rust old trani van parked right along side it ffs. no damamge but i have had it before.


I had a massive argument with a chap once. just had my mik1 fully resprayed, guy pulls up and wammed his door in the side of mine. when i jumped out and said thanks, he said and i quote


"did i do that, ar well its dented mine aswell and walked off". i went back later on and did every panel, all 4 tyres and 5 windows (screen was too stubon). I have felt so good about that for years afterwords, dont care what anyone says, people like that need to learn.


i look at it this way. a panel round here, blended is £300+ done properly. so someone dooring me is no different from me walking into their house and smahing their television to peices. for some strange reason i doubt theyd see it the same but i do, i can see no difference at all.


I dont do disabled bays, just park far away. but i can see why people do it. its another problem with this country, spaces are way to narrow as they try to cram in more and make more money as usual. america is great, the cars are bigger yeah but the spaces are miles bigger again.

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Parking in a disabled bay is WRONG and i would never do it, had done it once and recently and felt really sh1t abt it. But i had no choice


Parent and baby parking i understand also but if i get the chance i do park in there too.


at the end of the day i must have now spent abt £1000 in total on parking dents alone over the 4 years of rado ownership, where as no other car ive ever had, had this problem.

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When I go to the supermarket and don't want people parking next to me I go to the quiet end and deliberately park it badly. I leave it so the wheels on one side are on the wrong side of the white line, that way people think your a muppet behind the wheel and avoid parking next to you, it's worked every single time and no-one thinks you're a kn0b who's purposefully taking up two spaces.

Lol.It works-because I stay well clear of cars parked like that.


I've learned the hard way and always park furthest away possible,I haven't yet had anyone park a bay either side.


The old disabled/parent and child parking bays topic is usually good for some righteous debate.And this one's no different.

Of course,the disabled ones are neccessary.I'm highly dubious of the validity of parent and child ones' though.I would imagine they came about from the supermarkets' mercenary ploy to bring more shoppers to their stores(and who does most of the shopping?..yip,mum does)not to show their concern for the little 'uns safety.

What next?..Couch Potato Bay,Not As Fit As I Used To Be..

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I dont know if parking over two spaces is as common up here in Scotland.

Seems to me that the more selfish habits like that always come north after they are long established in London first, where every traveller seems to loathe his fellow commuter. :wink:


The only double space parking I regularly see is done by a Lidl manager in Falkirk. He has an MGF, so clearly he doesn't know much about cars and driving anyway! :wink:

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I had a massive argument with a chap once. just had my mik1 fully resprayed, guy pulls up and wammed his door in the side of mine. when i jumped out and said thanks, he said and i quote


"did i do that, ar well its dented mine aswell and walked off". i went back later on and did every panel, all 4 tyres and 5 windows (screen was too stubon). I have felt so good about that for years afterwords, dont care what anyone says, people like that need to learn.


Remind me never to parking dent your car Nick!! :D

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Remind you never to park next to him?!


Remind me never to close one of his threads!!!

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Don't get me wrong I can see the point in having them and have never parked in one, I just think they'd be better off just making all the other spaces bigger so you don't need them (obviously keeping the disabled bays).



I see what you're saying matey, but why is it ok to make allowances for one group of people for whom getting out of the car and into the supermarket is difficult, but not another group? I.e. disabled folk and parents respectively.


All or nothing imo :)



you could say the same for all owners of 2/3 dr coupes etc then,as most 2/3dr versions of cars have longer doors so making access harder also.........parents don't always have to take their kids along afterall,if its the nuclear family of say Man,Woman and 2.4 children then whats wrong with 1 of them staying in the car with the 2.4 kids or at home..........obviously I know thats not always workable but this nanny state we have nowadays where kids no longer get smacked(not abused but physically punished) are making things worse in all walks of life.......its also amazing now how as soon a couple start a family they start looking at buying 5/7 seater ppl carriers[/quote:61af9]



What? Doors?


Leave one adult and the kids in the car? Lol. A very practical solution there mate - 'you stay in the car for an hour whilst I do the shopping'! Yeah right!


Load of old cobblers you're spouting there fella. Pure crap :)


And how the fek did that get onto smacking kids!!!! Bit of a Mail reader by any chance?

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Don't get me wrong I can see the point in having them and have never parked in one, I just think they'd be better off just making all the other spaces bigger so you don't need them (obviously keeping the disabled bays).



I see what you're saying matey, but why is it ok to make allowances for one group of people for whom getting out of the car and into the supermarket is difficult, but not another group? I.e. disabled folk and parents respectively.


All or nothing imo :)



you could say the same for all owners of 2/3 dr coupes etc then,as most 2/3dr versions of cars have longer doors so making access harder also.........parents don't always have to take their kids along afterall...[/quote:91fbb]



What? Doors?


Leave one adult and the kids in the car? Lol. A very practical solution there mate - 'you stay in the car for an hour whilst I do the shopping'! Yeah right!


Load of old cobblers you're spouting there fella. Pure crap :)


And how the fek did that get onto smacking kids!!!! Bit of a Mail reader by any chance?[/quote:91fbb]


Having two kids I know how difficult it is using car parks, Tesco and the like are simply providing better facilities for some of their best customers, in the same way that they provide twin baby seats in some trolleys and baby seat mountings for others.

Also, it's a darn sight safer with little ones using a parent space as they are by the main walk-ways and it doesn't mean dodging the traffic.

I did park in one in my C once and you should have seen the looks I got, until I lifted my 2 yr old out of his car seat, I just tend to go at quiet times in the C on my own though, and park further away from the entrance, the extra walking does me good.

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Don't get me wrong I can see the point in having them and have never parked in one, I just think they'd be better off just making all the other spaces bigger so you don't need them (obviously keeping the disabled bays).



I see what you're saying matey, but why is it ok to make allowances for one group of people for whom getting out of the car and into the supermarket is difficult, but not another group? I.e. disabled folk and parents respectively.


All or nothing imo :)



you could say the same for all owners of 2/3 dr coupes etc then,as most 2/3dr versions of cars have longer doors so making access harder also.........parents don't always have to take their kids along afterall,if its the nuclear family of say Man,Woman and 2.4 children then whats wrong with 1 of them staying in the car with the 2.4 kids or at home..........obviously I know thats not always workable but this nanny state we have nowadays where kids no longer get smacked(not abused but physically punished) are making things worse in all walks of life.......its also amazing now how as soon a couple start a family they start looking at buying 5/7 seater ppl carriers[/quote:cf6b9]



What? Doors?


Leave one adult and the kids in the car? Lol. A very practical solution there mate - 'you stay in the car for an hour whilst I do the shopping'! Yeah right!


Load of old cobblers you're spouting there fella. Pure crap :)


And how the fek did that get onto smacking kids!!!! Bit of a Mail reader by any chance?[/quote:cf6b9]



you were pointing out about how ppl who have difficulty getting in and out of cars in enclosed areas........i was making the point that also the choice of car can also have similar effect..didn't mean it was a valid point tho


and yes I know its probably not practical 1 parent doing the shop but its certainly not unworkable


ok i degenerated into a rant about kids but its this nanny state we have where kids get dropped off at school 800 yards from where they stay etc,teachers are disrespected cos they can't corporal punish their pupils for misbehaving,kids who are failing at school are no longer told so...40% is a pass rate(or similar).......surely you(we are both similar age-wise) must notice the younger generations education lacking.......the amount of ppl on net boards that can't spell worth a F*** is amazing FFS i left school without an English O-grade,yet i still am able to spell better than others,not perfectly obviously but i still know the basics


and as for Mail reader.................wrong spy mate.............hardly ever read a tabloid just local papers for me

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Good answer.


I totally agree with that mate tbh. The country is on a downhill slide. And yeah I agree that generally kids are lamo's who can't wipe their own a*se let alone walk/cycle to school these days!


I'm proud to say my kids (both girls aged 4 and nearly 7) are not from that camp. Both me and the ex try to instill some proper old school values into them in the hope that they don't turn out to be uneducated chavs.


TBH if I didn't have kids in this country i'd move to holland in a flash. I'm sure they've got their problems out there but at least you can pretty much do what you like when you like and............ hang on.....rant alert!


Over and out :)

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errr less of the chav


and likewise i hope some brat dings your motor thinking your abusing their god given right to park in parent n kid spaces................and btw no chance of me having kids........hate the fluckers...........oh and its by choice,as the wife can't stand them either


That made me laugh! Are you sure you really don't want any miniature Roddies roaming around, ever? :lol:


S'pose I've been quite lucky. Had the car over 3 years and never picked up any battle scars....and it's used every day.


I suppose I just select two well looked after cars to park between or use an end bay. It's worked so far :-)


I was a Bluewater yesterday getting my missus' well deserved Jewellery and I ended up parking between an Aston Martin and a Audi RS6....no way either of those two are going to open their doors onto mine :-)

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My normal parking tricks to avoid dents are, Park at the end of a line next to a kerb, park as close to the kerb as you can without kerbing your wheels, thus you are as far as possable from the next parking space.

I've tried this but found it worse. I witnessed some woman open her door and let it go, it gained a much greater speed (than if closer) and put a big ding in my door. HTH some peeps.


(I know of several accidents involving children and prams in car parks, which is another reason parent and child parking is close to the door)

Thats horrible to hear. But our Sainsburys CP, I cant see the position of the parent bay helping, people still drive through that area way too fast; comes down to mindless idiots at the end of the day, not size of spaces. I dont put the carseat in my C, only the Megan, but we dont even want that car scratched/dented either, so again when Im driving, I'll go for the furthest space (dont want that stray shopping trolley greeting the M); it shouldn't be a case of 'you drive a car and therefore should be able to afford rectification of dents caused by idiots or alternatively buy a 2nd car', idiots should own up and pay. -- wouldn't you say?

Just out of curiosity, whats the legality of parking in a Parent Bay if you are not one?


As for VR6 comment, I never leave a door open in the road. I always climb into the car, path side, and strap her in . Dont want a door knocked off and debri hitting anyone.

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95% of shoppers don't deliberately wang their doors open onto other cars.


The people that do are just stupid morons and you can potentially spot that by the state of the car you're parking next to. For example, I never park next to old rusty heaps, or little 106s or 205s with fluffy pink steering wheel covers and hanging teddy bears etc....or company/rental cars. All easily spotted with an ounce of nonce....

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And what's wrong with teddy bears might I ask?


(Mine is a fully accredited Nurburgring Co-Driver 8) )

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...we used to get the little wheel things out (bogies?) and move their car to a completely different part of the carpark :)


now i'd pay serious money for some of them!!!! :lol:

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Edited slightly but this made me laugh...


well I allways take my little chap out and put him in curb side, common sense. and we both allways park at the far end of the car park.


I'll remember not to aproach your car in the carpark Nick! :lol:

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..Tesco and the like are simply providing better facilities for some of their best customers...


but what makes them any better a customer than people without children? obviously theres another mouth to feed, but i eat more than enough to feed a normal adult and two children, and buy quality food and beer.

I reckon my monthly spend is as high as that of an average 2.4 family - shouldn't i get better facilities?


a friend of mine once went out to her freshly resprayed 60's beetle, and found a female merc driver loading her car with her door open against the beetle, causing a crack in the laquer.


she pointed out the dent to the merc driver who said "it doesnt matter, its not like its a new car".. which was met by a can of beans being thrown at the mercs bonnet.. nick still wins though! :lol: 8)

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Not every one who drives a BMW is a wanker...some of us who also own Raddo's are very careful when parking..it makes me sick that you all seem to down on Beemer drivers....My main drive is the raddo of course and I have never parked over two spaces in either car...as for the disabled spaces I wouldn't dream of parking in one of them...for a start most supermarkets now have security barriers so you can't and others have security guards bloody watching everything you do!...I always park either in child spaces (or if I dont have the kids then as far away from everyone else as possible) ...maybe due to the fact that I usually have 3 with me in the Raddo and for all you who think that because you have a Raddo you should not have kids makes me angry...where does it say that Raddo drivers manual that if you have a child you should automatically put it up for sale with a sign that says 'baby forces sale'! Yes it is very difficult getting kids out in a normal space and in some instances getting them out in a kids space is just as bad......because all the bloody old dears have parked there as well....and as they are totallly unable to park or drive...usualy leave about 2" space and cause as much damage as they can as they get in and out of their cars...as experience and a large dent has shown...I usually find that most people even BMW drivers are more courteous and careful than the oldies....so instead of ripping apart beemer drivers and the like try having a go at the real causes of damage in car parks and that is the old Biddies. At least parking as far away from everyone you are more or less guaranteed that no old dear will park next to you ......cos they cant walk that far!!!!!

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...we used to get the little wheel things out (bogies?) and move their car to a completely different part of the carpark :)


now i'd pay serious money for some of them!!!! :lol:


can be found at Frosts (online)

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inky wrote

Not every one who drives a BMW is a ****...


Almost certainly true :wink: - someone has been guilty of making a faulty generalisation.


Thousands of airline passengers will be doing the same every day, too, as they scan their fellow travellers. The way of the world, one would have to say.

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theres always another way to stop your car gettin a ding. don't take it. do the shopping online and let them deliver it. if i do go though i go really late so i can park nearer the door, fly round and get stuff without tripping up over stupid annoying kids and you don't have to wait a lifetime to get through the checkout

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