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More Great News For Young Male Drivers!!

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Yeah, I'm not disagreeing with you Dave! It is exceedingly unfair that those under 25s who drive safely and have decent NCB are going to be hit with price rises just because of a load of muppets in Paxos who couldn't drive properly if they tried...


Compared to over here though, the situation in Eire is ridiculous - you should hear how much they have to pay in insurance... :shock:


Maybe a scheme like I'm sure they have/had in Italy whereby if you're under a certain age you can't drive a car above a certain power:weight ratio would work?

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Maybe a scheme like I'm sure they have/had in Italy whereby if you're under a certain age you can't drive a car above a certain power:weight ratio would work?


I've not heard of that, and it sounds like a fairer way of doing it maybe?


Like I said, I can see why young guys have to pay more for their insurance, but I don't see how the insurance companies can get away with a 40% hike in premium for those that are already paying dis-proportionate ammounts already! :)

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drink drive.

Not true, most of the young drivers have been brought up in the anti drink drive era so it doesn't even cross (most) of our minds where middle aged drivers drink and driv because it was the norm. generalisation, but you get the point, your only 1 year over that bracket! so you must have suddenly gone from being a 12 to 25 year old idiot to a 26 year old wise man. :scratch: :p it doesn't make a difference in my opinion it is completely down to the person when it comes to drink driving, speeding.

young drivers don't have as much experience but, we need to learn or be priced off the road....... because olde people make us pay more so they pay less......


stats from 2004.


Drink driving


590(p) people were killed in drink-drive related incidents in 2004

2,350(p) were seriously injured

There were over 17,000(p) drink-drive casualties in total in 2004

6%(p) of all road casualties and 18%(p) of deaths in 2004 occurred when someone was driving when over the legal limit for alcohol

Male drivers under 25 had the highest incidence of failing a breath test after being involved in a road accident in which someone was injured.




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As of 2006.


"Drinking and driving occurs across a wide range of age groups but particularly among young men aged 17-29 in both casualties and positive breath tests following a collision. The Government's most recent drink drive campaigns aims to target this group. "



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They are paying more walesy cos they are paying out more due to the claims.



not sure if you have heard of pay as you drive?


I have a spy in my car and it checks my speed and wil in the future charge how where and when I drive.

It seems to think theres lots of motorways in the area I drive in though



They reckon and I quite believe it all cars will have them and issue speeding tickets as a matter of course.


anyway £180 for a jap car for the year 8)

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They are paying more walesy cos they are paying out more due to the claims.


Again, I don't agree that it is proportionate though. I understand that drivers considered to be more risky would have to pay more for insurance - when I was a taxi driver aged 19 I was paying over £3000 to insure a 2.0 16v Ford Granada ( :oops: ) which was difficult to pay , but understandable when you consider the risk involved.


It's the fact that they are saying that premiums are going to rise by up to 40% that I find hard to believe. I'd rather see premiums rise for those with previous Drink Driving/Speeding/Dangerous Driving/Driving with no insurance etc - Young or old

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Male drivers under 25 had the highest incidence of failing a breath test after being involved in a road accident in which someone was injured


Point taken, but what I disagree with is that 18 - 25 is a large category, what would that statistic be if was split 18-21, 22-25. The stats can be bent to prove anything. The category is that size so they can bend the most people over as possible hiding behind the fact that the "under 25s" are more dangerous.


To be honest, if you were drink driving before your 25th birthday, would you stop just because your 25? No, anyone who is that irresonsible to consume more than the legal limit and drive regularly would not give two shits if they were 24.5 or 25.5.


I would think more people from an older generation 45-60 are worse for drink driving as they were used to driving whilst leathered during the 70/80s. All you had to do was walk in a straight line FFS.

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it just ridiculous.... i can't see why insurance companies aren't under proper regulation for price fixing and generally offering the public a cr@p service.

we pay too much to start with (as young drivers), then normally have hefty excess, and have to pay an excess if you crack your windscreen or window...... where exactly do the insurance companies bail you out unless you have a write off.......

W@nkers the lot of them. i was going to get a corrado, got an ok quote with sabre, then checked it again about 4 weeks later when i was going to go looking because i sold my car. They said the premium had gone up by £350, i obviously asked why and there answer was 'it is probably becase we were too competitive before' !!!!!!!!! WTF :mad: :mad:



i know young drivers have the stats against us but we aren't all irresponsible!!!!! god how i hate chavs....

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LIPPY your point about 45 to 60 is exactly what i mean too...... my stepdad doesn't ind if he has 3 pints at the pub, the same with my real dad, would i no fu

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Lippy has a point

17-25 is rather a large spread of years.

insurance used to get cheaper when you got to 21,25,30,35.

Just do what my old firm did;

they formed thier own insurance company 8)


The consumer drives prices so vote with the feet.


People can do things to drop quotes

pass your I.A.M test do the smith driving system,pass plus etc

It sounds good to certain insurance companies that recognise the extra qualifications that you have gone out of your way to get and pass.

Certain companies wont even let you drive without some of these or put you forward for them if you havent,its just trying to limit risk.

insurance is just risk assesment they can charge as they like and have to try and remain competitive,they dont have to insure you thats thier choice and I can see more companies going for safer drivers,like esure,saga, who are keen to insure slow rover drivers who do 6000 miles a year.

Or go for a trade policy its another option but only pays out trade values on claims usually.

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I read that in addition to these 40% increases we are also all paying an extra £30 to cover uninsured drivers WTF!!! :bad-words: and when they get caught drivin without insurance there fine is nothing compared to what they would be paying in insurance - they can get caught 2-3 times a year and still be paying less than for insurance. i got my insurance from post office after it came out cheapest on the money super market search http://www.moneysupermarket.com/motor/ glad i could renew now before all these price rises kick in - safe for a year at least

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I think with the whole drink driving thing is the reason that younger drivers get stopped more is not that the police are biased it because they drink to excess then try and drive and cause big crashes whereas middle aged people who drink drive ( and I know a few that do it regularly) only drink a few pints, they are still over the limit but not so they're going to cause a pile up!


That may sound as if I'm defending older drink drivers but I'm not. I think as soon as you have even half a pint then you shouldn't get behind the wheel of a car.


Plus drink driving is only one of the reasons that car insurance is soooo expensive for younger people, especially males.

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its crazy the prices some people pay when i was 18 i had a mk1 gti it cost 450 a year to insure my mates had 205's 1 litres etc and payed 1800 quid and above but as mine was seen as an enthusiast car it was much cheaper. so the chavs should stop driving finance bought brand new plastic wagons and go for older cars then the prices would drop. we had to buy older cars but all the hod rats in my village droive brand new corsa's saxo's and other crap.

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and when they get caught drivin without insurance there fine is nothing compared to what they would be paying in insurance - they can get caught 2-3 times a year and still be paying less than for insurance.



I know someone who's just been done for driving without insurance and caused an accident and has been slapped with a bill of £7,000.

I certainly don't pay £21,000/year for my insurance...

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The guy that just bought my G40 is 25, has 2 years no claims and he is paying £2500 which includes a discount for paying it in one lump sum. He bought the car to replace the Integra Type R that he was paying £3000 to insure. All because he had been caught driving with no insurance 5 years ago.

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