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How many forum members plan on NEVER selling their Corrado?

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Have known for a while i will never (yeah never say never, i know) sell the Corrado, and if i did it would only be to buy another one with less miles on trhe clock or whatever.


how many of you are thinking the same?


how often will you drive it?


can you see a day when only a handfull of us still use the Forum?

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I'm never going to sell mine.


When it comes to the point that I need a car to suit a family or whatever, I plan on having enough money to keep it as a fun car for shows etc.


I will keep it as my daily until then, probably with an engine conversion.

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Well i have just got mine and i never want to sell it, my plan is to keep it in the garage as a project car when i go back to uni and just get a boring little cheap car to go uni and back and bring the VR out weekends etc. I also plan to be earning enough money to keep it as a second car which will one day have a supercharged R32 4x4 conversion :lol:



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Will probably keep it as long as i can drive...


Unless a mint manta 400 replica with a red top on carbs comes up at decent money. :-P



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Ill be selling mine as soon as its fixed.


Its too expensive to run, and i want more in life. ho hum.

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had mine 5+ years now...........did think of selling up earlier on this year when a few little niggles(rev counter stopped working,pass door latch siezed) started to irritate..........but spent a small fortune at Inters buying bits for it not to mention a nice set of 2nd-hand RX2's.......and ive fallen in love with it again....at the mo ive got my 993 Sorn'd(needing tax and a new clutch) and am driving my Storm a bit more...........hoping to get either the seats re-trimmed or a decent set of beige recaro's in the future


but in answer to the thread title..................she's a keeper!!!

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part of me wants to keep it


part of me wants to sell it (well not wants in the strictest sense feels the need for a bigger, economical car)


I've put it up for sale at work and regretted it. I still may end up keeping it and buying the missus a new car!

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Hard to know, we already have 2 children, and more are on the cards, so seeing as my Corrado is in effect the family car used for any long journeys its days have to be numbered, My G40 is my keeper in terms of cars, so unless I am lucky enough to end up with a two car garage when we move house out of the two the G40 would be the one I would keep.

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Up until 8.15 last night it was definitely a toy for life, then the head gasket blew and now i'm not so sure :(


Really want to keep it but will have to wait and see what the damage is.

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I'll keep it for as long as it lasts..... tis only metal, so has a finite life. VW obsoleting a lot of parts isn't boding well for our long term ownership prospects.

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I had thought about keeping mine forever, actually quite fancied getting a collection of interesting VW's such as a Golf Rallye, Golf MK1 GTI etc, but really would need somewhere to keep them all. I did have two cars once - my VW Beetle and BMW 318i (E30). I kept the Beetle thinking that I wouldn't sell it, but in reality I hardly ever used it, plus I had to keep it on the road, and in the end I needed the money for a deposit to purchase my first house.


I did have plans to keep my C as is loads I want to do to it, but then got a bit dishartened with people putting dents in it whilst it's parked on the street.


Anyway, I'm getting more enthusiastic about it again now - what with my new injectors etc and it now running better, and the forthcoming South Coast Meet!

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When I got mine in 2003 I vowed never to get rid of it..... ever. Now I've almost owned it 4 years and I'm using it more than it was bought for since I started my job. Get my out and about mileage paid for but going to and from work in rush hour is a P.I.T.A. So not me any more. Getting sold soon. :(

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At the moment mine is a daily runner, ideal that i dont need it for work but still the miles are adding up.


Intend next year to make it a weekends only, no long journeys etc.


Future plans, recaros and if the engine packs in id quite like the idea of an R32 Storm.


Definitely a car for life.

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Its a keeper............. Look after the body and should last 4ever. When the engine goes get a new one..............

Thankfully I have somwhere to store her if I ever need another car but she wont be sold..........

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Don't wanna sell mine, as I love it too much. Gonna cry when it goes. Something pretty serious has come up, and it does need to go. :(


Won't stop me frmo having another though, whatever cars I have in my life, there'll always be a Corrado. First car I've ever fell in love with :)

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^^ You should be fine for a while - try owning a mk1 rocco!!!


I thought it was just the Corrado VW try and deny having any knowledge of?! :lol:

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