VR6 Lee 0 Posted January 12, 2013 Jon_vr6 said: haha funny bro Get the oil cooler done bro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted January 12, 2013 last time i checked they were expensive though Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VR6 Lee 0 Posted January 12, 2013 Jon_vr6 said: last time i checked they were expensive though Do it Mr deep pockets Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted January 13, 2013 i dont buy a new car every 5 minutes Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VR6 Lee 0 Posted January 13, 2013 Jon_vr6 said: i dont buy a new car every 5 minutes I kept the rado... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted March 2, 2013 Well im at a services 20miles from stealth. 3/4 weeks without the beast but i know its going into one of the best places for a vr6 to get rebuilt. Will i miss not having my car? Yeah i think so roll on early april Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted March 2, 2013 All dropped off got a lift off danny to train station top blokes at stealth Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VR6 Lee 0 Posted March 3, 2013 Did you ask them for re-build photos Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted April 4, 2013 Bad news on the bottom end rebuild front, the block went off to get rebored to fit the new over sized pistons. They've rebored the block but there is still some damage to the bores so if they were to bore out more only Forged pistons would fit (stealth said thats not a good idea). So a 2.8 is on the shelf so thats going off to the machinist to get bored out to the oversized pistons. Also in 2008/09 when i had the chains/head rebuilt originally done at PSI tuning they said that the head needed skimming so off it went to get skimmed etc this went down on my bill as Cost to recondition head - £265.00 Now you would think that when you get a head rebuilt that the valves would be changed aswell. Well apparently no the head is in a bit of a state really and only shows signs of the valve stem seals being replaced. So Stealth are putting new valves in aswell now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
VR6 Lee 0 Posted April 5, 2013 Another 6 week wait then bro Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rams 0 Posted April 5, 2013 Can relate to how you feel matey, on one hand, you want it done properly and the other you just want to get in and drive it.... Not long to go and summer is coming where you can truley enjoy the beast and hearing a smooth vr roaring on a sunny day with the sunroof open will be worth the wait. is there a running in period when she's finished? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted May 6, 2013 Rams said: Can relate to how you feel matey, on one hand, you want it done properly and the other you just want to get in and drive it.... Not long to go and summer is coming where you can truley enjoy the beast and hearing a smooth vr roaring on a sunny day with the sunroof open will be worth the wait. is there a running in period when she's finished? Just spotted this, yeah there is a running in period mate 1K miles, ill try and get through that period though as fast as possible as ive had to do it on the bros corrado and its the most boring 1K miles ever. Had a good look round your car yesterday mate looks awesome you should be well proud of that Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rams 0 Posted May 7, 2013 It's not easy staying under a certain rev range, especially just under 4000 when the VR really wakes up and you know the car is rearing to go. I did it once in a golf gti back in the day and you always get some cars that want to play, when you can't! I am loving driving the car and the sound of it, thanks for the appreciation, should have said hello mate. I think a post of forum names and a picture would help when we have the meets. I'm generally not great with names.... I know your not rushing the engine work but when are you likely to have her back? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted May 8, 2013 18th may mate fingers crossed will go to a few shows then. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted May 25, 2013 Well today was the day the old girl got picked up from Stealth Racing, its been a long wait but oh it was worth it. Will do a proper write up in the coming days, but i will finish this post in saying, its so good to be back in her....the raddo i mean Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted May 25, 2013 My rebuilt engine has now done 198 miles hows that for low mileage Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rams 0 Posted May 26, 2013 Result! And hopefully some good sunshine for the bank holiday weekend. It's nice to have a break from your car from time to time, makes you appreciate it all the more. Especially when its been improved Happy for you Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted May 26, 2013 Rams said: Result! And hopefully some good sunshine for the bank holiday weekend. It's nice to have a break from your car from time to time, makes you appreciate it all the more. Especially when its been improved Happy for you Thanks mate, yeah it being away for 3 months has really made me aware of how much i love the car. Even though it took me 3 hours to get back when it should have taken 2 hours , still smiling from ear to ear Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted May 26, 2013 Here's a full write up from its time at Stealth Racing and a bit leading up to it Right so all started with the car using more and more oil, i was aware that the car had an oil leak but the amount it was was using didnt add up to what was being dropped. So i took the plunge and decided that it was about time that the engine got a big bit of loving for once and for all. A phone call later and the car was booked in for the 2nd of March 2013 at Stealth. My list of work that i wanted doing was as follows 1. Full bottom end rebuild 2. OEM Water pump (Stealth to supply) 3. OEM Oil pump (Stealth to Supply) 4. New oil sump and gasket (I’ve supplied) 5. OEM Alternator (Ive supplied) 6. Alloy crack pipe has a slight leak from the drain plug would like this changing back to a standard oem plastic one (I’ve supplied) 7. 6 X rear brake lines fitting (have had these made up already correct bends in them etc) 8. Rear brake bias valve (I’ve supplied with new bolts and tension spring) 8. Rear bushes (I’ve supplied with new bolts and nuts) 9. An annoying noise from rear ns brake when i reverse almost like the brake is binding, Also has now started making the noise going forward. 10. Handbrake cables (I’ve supplied) 11. Inlet manifold and smaller inlet need fitting (I’ve supplied with new gaskets, new temp sensor(installed) and new stainless bolts) 12. Rocker cover gasket (I’ve supplied) 13. Oil cooler gaskets (I’ve supplied) 14. New expansion tank (I’ve supplied) 15. New HT leads (I’ve supplied) 16. One of the rear most coolant pipes looks a bit worse for wear can you change for the one I’ve supplied So the day came to drop the car off after a little over a 2 hour drive down from Stockport i had made it to Stealth, met Vince for the first time and armed with my ready prepared list of things i wanted doing (the above) i left the car looking forward to the day that id get her back. About a 3 weeks/month later i got a call from Stealth expecting it to be the news that she was ready the phone was picked up instantly but i could tell from the tone of voice that this wasnt good news. The bottom end had been sent away for the rebore and upon boring out to the oversized piston size there was still a lot of damage left on the bores. Anyway Vince and Co had two used 2.8 bottom ends on the shelf they said they would get one of them stripped down and sent off to the borers. Also the head rebuild that i had done at PSI Tuning was not very good either they had replaced the seals but not the valves :scratch: so more cost and work. A bit downhearted after the call i thought that well these things happen and id rather it be done properly so it would last for years to come . A couple of weeks passed and i got an update from Vince that all the brakelines/handbrake cables/bushes etc were on the car and they were just waiting for the bottom end to be returned to them from the borers. A month or so passed and i got another update from Vince that the engine was in the car and had been running for and hour but when they first started the car there had been noises from the top and the bottom end, top end noise turned out to be tappets and the bottom end noise after much head scratching (considering everything bottomend was brand new VW) turned out to be main bearings apparently they swapped them out for some OEM+ ones and the noise instantly went away. Vince then said the car was running "Sweet" which made me smile and that he wanted to keep it another week to put some miles on it before giving it back to me which i said was fine. Anway roll on to 25th May 2013 Pick up day Hopped on the early train from Stockport - Leamington Spa with the old butterflies in my stomach in the anticipation on being reunited with my car. Arrived at Stealth at around 10am spoke to Vince for a matter of minutes and he said "bet you've being dying to drive her, havnt ya?" with a quick nod he handed over the keys and said take it for a spin take aslong as you want. Got in and took it down the country road near stealth and was blown away by how the car felt feels really eager to go (which it wasnt before) and felt so planted which i put down to the new rear bushes. Anyway 30m minutes later i was back at stealth to pay the bill and given instructions on how to run the engine in ie not going over 3.5K revs etc. With a shake of Vinces hand and a thanks and a sorry from Vince (for how long it took) i was away with the mileage on 75 miles and a big grin on my face. Anyway a few pics after a few hours cleaning i can now lift my bonnet up and be proud of it I cant thank Vince enough it now perfect and thats how its staying. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pbradley98 0 Posted May 26, 2013 Looks great - glad you're pleased with it! Toughest bit is being strict on the running in but it's definitely worth doing properly! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted May 26, 2013 pbradley98 said: Looks great - glad you're pleased with it! Toughest bit is being strict on the running in but it's definitely worth doing properly! Yeah did you bring yours back to Vince for the 500 mile oil/filter change or do it yourself? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
robrado974 1 Posted May 26, 2013 Looking great , she must run so smooth now . Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jon_vr6 1 Posted May 26, 2013 robrado974 said: Looking great , she must run so smooth now . Thanks, yeah she does its what i imagine the engine felt like when you went for a test drive at the dealers back in the day Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dragon green 6 Posted May 26, 2013 Looking good Jon, Did they sort the brake out ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites