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Driving and swearing

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I don't swear very much, I don't really like it when I hear people going about their daily lives swearing, like buying apples and waiting for the bus going effing this and effing that, I think it's chavvy.


But today I called a people carrier driver a "f**king inbred c**t", and it felt great. Really quite satisfying.


Do you generally swear behind the wheel?


btw I love this forum, it changed the "see you next tuesday" word into "chav" - genius!

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i curse at other drivers all the time, just as well i no longer drive a sign-written vehicle as i have been known to get complaints made to my boss in the past!


*not proud*

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I always say that swearing just emphasises what your trying to say..


Therefore, theres f**k all wrong with it...

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btw I love this forum, it changed the "see you next tuesday" word into "chav" - genius!


WTF? don't understand!


I virtually never get angry behind the wheel, I'm very Zen, and besides, living in London if I did I'd spend all the time screaming at fools. The only thing that annoys me is people who don't know the width of their car.


Ah, just got see you next tuesday. :lol:

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I'm pretty laid back when I drive, but it is fun to casually call people fucking morons from time to time :lol:

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it changed the "see you next tuesday" word into "chav"


Ive just thought about this for a few minutes and im lost, enlighten me please.

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I'm trying to calm down but my mates think I have "driving tourettes" cause I used to F and blind at other drivers all the time! :|

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I figure it's too much work to open window and swear.

A simple downshift and a close cut does it for me. (without signalling of course :tongue: )

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Do you generally swear behind the wheel?


Only if it's a BMW driver, I could swear they're made to sign an agreement when they buy a BMW, that they have to promise to be arrogant, inconsiderate drivers who never wave when your courtious to them...... hence I've stop being courtious to BMW drivers..... f**king T**ts :p sorry rant over!!

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I figure it's too much work to open window and swear.

A simple downshift and a close cut does it for me. (without signalling of course :tongue: )


I used to be totally chilled but after being in the car with Mr B that soon changed and i scream where ever possible now, thing is, Mr B is now exactly like Cata above so if i drive and scream when he's in the car he looks at me as if to say "chill out love"....very annoying!!!


I do like to give the finger too (i'm a lady you know, i don't have testiclays)

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I fuckin love swearing. Mind you I spend a lot of time on building sites checking work so it kinda becomes part of the vocabulary :)


When I'm in the car though every other cunt on the fucking road is wrong and should just get out of my fucking way! And I find it's best to let them know if possible :)

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If I swear, I do it in German, far more effective :-)


Sometimes I swear when I get honked at, as IMHO, if I were to honk at everyone else's mistakes and whatnot, I could short the horn :lol:



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Im mostly Chilled behind the wheel But I do lean on the horn if people are lanehogging. My record is well over 2 mins.


The one time I called some a c0cksucker through an open window he chased me for about 10 miles whilst going purple behind his steering wheel. It was a close run thing.

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I hate everyone on the roads when I'm out for a drive and regularly swear at them, not that they can hear but it makes me feel better. (You easily get fecked off when virtually everyone on the road where you live is of retirement age and consequently drives way under the limit).


Also, I quite often give innocent people the V for coming the other way at one of the three overtaking places on the 15 mile journey to work.

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Pet hate - bikers coming the other way on your side of the road. If my window is down i move towards the white line and stick my arm out, clothesline style. They soon get the message.

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