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To sell or not to sell

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Ok, I'm having a bit of a dilemma, do we sell the VR or not? I know most people will be like 'no keep it, you'll regret it' kind of thing but at the moment it's just money going down the drain.


We can't afford to run it and keep it and maintain it really. I've been thinking that we should sell her to someone that will have the time and money to give her the love she deserves :D


The final straw really is the fact it just cost us £610 to get through MOT. That was money we were supposed to be using to go to New York in the summer :cry:


BUT, I've been keeping an eye on sale prices recently and they don't seem to be selling for much at the moment and I don't want to sell if we're going to get really crap money for her.


What do you guys think? What kind of money could we get for an L reg VR in average condition (she's not mint but she's no banger either)?

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Mate... You need to hold onto it, if you've just threw that amount of money at it keep hold of it.... They are at a low price, but saying that this time of year is a buyer market, after xmas and all that :roll:


Should pick up once the spring time beggins... :)

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Probably worth hanging onto it being as you've just spent all that money getting a new ticket for it. Most people cut their losses before the MOT and tax become due, so it would be a total waste of money if you sold it now.


Perhaps just don't use it for a while and rethink in a few months?

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Ryan S, I agree. I could afford mine but it was just taking too much money away from me, no point in keeping it if it's wasting your money away which is meant to go towards other things. It's just a car, plus, there's no stopping you from getting another later on. 12 months MOT is great for sale too.


edit: Funnily enough, mine's for sale to fund a trip to the states.

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Yes we have just spent quite a bit on getting a new MOT but that could be quite a good selling point - 12 months MOT plus new exhaust and various other bits.


Oh, a not using it isn't an option we need two cars and can't afford to get another unless we sell the VR.


Perhaps hold on for another month or two.

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Another reason for selling mine was it was a daily driver - and I kept wanted to spend money on it (damn this infernal modding bug!). So I'm hoping to get a cheap passat and spend my money on the rocco (and possibly the bora).


So if you own it as a car to get from a to b perhaps you should rethink it - however, if you think of it as more than just a cool looking (and sounding) car then bite the bullet and keep it...

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If we could afford it (and had a garage) we'd keep it as a fun/occasional/toy car but we need two (cheap) cars.


When we bought it we were in a completely different situation and did have the money to run it but now we are just using it to get to work and back and she deserves more than that!!

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Prices always pick up in spring/summer.


If you've just sunk all that money into it to get it through the MOT, I'd hold on a bit until the prices go up a bit and sell it then...

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Agree with dinkus, You can get annoyed at a car for costing moneya nd taking money away from something else but at least you know these things are fixed. You get no such guarentees with a new car, it could end up costing you more.


I did the same thing to my old g60 and a year later I have another Corrado sitting outside my house.


TAKE YOUR TIME making the decision to sell. Trust me only do it if you are certain/have to.

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As dinkus said, prices seem to pick up spring/summer so i'd put it up for sale for top dollar if its a gud n' and see how you go. If your not desperate to sell you can bide your time untill a buyer comes along.

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I'd wait a month for the sun to come out, and then sell it with 11 months MOT & all the still new bits.

If you just need a cheap hack, get something that you won't care about remotely, on which parts are cheap (eg. Saxo), that has at least 8 months MOT and then flog after 6. Bangernomics works....

The only downside is that you may find that your hand is forced by your hatred of your drive & you come back to something you care about which then costs you money. If you go down the bangernomics road, be stong!



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If you just need a cheap hack, get something that you won't care about remotely, on which parts are cheap (eg. Saxo), that has at least 8 months MOT and then flog after 6. Bangernomics works...


That's what the golf is, my cheap hack that I don't care about. When/if we sell the VR, we will probably just get a mk2 gti. I don't think the other half would ever entertain the idea of anything other than a VW!

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So whats the Spec on her then??

Get you pictures out lol


1993 Dark Burgundy Pearl VR6 with all the usual corrado bits including ultra rare Karmann interior :lol:

Can't remember exactly but its around 148k ish on the clock

Lowered on Koni FK's

Brand new VAG exhaust (fitted yesterday)

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Difficult one Angela.

I used mine for years as a daily driver, and it's not cheap doing the mileage I was and you are doing, and I also had a HUGE MOT bill 2 years ago.

All that was before I found the club / forum and the bill made me wonder if I should sell.


The club / forum members convinced me to keep it which wasn't a difficult task for them. Late last year I gave up trying to keep it as I wanted while useing it daily and aquired a cheap car off a nephew. Even though I have the cheap car for a city run around I still get chance to rack up the miles in the VR. 800 miles already this month, I'm NOT going to Sheffield again till March ;)


I'm sure your head is saying sell and your heart saying keep. Is there other major stuff needing doing? Getting another car often involves fixing things that caused the owner to want to sell.

How do the running costs of your two cars compare?

Is the VR really that much more expensive day to day, month on month.

How long until you miss the VR so much or you decide finances could stand it so you go out and get another one?


Good luck with the decision.

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I keep having the same dilemma myself, but have now decided to hold on to her. There are a lot of good people and cheap parts on this forum, and provided youre willing to get your hands dirty now and again, you should be ok. How much did your zorst cost? Did you look for a second hand one first? its just that sort of thing which will help you save some pennies.


On the other hand, if its hurting your pocket quite badly then its not worth losing sleep over it, and I'd say sell it, just try to hold on for the weather and market to pick up a bit.


Hope it all works out for you anyway ;)

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Exhaust was £370 ish. Brand new from VAG. We didn't have the time to look for second hand as it needed an exhaust for MOT and we needed MOT asap to get the car back!


If it wasn't for this forum I would've sold it ages ago (actually if it wasn't for this forum I wouldn't have the VR in the first place :lol: ).


I think our decision at the moment is to hang on until spring and then see how we feel about it.

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But whats the VR worth? If you're looking for a cheap runner that costs little to buy, then I'd wait until spring whereby you'll get your asking price for the C. But if you're after a newer car thats intended to be kept for 6 years and is also affected by seasonal pricing, then surely you need to buy that now and sell the C now too. But as said, I guess you're getting a sensible deisel hatch - therefore leave it until April.

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