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M15 VW

Another Rant From A Female Dubber.......

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My nearest VW stealers (Reg Vardy, what a bunch of to$$ers) are the same.


The idiots in the parts dept walk around as though customers are invisible. They just dont give a damn.


I have to drive to another dealer now which is alot further away, but they are one of the last few remaining "old school" vw dealers, which i believe is still owned by the same family as opposed to being part of a group like Reg Vardy etc, so the staff there are old school and actually want you to get the part you need.

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I have to say that most of my experiances with dealer parts departments have been reasonably ok. I have had to guide one guy to the right parts list for the later interiour when I was trying to order new speaker grilles but I guess you cant expect them to know everything about every VW marque.


Garages and women never mix well, a few years back when my sister took her pug 205 in for a service they very kindly changed her indicator bulbs because "they were the wrong colour orange".

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well this is the dealership in bromley which I usually avoid cuz I know they are crap. The sevenoaks one is fab and they are great but I chose the bromley one as we dont live here anymore but its on my way to work.

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On a different note, I decided to find out how much the DOHC cover is as the vr6 estate needs one.....£60! not sure iif that included vat or not :lol: decided against getting a new one :lol:

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You should try being a man and going into an underwear shop/department to buy some frillies for the Mrs!


The shop assisstants don't talk to you at all! They just look at you like you're some sort of pervert!


I know exactly what you mean though. They are generally useless in parts departments. It really is painful watching them use ETKA and you invariably have to point out that they're looking at the wrong car/model/engine spec! Useless.

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You should try being a man and going into an underwear shop/department to buy some frillies for the Mrs!


The shop assisstants don't talk to you at all! They just look at you like you're some sort of pervert!



They aint fecking wrong though!!! :lol:

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i used to go to my local VW garage in petersfield (white rose VW) my missus brother used to work there, but recently left to go to work for Mercedes, due to a disagreement with the other staff, calling them a bunch of F*ckin T*ssers, before walking out. ever since he's gone the staff are the most useless, lazy, unhelpful people ever!!! and i now drive up to Colbornes in Guildford or sometimes go to Whyke Motors in chichester if im off down to Gwerks etc. Why are VW not interested in their customers anymore ?

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no idea. I guess they know we have to give in on most parts and go to them for them so we have no choice

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remember seeing a thread on good/bad vw dealers but cant remember which forum that was.. google hasn't found it for me either..

Usually go to whites in camberley, been pretty helpful, unless its saturday and they are about to close, but sort of to be expected in a way... dealership in reading been average for me, had a massive mixup with parts a while back when I had a mk2 golf which took about 3 visits to sort out, car being in pieces on the drive for a few days wasn't ideal, don't know their name, but its the one near the Madejski stadium

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There are still some good dealerships out there. Listers in Coventry is very good.. everything i've done / had done there i've been very pleased with including general aftersales and the parts guys. I guess i'm lucky!

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You should try being a man and going into an underwear shop/department to buy some frillies for the Mrs!


The shop assisstants don't talk to you at all! They just look at you like you're some sort of pervert!



They aint fecking wrong though!!! :lol:[/quote:f39d6]



Yeah, but they don't actually KNOW that i'm just a pervert not a customer do they Stanley! I should at least get the benefit of the doubt? :)

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I hate to play devils advocate, but............


To be fair, faced with two people they have to pick one.


Chances are if a couple were in a lingere shop the girl would get served first, is that not the same thing the other way round?


amen brother.


I do partly see the salesmans side if it's a couple, as 9 times out of 10 it is going to be the guy dealing with things car related.


but in Lisa's case with the service, it's an idiot you are dealing with, and if I have to ask more than once, I would lose interest in talking to him.


it is worth baring in mind that some people are just idiots, and a guy would have had exactly the same response as you got. I have had similar dealings with VW employees, and half of them I have dealt with have seemed to be carrying less than a full stack of cards. Guys leaving tools in the engine bay, misdiagnosing simple problems, over charging, not being able to use an alarm key fob, less than acceptable communication skills, etc etc

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You should try being a man and going into an underwear shop/department to buy some frillies for the Mrs!


The shop assisstants don't talk to you at all! They just look at you like you're some sort of pervert!



They aint fecking wrong though!!! :lol:[/quote:8aa5c]



Yeah, but they don't actually KNOW that i'm just a pervert not a customer do they Stanley! I should at least get the benefit of the doubt? :)[/quote:8aa5c]


Stop wearing nowt but a dirty mac when you in there then? :lol:

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have to say M15 VW..i know how u feel...happens time after time in my garage..but i think the service manager/parts manager has caught on to it now and just addresses the couple in general....but needless to say..he is a ballbag anyway lol

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I tried ringing my stealers last week,I dont know why I bothered.


It rang out three times No wonder I only do If I have to.


they are hardly inspiring.


and dont even ask for discount you would swear Im from the feckin moon.




on the other hand she goes in flashes her baps gets her oil,free filter and tax disc holder to go....


so...I dunno :p

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just calle dup to check the correct parts were ordered and are in (bare in mind the guy we were dealing has left now).


He managed to order 2 sets of everything left on the list lol


Ah well, going to pick them up later

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dealership in reading been average for me... don't know their name, but its the one near the Madejski stadium


that would be Ridgeway. I've done well with them, always used to get 10% discount just cos I bothered to ask them how there day was etc etc... sometimes it works both ways. Martins in Basingstoke have been gd so far too and pleased to say that the assistant parts manager there is female and seems to know her stuff, was polite, chatted to me about my C and even tried to do the impossible and find me a front vr6 badge! Having said that, I've never ordered anything complicated, just small trim bits but that was before I found CF.


I do know exactly what you mean though Nikki - the patronising tone that some of these guys take on can make you wanna knee em (not that I've ever done so!) and wipe that smug smirk from their face. Fingers crossed for the rest of those parts

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