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Toads 16v and VR6 of doom.

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... I must pretension it up soon.


Don't need to pretension mine up, just give it the word and it's up ready for action...... :camp: :lol:

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... I must pretension it up soon.


Don't need to pretension mine up, just give it the word and it's up ready for action...... :camp: :lol:[/quote:1q3qyply]


Is the word Viagra? :)

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... I must pretension it up soon.


Don't need to pretension mine up, just give it the word and it's up ready for action...... :camp: :lol:


Is the word Viagra? :)[/quote:2q3g3xbo]


My special word is "SNIFFTHEBUSSEAT"

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Today, I removed the front subframe, and set about cleaning the engine bay and getting ready to fit the new subframe.


__Andy__ came over and gave me a bit of a hand with cleaning the bay, got to a stage where it's pretty clean, there's still some stuck on waxoyl/dirt, but it's protecting the paint, so I don't want to remove it. I have a few spots to touch up and repaint, and then will put the subframe back in, and waxoyl everything. The car is there to be used, so I want the paint protected. Function over form for me.


Needed to move my interior from my old bedroom, so have installed it in the car. Will all be coming out again I expect, but it makes it feel like a real car again.


Pics below...

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Nice mate, very nice. Definitely should be proud of yourself.


Hoping to get down to say hello and help out if I can mate. Got to pay you back for all those special cuddles.....

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good to see you today tom, more then happy to help out anytime... shes coming along nicely now, certainly changed since i last saw it surrounded in straw and full of spare parts. deffinately sold me on the ipod adaptor, got my eyes peeled on the bay for one.


cheers for the fuses,and checking over the connections, tryed it on the way home and works fine, fingers crossed the last couple of fuses i tryed were just on thier last legs..


sorry about the vino dude, ill get some beers next time :D

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Cheers guys. Is nice to feel like it's coming together.


Keep thinking up more jobs for it. Need to take the arch liners out and clean the arches right out. Will let the puddle from today subside first though. Got a lot of little brackets to clean up and repaint and refit. Will get on with that this week in the evenings.


Andy, that is a bit weird that it blew those fuses in the first place. Everything seemed ok today though, so hopefully it was just one of those things... :shrug:


Cheers for the wine, I did appreciate it, and it was no problems picking those parts up for you. Just let me know when you want to look at fitting the cams. :)

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no worries buddy, really appreciate you picking those bits up for me, must sort judith, kip and jay out for getting them and bringing them to the national day..


ill deff be looking into the bits i need v soon, once ive got the money ill buy the tappet's and gasket's required, i know they would be fine but im anal about things like that and would rather have a nice quiet engine... :clap: your help doin it etc will be mostly appreciated. :notworthy:


give me a shout anytime you need a hand with the vr, or cutting up those shells, more then happy to help... and as i mentioned earlier today if there are any bits you need from my blue one just let me know..

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Engine bay is solid, just a few little scrapes, and marks, nothing serious. Underneath, KipVR did a really good thread, but in addition to what he said, the holes under the rear seats where the ABS cables pop through, and the rear beam pivot brackets are pretty cack.


Good luck with yours! I'm going to have to borrow a ramp and sort my underside out when it's back on the road, just need to get it going and road legal at the moment.

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Yeah I noticed the rear ABS sensor holes on mine had surface rust where the underseal had peeled away when we did the subframe :(


I'm actually quite looking forward to sorting out the rusty areas and getting some wax under there. Then it's just the cack paintwork I need to sort out :)

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but in addition to what he said, the holes under the rear seats where the ABS cables pop through, and the rear beam pivot brackets are pretty cack.


Oh yeah mine was rusty there too, but I forgot to mention them :D


I've just finished repainting mine on Friday, and due to start re-waxing everything next week. The VW stonechip is excellent if you ever get to doing that. Nice progress there buddy, roll on the VR......

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hey pal, glad to see it's coming together and my bits are being put to good use.


kee us all updated :)


i'll have to stop in and say hi next time i'm down that way - besides, i think you may apprecaite a spin in my new motor :D

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Engine bay is gonna look superb when it's all finished... in five years' time :lol: Good work, chap. Will be interested to see what you think of the RARB :)

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I've just finished repainting mine on Friday, and due to start re-waxing everything next week. The VW stonechip is excellent if you ever get to doing that. Nice progress there buddy, roll on the VR......


I do have a nice can of stonechip to start throwing around the car somewhen soon hopefully... :) Going to wax everything thoroughly as soon as I get the chance, think being stripped down in this weather is ideal for encouraging any moisture out...


hey pal, glad to see it's coming together and my bits are being put to good use.


kee us all updated :)


i'll have to stop in and say hi next time i'm down that way - besides, i think you may apprecaite a spin in my new motor :D


Cheers dude. Would be nice to see the Evo, definitly got a soft spot for them :)


Haven't forgot your sensor by the way Tom...well....I have, but you know what I mean :lol:


I'll post it out tomorrow :)


Picked the sensor up today, cheers!


Unless he forgets to of course. :lol:




Engine bay is gonna look superb when it's all finished... in five years' time :lol: Good work, chap. Will be interested to see what you think of the RARB :)


:lol: I need it done by September to take to a wedding! Lol. I'm looking forward to investigating the RARB too...

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Been buying paint and filler and thinking about the car, not actually doing a great deal until this afternoon though...


Finally got the grinder out with the wire wheel and set about the main rust patches on the wings and rear arch, and those in the engine bay including a lot of surface rust around the battery tray. Have now put down 2 coats of etch primer on all these areas, ready for filler in the real arch and filler primer on the wings. I'm not too fussed about filling patches in the engine bay, they areas will mostly be hidden by engine anyway so as long as they are white and the rust is kept at bay I'm happy.


Need to raise the spoiler tomorrow and set about rust on the boot lid and rear panel, and reconstructing the drivers side arch around the lower fixing hole for the inner arch liner. Going to help a mate move house tomorrow too, so won't get quite enough time, but hopefully will get a layer of filler in the holes which I'll build on over the week.

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Great work Tom. You make me feel very guilty as all my efforts have gone into the Golf over the past couple of months and the Corrado had been left to gather dust :nono:

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