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To paint or not to paint, that is the question..

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Finally dragged my Corrado out of the garage today (rolling shell). The engine bay is going to need painting, as will the whole interior as it's getting a weld in cage next week. Thing is, I want rid of the door mirrors too, so that means the doors need doing. one rear quarter has a scratch on the arch where I broke the window taking it out and the seal with broken glass in it whacked the arch.


the bumpers aren't too clever as the rear one has a nice new scratch in it where my neighbours little get of a kid ran a screwdriver down it today (which made me shout at him a little bit...he cried his eyes out, I felt awful). Tailgate has a tiny scratch on it which you can hardly see but I know it's there.


Roof is off, bonnet is like new, had that painted recently but I want a carbon one anyway!. Had the wings done last year too, but I've caught one of them and scraped it, and the other side has a dent in it where a broom handle fell onto it!


Probably made it sound worse than it is, but being stuck in the garage since september 2005 it's taken a fair few knocks.


Problem is, I really don't want to be spending money on paint when I've got so much else to do to the car, but now it's stripped it's seems daft not to paint it (windows are also out you see). Do you reckon it's worth breaking the bank to have it done now or am I risking it taking even more damage whilst I'm building it up? worth painting the interior and engine bay myself then getting the other bits done once it's a working, driveable car??


Also......seems ideal time to do a colour change! like the dark burgundy pearl in the sunlight, but it looks awful i the dark or dull light, goes a maky purple which I hate.

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it makes sense to have it done now, but you already know that fella.


gonna cost (time/money) a lot more if you get it done laters

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sounds like if you're after a colour change then you should get it done and then invest in 3 industrial size rolls of bubble wrap!

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i would paint it now, it makes sense while its all stripped.

what colour are you thinking of paul??

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I reckon if you re-read your post you'll see loads of reasons to get it done now and only one not to, which would be break the bank but hey, you own a Corrado lol


I think the most valid point is...


but I know it's there


which won't go away EVER, that is until you get it sorted!


I say go for it and feel chuffed when it's done. oh and post some pix of progress!!

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how about a DIY matt black? cheap, plus gives you a colour change to keep the project fresh........im sure you'll do a good job of it an think it'll make it looks extra hard(with the right wheels--hmmm,orange ones maybe) ;) 8)

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Your always best off painting when the car is in pieces, you could do a real nice inside out paintjob on it now without the fear of the thing i hate the most, overspray!!

TBH the way to do it is to paint the inside of the shell and the engine bay but leave all the outside, door shuts etc until the motor and running gear is in. This way you can mask the window holes from the inside, mask the engine bay leavin the wing rails & slam panels then paint the "shell" with the doors, bonnet and boot lid off so you can get in to do the door checks and boot shuts etc. Then you can paint the doors, bonnet,bumpers & boot on panel stands off the car so you can paint the inside and out of them.

I spoke to coxylaad this week about doing his car in exactly the same way, you will kick yourself later on if you dont do it now !!!

I know my way around the painting aspect of cars so any questions just fire away !



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Do it Phat, you know it makes sense now whilst it is in kit form.


Just make sure you get it put together quickly once it has been painted!! (Like I can talk about getting projects done quickly ;))

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Paul, you just have a thing for orange......


Oh Yeah, and paint it now, otherwise It'll be a right ball ache later! Just don't get mad with your phone in the garage and throw it at it ;)

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well, paint is definitely out the window now.


Didn't realise the quote for the cage was PLUS VAT, so that's the budget well and truly blown.


Also, it didn't look too bad once I'd washed all the dust off it.

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